Class TLcyPIMTrackAddOn

@Deprecated public class TLcyPIMTrackAddOn extends ALcyPreferencesAddOn
This add-on was written for demo purposes. We don't recommend using it in a production system. See the Support a custom realtime format tutorial and Support custom data in Lucy documentation for more information on how to add your own realtime format to Lucy. There is also the samples.lucy.trajectory.Main sample which illustrates how to add an editable real-time format to Lucy.

The PIM track addon provides functionality for creating and editing 'Plan of Intended Movements'. A PIM is a trajectory of a track (such as vehicles, vessels and aircraft), over time. It consists of a polyline describing the trajectory, the waypoints describing all points of the polyline, and the speed of the vehicle following the trajectory. In combination with for example the TLcyPreviewAddOn these tracks can be displayed in function of the current preview time.

An ALcyFormatBar is used to provide a tool bar containing buttons to conveniently draw and edit PIM tracks. As a result, the TLcyPIMTrackAddOn requires the TLcyFormatBarAddOn (or equivalent) to show its tool bar for drawing new PIM tracks.

This add-ons also allows to load and save those trajectories, and has full workspace support.

See Also:
  • Field Details


      @Deprecated public static final TLcyGroupDescriptor PIM_TRACK_GROUP_DESCRIPTOR
      This group descriptor is no longer used. Please refer the configuration file of this add-on to know which groups are being used.
  • Constructor Details

    • TLcyPIMTrackAddOn

      public TLcyPIMTrackAddOn()
      Creates a new TLcyPIMTrackAddOn.
  • Method Details