Class TLspRadarVideoStyle

All Implemented Interfaces:

public final class TLspRadarVideoStyle extends ALspStyle
Style that configures the visualization of a radar video layer. Radar video styles can be created using the supplied TLspRadarVideoStyle.Builder. The following screenshot is an example of what a radar video layer might display:
Example of a radar layer
What follows is an overview of the elements of the radar display and how they can be configured using this style.


The circular area covered by the radar is filled in a constant color as given by getBackgroundColor() (dark gray in the screenshot). It is possible to use a translucent color so that any background data is visible through the radar feed.

Detected objects

Objects detected by the radar (also referred to as "blips") are colored using getBlipColor() (green in the screenshot). After the sweep has passed them, blips begin to fade into the background color over a time interval determined by getBlipAfterglow().
If a blip is not "confirmed" by a subsequent pass of the radar (i.e. an object that was previously detected appears to be no longer there), the blip changes from the blip color to getBlipAfterglowColor(). This allows the user to visually distinguish "fresh" blips from ones that are only still visible due to afterglow. If the afterglow color is set to null, the blip color is always used and this visual distinction will not be made.
The blip/afterglow color is modulated by the amplitude of the blip, i.e. blips with a high amplitude will be more clearly visible. A blip with maximal amplitude will always have the exact blip color specified by this style.

Improving the "readability" of the display

The getIntensity() property can be used to bias the intensity of the blips and bring out more contrast in the display. The default value is 1. Higher values increase the intensity of the blips, lower values decrease it. The intensity setting has no effect on blips which already have maximal amplitude; it only makes blips with a lower amplitude appear brighter.

If the radar signal contains a lot of noise, getAmplitudeThreshold() can be used to filter out cells which produced only a low amplitude. The threshold is a normalized value: 0 means that all non-zero amplitudes are displayed, and 1 means that only cells which have the highest possible amplitude are kept.

The radar video feed can also be antialiased. This reduces "shimmering" effects for feeds that have a lot of noise or other high-frequency detail. Antialiasing incurs a performance penalty, obviously, and is therefore configurable by a quality hint.

  • Method Details

    • newBuilder

      public static TLspRadarVideoStyle.Builder<?> newBuilder()
      Creates a new builder with the default values.
      the new builder.
    • asBuilder

      public TLspRadarVideoStyle.Builder<?> asBuilder()
      Creates a new builder initialized with all the properties of this style.
      Specified by:
      asBuilder in class ALspStyle
      the new builder.
    • getBlipColor

      public Color getBlipColor()
      Returns the blip color used to visualize the detected objects.
      the blip color
    • getBlipAfterglowColor

      public Color getBlipAfterglowColor()
      Returns the afterglow color used to visualize objects that were not detected by the last pass of the radar but which are still visible due to afterglow. If the afterglow color is set to null, the blip color is used (so current blips cannot be visually distinguished from fading ones).
      the afterglow color
    • getBackgroundColor

      public Color getBackgroundColor()
      Returns the background color used to visualize the circular area covered by the radar.
      the background color
    • getBlipAfterglow

      public double getBlipAfterglow()
      Returns the afterglow duration of the blips. This is used to fade the blips over time. After the time specified, the blip will completely disappear. The interpretation of the afterglow duration depends on the afterglow mode. It is either measured in seconds or as the number of full 360 degree sweeps of the radar.
      the afterglow duration of the blips in seconds
    • getBlipAfterglowMode

      public TLspRadarVideoStyle.AfterglowMode getBlipAfterglowMode()
      Determines the interpretation of the blip afterglow time. If set to TLspRadarVideoStyle.AfterglowMode.ABSOLUTE, the afterglow is measured in seconds. If set to TLspRadarVideoStyle.AfterglowMode.RELATIVE, the afterglow is defined as a number of full 360 degree sweeps of the radar.
      the interpretation of the blip afterglow duration
    • getAmplitudeThreshold

      public double getAmplitudeThreshold()
      Returns the minimum amplitude required for a blip to be displayed, normalized into [0, 1] range. This can be used to filter out cells which produced only a low amplitude.
      the minimum displayed blip amplitude
    • getIntensity

      public double getIntensity()
      Returns the intensity of the blips. Higher values increase the intensity of the blips, lower values decrease it. This can be used to bias the intensity of the blips and bring out more contrast in the display.
      the intensity of the blips
    • getAntialiasingHint

      public TLspRadarVideoStyle.AntialiasingHint getAntialiasingHint()
      Returns the amount of antialiasing to be applied to the radar video feed. Antialiasing can reduce visual artifacts when displaying high-frequency data at low zoom levels, but incurs a performance cost. Since noise can also be filtered out at no cost by changing the amplitude threshold, antialiasing is disabled by default. This should be fine for most data, but you can enable antialiasing if you don't want to use the amplitude threshold or if that alone does not solve all aliasing artifacts for your data.
      the amount of antialiasing applied to the data
    • isTransparent

      public boolean isTransparent()
      Description copied from class: ALspStyle
      Determines whether this style is transparent.

      Shapes that are transparent can be painted in a different paint phase than shapes that are not transparent.

      Specified by:
      isTransparent in class ALspStyle
      whether or not this style is transparent
    • equals

      public boolean equals(Object o)
      equals in class ALspStyle
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      hashCode in class ALspStyle