Interface ILcdAltitudeProvider

All Known Implementing Classes:
ALcdDensityBasedElevationProvider, ALcdModelBasedTerrainElevationProvider, ALcdRasterTerrainElevationProvider, ALcdTerrainElevationProvider, TLcdDensityBasedRasterElevationProvider, TLcdFixedHeightAltitudeProvider, TLcdFixedLevelBasedRasterElevationProvider, TLcdGXYViewBasedTerrainElevationProvider, TLcdHeightProviderAdapter, TLcdViewBasedTerrainElevationProvider

public interface ILcdAltitudeProvider

Provides altitude data. The altitude values, provided by implementation of this interface, should be interpreted as defined by the altitude mode (from getAltitudeMode()). Special values should be interpreted as defined by the altitude descriptor (from getAltitudeDescriptor()).

If no altitude value can be found for the specified point, the provider should return a value with an appropriate interpretation. For example, when a point is chosen outside the bounds of the elevation raster data, the value corresponding to the interpretation OUTSIDE_RASTER_BOUNDS can be returned.

  • Method Details

    • retrieveAltitudeAt

      double retrieveAltitudeAt(ILcdPoint aPoint, ILcdGeoReference aPointReference)

      Returns the altitude in meters for the specified point. The representation of this value is defined by the altitude mode (from getAltitudeMode()) and the altitude descriptor (from getAltitudeDescriptor()).

      If no altitude value can be found for the specified point, the provider should return a value with an appropriate interpretation. For example, when a point is chosen outside the bounds of the elevation raster data, the value corresponding to the interpretation OUTSIDE_RASTER_BOUNDS can be returned.

      aPoint - The location for which to retrieve the altitude.
      aPointReference - The reference in which the point is defined.
      the altitude in meters for the specified point.
    • getPreferredReference

      ILcdGeoReference getPreferredReference()

      Returns the preferred reference for this altitude provider. This reference is the reference with the best performance when used as a parameter in the method retrieveAltitudeAt(com.luciad.shape.ILcdPoint, com.luciad.reference.ILcdGeoReference). It is perfectly correct to use points with other references. It will be faster to use the preferred one.

      For performance reasons, the preferred reference should be the reference of the available altitude data to minimize the number of point transformations.

      Keep in mind that this method can return null if no preferred reference is available.

      the preferred reference of this altitude provider. Note that this method can return null if no preferred reference is available.
      See Also:
    • getAltitudeDescriptor

      TLcdAltitudeDescriptor getAltitudeDescriptor()
      Returns the descriptor which describes how to interpret the altitude values.
      the descriptor which describes how to interpret the altitude values.
    • getAltitudeMode

      TLcdCoverageAltitudeMode getAltitudeMode()
      Returns the mode in which the altitude values are defined.
      the mode in which the altitude values are defined.