Interface ILcyLucyEnv

All Superinterfaces:
EventListener, ILcdPropertyChangeSource, ILcdStatusListener, ILcdStatusSource, ILcyModelDecoderContainer, ILcyModelEncoderContainer

This is the central backend of Lucy where all add-ons are registered, to which add-ons can add functionality and from which already added functionality can be retrieved. The following figure shows where the back-end is situated in relation to the other parts of Lucy.

Lucy overview

This interface is the back-end core of Lucy. It is the basic point where add-ons of Lucy and Lucy itself can:

  • register certain extensions, like an add-on providing its own layer factory, or an additional object customizer factory, ... . For this the service mechanism is used (see below).
  • retrieve all types of information, like the ILcyMapManager, the default user directory, the default format for coordinates, ...

The functionality of this back-end is split up in several managers:

Most of the methods of ILcyLucyEnv are shortcuts for methods found in one of these managers, with the exception of:
  • Methods for setting and retrieving the screen resolution.
  • Methods for user units and formats.
  • Methods for setting and retrieving the state of the Lucy application.
  • Methods for time-dependent models.
  • Methods for the status listener mechanism.

Services mechanism

The Lucy back-end provides a mechanism to share objects between different parts of Lucy without creating a hard dependency between those parts. This mechanism is called the services mechanism. You can see it as a giant bag: objects can be put in the bag with addService(Object), and removed from the bag with removeService(Object). It is also possible to request from the bag all objects that extend or implement a certain class or interface. See getServices(Class) and getService(Class) for more information.

An overview of what classes and interfaces the default Lucy add-ons register in the services registry can be found in the extended service documentation. The Lucy developer guide contains some examples on how to use this mechanism.

Status events

This interface extends ILcdStatusListener and at the same time is a producer of status events (because of methods addStatusListener and removeStatusListener). The idea is that an ILcyLucyEnv can be used as a listener to time consuming tasks that produce TLcdStatusEvents. GUI widgets that want to take care of status events (typically a status bar or a popup window displaying a progress bar) can than register themselves to ILcyLucyEnv. To achieve this, implementations have to redispatch all events they receive to all associated listeners. And add-ons that perform time consuming tasks (like decoding a large file) should register the ILcyLucyEnv as a ILcdStatusListener to the time consuming thing (the decoder). It is also possible to fire a TLcdStatusEvent with ID 'TLcdStatusEvent.MESSAGE', to simply display that message in the status bar (without being related to progress).

This interface is subject to change, use the available factories (TLcyLucyEnvFactory and TLcyTabbedPaneLucyEnvFactory) to create instances that implement this interface and do not use delegation.

Please refer to the package comment for a description of the relation between this back-end and the other parts of the Lucy framework.

See Also:
  • Field Details

  • Method Details

    • addPropertyChangeListener

      void addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener aListener)

      Registers the given PropertyChangeListener to be notified when this object's properties change.

      In case you need to register a listener which keeps a reference to an object with a shorter life-time than this change source, you can use a ALcdWeakPropertyChangeListener instance as property change listener.

      Specified by:
      addPropertyChangeListener in interface ILcdPropertyChangeSource
      aListener - The listener to be notified
      See Also:
    • removePropertyChangeListener

      void removePropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener aListener)

      De-registers the given PropertyChangeListener from receiving property change events for this object.

      If the listener was added more than once, it will be notified one less time after being removed. If the listener is null, or was never added, no exception is thrown and no action is taken.

      Specified by:
      removePropertyChangeListener in interface ILcdPropertyChangeSource
      aListener - the listener that should no longer be notified of changes of this object's properties
      See Also:
    • getPropertyChangeListeners

      Enumeration getPropertyChangeListeners()
      Returns all registered PropertyChangeListeners.
      all registered PropertyChangeListeners.
    • addAddOnContainerListener

      void addAddOnContainerListener(ILcyAddOnContainerListener aAddOnContainerListener)
      Adds the given addon container listener to this lucy environment. Events will be fired upon plugging and unplugging addons.
      aAddOnContainerListener - The listener to add.
      See Also:
    • removeAddOnContainerListener

      void removeAddOnContainerListener(ILcyAddOnContainerListener aAddOnContainerListener)
      Removes the given addon container listener from this lucy environment. Nothing will happen if the listener was never added or when it is already removed.
      aAddOnContainerListener - The listener to remove.
      See Also:
    • addLucyEnvListener

      void addLucyEnvListener(ILcyLucyEnvListener aLucyEnvListener)
      Adds the given lucy env listener to this lucy environment. Events will be fired upon initializing, closing and disposing of this lucy env.
      aLucyEnvListener - The listener to add.
      See Also:
    • removeLucyEnvListener

      void removeLucyEnvListener(ILcyLucyEnvListener aLucyEnvListener)
      Removes the given lucy env listener from this lucy environment. Nothing will happen if the listener was never added or when it is already removed.
      aLucyEnvListener - The listener to remove.
      See Also:
    • getDefaultDataDirectory

      @Deprecated String getDefaultDataDirectory()
      Returns the default directory where data file's can be found.
      the default directory where data file's can be found.
    • getDefaultUserDirectory

      @Deprecated String getDefaultUserDirectory()
      uses the method getDefaultDataDirectory() to retrieve the user directory.
      Returns the default directory where the user wants to load/save files.
      the default directory where the user wants to load/save files.
    • getDefaultResourceDirectory

      @Deprecated String getDefaultResourceDirectory()
      uses the method getDefaultDataDirectory() to retrieve the resource directory.
      Returns the default directory where resource files can be found.
      the default directory where resource files can be found.
    • getMapManager

      TLcyMapManager getMapManager()

      Returns the TLcyMapManager associated with this ILcyLucyEnv. Use the map manager to retrieve all ILcyMapComponents currently available in Lucy and/or to be notified about the creation of new maps or the removal of existing ones.

      This map manager only deals with ILcyMapComponent instances (GXY views), not with Lightspeed maps (ILcyLspMapComponent). If your application only works with Lightspeed maps, you can use the following code to retrieve the Lightspeed map components:

         TLcyLspMapManager mapManager = aLucyEnv.getService( TLcyLspMapManager.class );
         //retrieve for example the active map component
         ILcyGenericMapComponent<ILspView,ILspLayer> activeMap = mapManager.getActiveMapComponent();
         ILspView view = activeMap.getMainView();

      Note that the TLcyLspMapManager will only be available after the TLcyLspMapAddOn has been plugged in. As an alternative, you can use the getCombinedMapManager() to find the Lightspeed map components. The benefit is that combined map manager is always available on the Lucy back-end. The drawback is that it returns generic map components, so you will have to do a cast.

         TLcyCombinedMapManager mapManager = aLucyEnv.getCombinedMapManager();
         //retrieve for example the active map component
         ILcyGenericMapComponent<?,?> activeMap = mapManager.getActiveMapComponent();
         //if you know your application contains only Lightspeed maps, you can safely cast
         //if you mix GXY and Lightspeed maps, you will need to use an instance of check since
         //the combined map manager can return GXY and Lightspeed maps
         ILspView view = (ILspView)activeMap.getMainView();
      the TLcyMapManager associated with this ILcyLucyEnv.
    • getCombinedMapManager

      TLcyCombinedMapManager getCombinedMapManager()

      Returns the TLcyCombinedMapManager associated with this ILcyLucyEnv.

      Use this combined map manager as the central access point to the registered map managers of the Lucy environment: GXY based maps, Lightspeed based maps etc.

      the TLcyCombinedMapManager associated with this ILcyLucyEnv.
      See Also:
    • getWorkspaceManager

      TLcyWorkspaceManager getWorkspaceManager()
      Returns the TLcyWorkspaceManager associated with this ILcyLucyEnv. Use this workspace manager to register your workspace codecs, codec delegates and object codecs and/or to be notified when workspace encoding and decoding starts.
      The TLcyWorkspaceManager associated with this ILcyLucyEnv.
    • getCompositeModelCustomizerFactory

      @Deprecated ILcyModelCustomizerFactory getCompositeModelCustomizerFactory()
      Returns the model customizer factory which is the composite factory of all added model customizers.
      the model customizer factory which is the composite factory of all added model customizers.
    • addModelCustomizerFactory

      @Deprecated void addModelCustomizerFactory(ILcyModelCustomizerFactory aModelCustomizerFactory)
      A more powerful ILcyCustomizerPanel framework has been introduced aside of this functionality. Please note that all existing uses of this mechanism, both adding custom implementations and retrieving implementations added by Lucy addons, keep on working. It is however strongly recommended to use the ILcyCustomizerPanel mechanism for new code. Please refer to the Lucy developer's guide or TLcyUserInterfaceManager.getCompositeCustomizerPanelFactory() for more information on the new mechanism.
      Adds a given model customizer factory. This factory will be included in the composite model customizer factory. This allows an addon to provide lucy with its own type of model customizers for its models.
      aModelCustomizerFactory - The model customizer factory to add.
      See Also:
    • removeModelCustomizerFactory

      @Deprecated void removeModelCustomizerFactory(ILcyModelCustomizerFactory aModelCustomizerFactory)
      Removes the given model customizer factory. The factory will also be removed from the composite factory. Has no effect if the factory was never added.
      aModelCustomizerFactory - The factory to remove.
    • getModelCustomizerFactoryCount

      @Deprecated int getModelCustomizerFactoryCount()
      Returns the number of associated model customizer factories.
      the number of associated model customizer factories.
    • getModelCustomizerFactory

      @Deprecated ILcyModelCustomizerFactory getModelCustomizerFactory(int aIndex)
      Returns the model customizer factory at the given index.
      aIndex - The index of the factory to retrieve. 0 <= aIndex < getModelCustomizerFactoryCount()
      the model customizer factory at the given index.
    • getCompositeObjectCustomizerFactory

      @Deprecated ILcyObjectCustomizerFactory getCompositeObjectCustomizerFactory()
      Returns the object customizer factory which is the combined factory of all added object customizer factories. This composite factory can provide a certain Customizer ( a GUI ) to customize a given model object.
      The composite object customizer factory of the lucy environment.
    • addObjectCustomizerFactory

      @Deprecated void addObjectCustomizerFactory(ILcyObjectCustomizerFactory aObjectCustomizerFactory)
      A more powerful ILcyCustomizerPanel framework has been introduced aside of this functionality. Please note that all existing uses of this mechanism, both adding custom implementations and retrieving implementations added by Lucy addons, keep on working. It is however strongly recommended to use the ILcyCustomizerPanel mechanism for new code. Please refer to the Lucy developer's guide or TLcyUserInterfaceManager.getCompositeCustomizerPanelFactory() for more information on the new mechanism.
      Adds a given object customizer factory. This customizer factory will be included in the composite object customizer factory. This allows an addon to provide lucy with its own type of customizers for its model objects.
      aObjectCustomizerFactory - The object customizer factory to add.
      See Also:
    • removeObjectCustomizerFactory

      @Deprecated void removeObjectCustomizerFactory(ILcyObjectCustomizerFactory aObjectCustomizerFactory)
      Removes the given object customizer factory from the combined factory.
      aObjectCustomizerFactory - The factory to remove.
    • getObjectCustomizerFactoryCount

      @Deprecated int getObjectCustomizerFactoryCount()
      Returns the number of associated object customizer factories.
      the number of associated object customizer factories.
    • getObjectCustomizerFactory

      @Deprecated ILcyObjectCustomizerFactory getObjectCustomizerFactory(int aIndex)
      Returns the object customizer factory at the given index.
      aIndex - The index of the object customizer factory to retrieve. 0 <= aIndex < getObjectCustomizerFactoryCount
      the object customizer factory at the given index.
    • getCompositeCustomizerFactory

      @Deprecated ILcyCustomizerFactory getCompositeCustomizerFactory()
      Returns the customizer factory which is the combined factory of all added customizer factories. This composite factory can provide a certain Customizer ( a GUI ) to customize a given object.
      The composite object customizer factory of the lucy environment.
    • addCustomizerFactory

      @Deprecated void addCustomizerFactory(ILcyCustomizerFactory aCustomizerFactory)
      A more powerful ILcyCustomizerPanel framework has been introduced aside of this functionality. Please note that all existing uses of this mechanism, both adding custom implementations and retrieving implementations added by Lucy addons, keep on working. It is however strongly recommended to use the ILcyCustomizerPanel mechanism for new code. Please refer to the Lucy developer's guide or TLcyUserInterfaceManager.getCompositeCustomizerPanelFactory() for more information on the new mechanism.
      Adds a given customizer factory. This customizer factory will be included in the composite customizer factory. This allows an addon to provide lucy with its own type of customizers for its Objects. This object can be anything, a ILcdGXYLayer, ...
      aCustomizerFactory - The object customizer factory to add.
      See Also:
    • removeCustomizerFactory

      @Deprecated void removeCustomizerFactory(ILcyCustomizerFactory aCustomizerFactory)
      Removes the given customizer factory from the composite factory.
      aCustomizerFactory - The factory to remove.
    • getCustomizerFactoryCount

      @Deprecated int getCustomizerFactoryCount()
      Returns the number of associated customizer factories.
      the number of associated customizer factories.
    • getCustomizerFactory

      @Deprecated ILcyCustomizerFactory getCustomizerFactory(int aIndex)
      Returns the customizer factory at the given index.
      aIndex - The index of the customizer factory to retrieve. 0 <= aIndex < getCustomizerFactoryCount
      the customizer factory at the given index.
    • getCompositeSimulatorModelFactory

      @Deprecated ILcySimulatorModelFactory getCompositeSimulatorModelFactory()
      use a (new) back-end based TLcyCompositeSimulatorModelFactory instance instead.
      Returns the simulator model factory which is the composite simulator model factory for all associated simulator model factories.
      the composite simulator model factory.
      See Also:
    • addSimulatorModelFactory

      @Deprecated void addSimulatorModelFactory(ILcySimulatorModelFactory aSimulatorModelFactory)
      Add the ILcySimulatorModelFactory to a (new) back-end based TLcyCompositeSimulatorModelFactory instance or register the factory directly to the Lucy services (see addService(Object))
      Adds the given simulator model factory to the associated list of simulator model factories.
      aSimulatorModelFactory - The simulator model factory to add.
      See Also:
    • removeSimulatorModelFactory

      @Deprecated void removeSimulatorModelFactory(ILcySimulatorModelFactory aSimulatorModelFactory)
      Remove the ILcySimulatorModelFactory from a (new) back-end based TLcyCompositeSimulatorModelFactory instance or remove the factory directly from the Lucy services (see removeService(Object))
      Removes the given simulator model factory from the associated list of simulator model factories. Nothing happens if the given simulator model factory was never added.
      aSimulatorModelFactory - The simulator model factory to remove.
      See Also:
    • getSimulatorModelFactoryCount

      @Deprecated int getSimulatorModelFactoryCount()
      Use a (new) back-end based TLcyCompositeSimulatorModelFactory instance or count the number of registered ILcySimulatorModelFactory service objects (see getServices(Class)).
      Returns the number of associated simulator model factories.
      the number of associated simulator model factories.
      See Also:
    • getSimulatorModelFactory

      @Deprecated ILcySimulatorModelFactory getSimulatorModelFactory(int aIndex)
      Use a (new) back-end based TLcyCompositeSimulatorModelFactory instance or use the registered ILcySimulatorModelFactory service objects (see getServices(Class)).
      Returns the simulator model factory at the given index.
      aIndex - The index to retrieve the simulator model factory for.
      The simulator model factory at the given index.
      See Also:
    • getAddOnCount

      int getAddOnCount()
      Returns the number of plugged addons.
      the number of loaded addons.
      See Also:
    • getAddOn

      ALcyAddOn getAddOn(int aIndex)
      Returns the addon at the given index.
      aIndex - The index to retrieve the addon for.
      the addon at the given index.
      See Also:
    • plugAddOn

      void plugAddOn(ALcyAddOn aAddOn)
      Plugs the given addon into this lucy env. The addons plugInto method will be invoked by this method. An event will be fired to all addon container listeners.
      aAddOn - The addon to plug
    • unplugAddOn

      void unplugAddOn(ALcyAddOn aAddOn)
      Unplugs the given addon from this lucy env. The addons unplugFrom method will be invoked by this method.
      aAddOn - The addon to unplug.
    • retrieveAddOnByClass

      <T extends ALcyAddOn> T retrieveAddOnByClass(Class<T> aAddOnClass)
      Retrieves the actual instance of an add-on, given the class of the add-on. It preferably returns an add-on instance that matches exactly with the given class, but it can also return a (compatible) sub-class.
      aAddOnClass - The class of the add-on to retrieve the instance for.
      the actual instance of an add-on, or null if no such instance exists.
      See Also:
    • retrieveAddOnByClassName

      ALcyAddOn retrieveAddOnByClassName(String aAddOnClassName)
      Retrieves the actual instance of an add-on, given the class name of the add-on. It preferably returns an add-on instance that matches exactly with the given class name, but it can also return a (compatible) sub-class.
      aAddOnClassName - The name of the class of the add-on to retrieve the instance for. Should be the full name of the class (e.g. and not TLcyMapAddOn).
      the actual instance of an add-on, or null if no such instance exists.
      See Also:
    • addStatusListener

      void addStatusListener(ILcdStatusListener aListener)
      Adds the given listener to this ILcyLucyEnv. From this point on the listener will receive all TLcdStatusEvents this ILcyLucyEnv receives. Intended to be able to register GUI widgets to take care of the TLcdStatusEvents.
      Specified by:
      addStatusListener in interface ILcdStatusSource
      aListener - The listener to add.
      See Also:
    • removeStatusListener

      void removeStatusListener(ILcdStatusListener aListener)
      Removes the given ILcdStatusListener from this ILcyLucyEnv
      Specified by:
      removeStatusListener in interface ILcdStatusSource
      aListener - The listener to remove.
      See Also:
    • getLucyEnvState

      int getLucyEnvState()
      the current state of the ILcyLucyEnv.
    • setLucyEnvState

      void setLucyEnvState(int aLucyEnvState) throws TLcyVetoException
      Puts this ILcyLucyEnv in the given state. This method should be invoked from the frontend, not from an add-on.

      The possible states that can be set are:

      4. STATE_CLOSED,
      States must be set in the order mentioned above. For example, when the current state is STATE_INITIALIZING, the only valid state to set is STATE_INITIALIZED. When the current state is STATE_INITIALIZED, it can only be set to STATE_CLOSING, and so on. The initial state of a ILcyLucyEnv is STATE_UNDEFINED. After it has changed, the ILcyLucyEnv can never go back to the state STATE_UNDEFINED.

      Vetoing changes

      Changing the state fires a TLcyLucyEnvEvent to all associated ILcyLucyEnvListeners. Those listeners can veto the change: they can throw a TLcyVetoException if they don't agree with the change, causing the state to be reverted to the original state. This is useful if add-ons want to prevent closing the application from e.g. a popup dialog. The mechanism is similar to Java's PropertyVetoException mechanism.
      aLucyEnvState - The new state of the lucy environment.
      TLcyVetoException - In case a listener has vetoed the change. The state will stick to its old value in that case.
    • setLucyEnvState

      void setLucyEnvState(int aLucyEnvState, Runnable aRevokeVetoRunnable) throws TLcyVetoException
      Puts this ILcyLucyEnv in the given state, with the ability for a listener to revoke its veto. Refer to setLucyEnvState(int) for more information.
      aLucyEnvState - The new state of the lucy environment.
      aRevokeVetoRunnable - A runnable to revoke a veto. It typically re-triggers the action that was veto'ed in the first place. For example, if exiting the application was veto'ed, this action tries to exit once more.
      TLcyVetoException - In case a listener has vetoed the change. The state will stick to its old value in that case.
    • getDefaultAzimuthFormat

      Format getDefaultAzimuthFormat()
      Returns the default Format to format and parse azimuths.
      the default Format to format and parse azimuths.
      See Also:
    • setDefaultAzimuthFormat

      void setDefaultAzimuthFormat(Format aDefaultAzimuthFormat)

      Sets a new Format to format and parse azimuths.

      The format needs to accept Double objects in its format method. The parseObject method needs to return an instance of Double. All Double instances passed to this method are azimuths expressed in radians, and the returned Double value of the parseObject must express the azimuth in radians as well.

      aDefaultAzimuthFormat - The new format to format and parse an azimuth
      See Also:
    • getDefaultDistanceFormat

      TLcdDistanceFormat getDefaultDistanceFormat()

      Returns the default TLcdDistanceFormat. Use it to format and parse distances.

         ILcyLucyEnv lucy = ...;
         TLcdDistanceFormat format = lucy.getDefaultDistanceFormat();
         double distanceInMetres = 1000;
         format.format( distanceInMetres );// e.g. 1000m, 1km, ... depending on the settings of the format

      The above snippet assumes you have the distance available in metres. In case you have the distance only available in another unit, you first need to convert it to metres before passing it to the format.

         ILcyLucyEnv lucy = ...;
         TLcdDistanceFormat format = lucy.getDefaultDistanceFormat();
         double distanceInKilometres = 1;
         double distanceInMetres = TLcdDistanceUnit.KM_UNIT.convertToStandard( distanceInKilometres );
         format.format( distanceInMetres );// e.g. 1000m, 1km, ... depending on the settings of the format

      In case you are only interested in the user/display unit, you can either retrieve it from the format or use the getter:

         ILcyLucyEnv lucy = ...;
         TLcdDistanceFormat format = lucy.getDefaultDistanceFormat();
         TLcdDistanceUnit userUnit = format.getDisplayUnit();
         //or the equivalent using the getter
         userUnit = lucy.getDefaultUserDistanceUnit();

      Note: It is not allowed to modify the returned format. You can use the setDefaultDistanceFormat method to replace the format, or setDefaultUserDistanceUnit to adjust the unit.

      PropertyChangeEvents will be fired when either the format itself is replaced, or when the user unit is adjusted. If you have a UI which displays distances using this formatting, you must make sure your UI gets updated each time the format or the unit is changed. This can for example by adding a PropertyChangeListener to Lucy:

         ILcyLucyEnv lucy = ...;
         lucy.addPropertyChangeListener( new PropertyChangeListener(){
           public void propertyChange( PropertyChangeEvent aEvent ){
             String name = aEvent.getPropertyName();
             if ( "defaultDistanceFormat".equals( name ) ||
                  "defaultUserDistanceUnit".equals( name ) ){
                    //formatting for distances has changed
                    //react on it
         } );
      the default TLcdDistanceFormat to format and parse distances.
      See Also:
    • setDefaultDistanceFormat

      void setDefaultDistanceFormat(TLcdDistanceFormat aDistanceFormat)

      Sets the default TLcdDistanceFormat. This will modify the aDistanceFormat to keep the user unit synchronized.

      The program unit of aDistanceFormat must be the default program unit of TLcdDistanceFormat, and may never be changed. The user unit can be modified through the setDefaultUserDistanceUnit method.

      Note: It is not allowed to modify aDistanceFormat afterwards. You can use this setter again with a new format, or call setDefaultUserDistanceUnit to adjust the unit. See getDefaultDistanceFormat() for more information.

      aDistanceFormat - the default distance format
      See Also:
    • getDefaultUserDistanceUnit

      TLcdDistanceUnit getDefaultUserDistanceUnit()

      Returns the default unit to present a distance to a user.

      See the javadoc of getDefaultDistanceFormat() for more information on the distance format and unit, and how to use them.

      the default unit to present a distance to a user.
      See Also:
    • setDefaultUserDistanceUnit

      void setDefaultUserDistanceUnit(TLcdDistanceUnit aDefaultUserDistanceUnit)

      Sets the default unit to present a distance to a user. This will modify the defaultDistanceFormat to keep them synchronized. If you need to format/parse distances, use the defaultDistanceFormat or create your own format and set the distance unit to it.

      See the javadoc of getDefaultDistanceFormat() for more information on the distance format and unit, and how to use them.

      aDefaultUserDistanceUnit - The new default unit.
      See Also:
    • getDefaultAltitudeFormat

      TLcdAltitudeFormat getDefaultAltitudeFormat()

      Returns the default TLcdAltitudeFormat. Use it to format and parse altitudes.

         ILcyLucyEnv lucy = ...;
         TLcdAltitudeFormat format = lucy.getDefaultAltitudeFormat();
         double altitudeInMetres = 1000;
         format.format( altitudeInMetres );// e.g. 1000m, 1km, ... depending on the settings of the format

      The above snippet assumes you have the altitude available in metres. In case you have the altitude only available in another unit, you first need to convert it to metres before passing it to the format.

         ILcyLucyEnv lucy = ...;
         TLcdAltitudeFormat format = lucy.getDefaultAltitudeFormat();
         double altitudeInKilometres = 1;
         double altitudeInMetres = TLcdAltitudeUnit.KM.convertToStandard( altitudeInKilometres );
         format.format( altitudeInMetres );// e.g. 1000m, 1km, ... depending on the settings of the format

      In case you are only interested in the user/display unit, you can either retrieve it from the format or use the getter:

         ILcyLucyEnv lucy = ...;
         TLcdAltitudeFormat format = lucy.getDefaultAltitudeFormat();
         TLcdAltitudeUnit userUnit = format.getDisplayUnit();
         //or the equivalent using the getter
         userUnit = lucy.getDefaultUserAltitudeUnit();

      Note: It is not allowed to modify the returned format. You can use the setDefaultAltitudeFormat method to replace the format, or setDefaultUserAltitudeUnit to adjust the unit.

      PropertyChangeEvents will be fired when either the format itself is replaced, or when the user unit is adjusted. If you have a UI which displays altitudes using this formatting, you must make sure your UI gets updated each time the format or the unit is changed. This can for example by adding a PropertyChangeListener to Lucy:

         ILcyLucyEnv lucy = ...;
         lucy.addPropertyChangeListener( new PropertyChangeListener(){
           public void propertyChange( PropertyChangeEvent aEvent ){
             String name = aEvent.getPropertyName();
             if ( "defaultAltitudeFormat".equals( name ) ||
                  "defaultUserAltitudeUnit".equals( name ) ){
                    //formatting for altitudes has changed
                    //react on it
         } );
      the default TLcdAltitudeFormat to format and parse altitudes.
      See Also:
    • setDefaultAltitudeFormat

      void setDefaultAltitudeFormat(TLcdAltitudeFormat aDefaultAltitudeFormat)

      Sets the default TLcdAltitudeFormat. This will modify the aDefaultAltitudeFormat to keep the user unit synchronized.

      The program unit of aDefaultAltitudeFormat must be the default program unit of TLcdAltitudeFormat, and may never be changed. The user unit can be modified through the setDefaultUserAltitudeUnit method.

      Note: It is not allowed to modify aDefaultAltitudeFormat afterwards. You can use this setter again with a new format, or call setDefaultUserAltitudeUnit to adjust the unit. See getDefaultAltitudeFormat() for more information.

      aDefaultAltitudeFormat - the default altitude format
      See Also:
    • getDefaultUserAltitudeUnit

      TLcdAltitudeUnit getDefaultUserAltitudeUnit()

      Returns the default unit to present a altitude to a user.

      See the javadoc of getDefaultAltitudeFormat() for more information on the altitude format and unit, and how to use them.

      the default unit to present a altitude to a user.
      See Also:
    • setDefaultUserAltitudeUnit

      void setDefaultUserAltitudeUnit(TLcdAltitudeUnit aDefaultUserAltitudeUnit)

      Sets the default unit to present a altitude to a user. This will modify the defaultAltitudeFormat to keep them synchronized. If you need to format/parse altitudes, use the defaultAltitudeFormat or create your own format and set the altitude unit to it.

      See the javadoc of getDefaultAltitudeFormat() for more information on the altitude format and unit, and how to use them.

      aDefaultUserAltitudeUnit - The new default unit.
      See Also:
    • getDefaultSpeedFormat

      TLcdSpeedFormat getDefaultSpeedFormat()

      Returns the default TLcdSpeedFormat. Use it to format and parse speeds.

         ILcyLucyEnv lucy = ...;
         TLcdSpeedFormat format = lucy.getDefaultSpeedFormat();
         double speedInMetresPerSecond = 1852;
         format.format( speedInMetresPerSecond );// e.g. 1852 m/s, 1 NM/s, ... depending on the settings of the format

      The above snippet assumes you have the speed available in metres/second. In case you have the speed only available in another unit, you first need to convert it to metres/second before passing it to the format.

         ILcyLucyEnv lucy = ...;
         TLcdSpeedFormat format = lucy.getDefaultSpeedFormat();
         double speedInNauticalMilesPerSecond = 1;
         double speedInMetresPerSecond = TLcdSpeedUnit.NM_S.convertToStandard( speedInNauticalMilesPerSecond );
         format.format( speedInMetresPerSecond );// e.g. 1852 m/s, 1 NM/s, ... depending on the settings of the format

      In case you are only interested in the user/display unit, you can either retrieve it from the format or use the getter:

         ILcyLucyEnv lucy = ...;
         TLcdSpeedFormat format = lucy.getDefaultSpeedFormat();
         TLcdSpeedUnit userUnit = format.getDisplayUnit();
         //or the equivalent using the getter
         userUnit = lucy.getDefaultUserSpeedUnit();

      Note: It is not allowed to modify the returned format. You can use the setDefaultSpeedFormat method to replace the format, or setDefaultUserSpeedUnit to adjust the unit.

      PropertyChangeEvents will be fired when either the format itself is replaced, or when the user unit is adjusted. If you have a UI which displays speeds using this formatting, you must make sure your UI gets updated each time the format or the unit is changed. This can for example by adding a PropertyChangeListener to Lucy:

         ILcyLucyEnv lucy = ...;
         lucy.addPropertyChangeListener( new PropertyChangeListener(){
           public void propertyChange( PropertyChangeEvent aEvent ){
             String name = aEvent.getPropertyName();
             if ( "defaultSpeedFormat".equals( name ) ||
                  "defaultUserSpeedUnit".equals( name ) ){
                    //formatting for speeds has changed
                    //react on it
         } );
      the default TLcdSpeedFormat to format and parse speeds.
      See Also:
    • setDefaultSpeedFormat

      void setDefaultSpeedFormat(TLcdSpeedFormat aSpeedFormat)

      Sets the default TLcdSpeedFormat. This will modify the aSpeedFormat to keep the user unit synchronized.

      The program unit of aSpeedFormat must be the default program unit of TLcdSpeedFormat, and may never be changed. The user unit can be modified through the setDefaultUserSpeedUnit method.

      Note: It is not allowed to modify aSpeedFormat afterwards. You can use this setter again with a new format, or call setDefaultUserSpeedUnit to adjust the unit. See getDefaultSpeedFormat() for more information.

      aSpeedFormat - the default speed format
      See Also:
    • getDefaultUserSpeedUnit

      TLcdSpeedUnit getDefaultUserSpeedUnit()

      Returns the default unit to present a speed to a user.

      See the javadoc of getDefaultSpeedFormat() for more information on the speed format and unit, and how to use them.

      the default unit to present a speed to a user.
      See Also:
    • setDefaultUserSpeedUnit

      void setDefaultUserSpeedUnit(TLcdSpeedUnit aDefaultUserSpeedUnit)

      Sets the default unit to present a speed to a user. This will modify the defaultSpeedFormat to keep them synchronized. If you need to format/parse speeds, you can use the defaultSpeedFormat or create your own format and set the speed unit to it.

      See the javadoc of getDefaultSpeedFormat() for more information on the speed format and unit, and how to use them.

      aDefaultUserSpeedUnit - The new default unit.
      See Also:
    • getDefaultDateTimeFormat

      Format getDefaultDateTimeFormat()

      Returns the current default Format to format and parse date objects.

      This format needs to accept Date objects in its format method. The parseObject method needs to return an instance of java.util.Date.
      the current default Format to format and parse date objects.
      See Also:
    • setDefaultDateTimeFormat

      void setDefaultDateTimeFormat(Format aDefaultDateTimeFormat)
      Sets a new Format to format and parse date objects.

      This format needs to accept Date objects in its format method. The parseObject method needs to return an instance of java.util.Date.

      Fires a PropertyChangeEvent.

      aDefaultDateTimeFormat - The new format to format and parse a date objects.
      See Also:
    • getDefaultDurationFormat

      Format getDefaultDurationFormat()
      Returns the current default Format to format and parse duration objects.

      This format needs to accept ILcdISO19103Measure objects with a unit of measure type code TLcdISO19103MeasureTypeCodeExtension.DURATION in its format method. The parseObject method needs to return an instance of ILcdISO19103Measure with a unit of measure type code TLcdISO19103MeasureTypeCodeExtension.DURATION.

      the current default Format to format and parse date objects.
      See Also:
    • setDefaultDurationFormat

      void setDefaultDurationFormat(Format aDefaultDurationFormat)
      Sets a new Format to format and parse duration objects.

      This format needs to accept ILcdISO19103Measure objects with a unit of measure type code TLcdISO19103MeasureTypeCodeExtension.DURATION in its format method. The parseObject method needs to return an instance of ILcdISO19103Measure with a unit of measure type code TLcdISO19103MeasureTypeCodeExtension.DURATION.

      Fires a PropertyChangeEvent.

      aDefaultDurationFormat - The new format to format and parse a duration objects.
      See Also:
    • getDefaultScaleFormat

      Format getDefaultScaleFormat()

      Returns the current default Format to format and parse scale objects.

      This format needs to accept Number objects in its format method. The parseObject method needs to return a Number instance.

      the current default Format to format and parse scale objects.
      See Also:
    • setDefaultScaleFormat

      void setDefaultScaleFormat(Format aDefaultScaleFormat)

      Sets a new Format to format and parse scale objects.

      This format needs to accept Number objects in its format method. The parseObject method needs to return a Number instance.

      Fires a PropertyChangeEvent.

      aDefaultScaleFormat - The new format to format and parse scale objects.
      See Also:
    • getDefaultLonLatPointFormat

      Format getDefaultLonLatPointFormat()

      This format needs to accept ILcdPoint objects in its format method. The parseObject method needs to return an instance of ILcdPoint.

      It simply formats and parses the point to and from a string, it for example does not perform any coordinate conversions. So the point can be defined in any reference system (e.g. WGS 84, WGS 72, ...), it will just be formatted as is, and should be interpreted according to its reference.

      the current default Format to format and parse lon lat points.
      See Also:
    • setDefaultLonLatPointFormat

      void setDefaultLonLatPointFormat(Format aDefaultLonLatPointFormat)

      Sets a new Format to format and parse lon lat points.

      This format needs to accept ILcdPoint objects in its format method. The parseObject method needs to return an instance of ILcdPoint.

      aDefaultLonLatPointFormat - The new format to format and parse a lon lat point
      See Also:
    • getDefaultModelReference

      ILcdModelReference getDefaultModelReference()
      Returns the default ILcdModelReference, or null.
      Null, or the default ILcdModelReference.
      See Also:
    • setDefaultModelReference

      void setDefaultModelReference(ILcdModelReference aDefaultModelReference)
      Sets the default model reference. The default model reference can be used to present coordinates to a user. If a given coordinate is in another reference than the default reference, this means you will have to convert it before displaying it.

      If the default model reference is null, coordinates should be represented to the user in the model reference of the data itself, so no conversions will be needed in that case.

      aDefaultModelReference - The model reference to set.
      See Also:
    • getHelpManager

      ALcyHelpManager getHelpManager()
      Returns the help manager associated to this lucy environment. It allows to manage context sensitive help.
      the help manager.
    • setHelpManager

      void setHelpManager(ALcyHelpManager aHelpManager)
      Sets the help manager used by this lucy environment. The help manager allows to manage context sensitive help.
      aHelpManager - The help manager to be used from this point on.
    • getPreferencesManager

      TLcyPreferencesManager getPreferencesManager()
      Returns the preferences manager. It keeps track of application preferences. See TLcyPreferencesManager for more details.
      The preferences manager.
    • getScreenResolution

      int getScreenResolution()
      Returns the screen pixel density in toolkit dots per inch (dpi) associated to the lucy environment.
      Screen pixel density in toolkit dots per inch (dpi).
      See Also:
    • setScreenResolution

      @Deprecated void setScreenResolution(int aScreenPixelDensity)
      This method should no longer be used. All Lucy classes are still using the screen resolution set on the Lucy back-end (e.g. the scale combobox on a 2D map). However, this information is not passed on to non-Lucy classes. An example of such a class is a TLspSLDStyler, which needs to determine the scale of a view for which it uses the screen resolution. As a result, mixing Lucy and non-Lucy classes will result in inconsistent behavior. It is therefore strongly recommended to avoid altering the screen resolution on the Lucy back-end, and leave it on the default value.
      Sets the screen pixel density used by the lucy environment, expressed as toolkit dots per inch (dpi).

      The screen pixel density will be used to convert a distance in screen pixels to a real distance and vice versa.

      aScreenPixelDensity - The screen pixel density that will be used (in dpi).
      See Also:
    • getUndoManager

      TLcdUndoManager getUndoManager()
      Get the TLcdUndoManager associated with this ILcyLucyEnv. This manager manages ILcdUndoable objects.
      The TLcdUndoManager associated with his ILcyLucyEnv.
    • getDataTransferManager

      TLcyDataTransferManager getDataTransferManager()
      Returns the TLcyDataTransferManager associated with this ILcyLucyEnv. This manager manages ALcyLayerSelectionTransferHandler objects.
      The TLcyDataTransferManager associated with this ILcyLucyEnv.
    • getDataFormatManager

      TLcyDataFormatManager getDataFormatManager()
      Returns the TLcyDataFormatManager associated with this ILcyLucyEnv. This manager keeps a list of ILcdModelDecoders, ILcdModelEncoders, ... and allows to open data sources, such as files.
      the TLcyDataFormatManager associated with this ILcyLucyEnv.
    • getUserInterfaceManager

      TLcyUserInterfaceManager getUserInterfaceManager()
      Returns the TLcyUserInterfaceManager associated with this ILcyLucyEnv. This manager keeps a list of top level Components, an ILcyApplicationPaneFactorys and a collection of ILcyCustomizerPanelFactorys (small UI's to customize the properties of an object).
      the TLcyUserInterfaceManager associated with this ILcyLucyEnv.
    • addService

      void addService(Object aService)
      Adds the specified object to this ILcyLucyEnv. This method is a shorthand for:
         add( aServiceProvider, PRIORITY_DEFAULT )
      aService - The Object to add to this ILcyLucyEnv. This must not be null.
      See Also:
    • addService

      void addService(Object aService, int aPriorityOrdinal)

      Add the specified object to this ILcyLucyEnv, with the given priority. A single instance can only have one priority at a time, so it cannot be added twice with two different priorities. Any type of object can be added to this list, and retrieved later on.

      See the extended service documentation for extra information.

      It is strongly recommended to only use this method during the initialization phase (e.g. in the ALcyAddOn.plugInto(ILcyLucyEnv) method).

      aService - The Object to add to this ILcyLucyEnv. This must not be null.
      aPriorityOrdinal - The priority of the service. Lower values mean higher priorities. Services with higher priority appear earlier in the list of results. Common values are PRIORITY_DEFAULT and PRIORITY_FALLBACK.
      See Also:
    • removeService

      void removeService(Object aService)

      Removes the specified Object from this ILcyLucyEnv. The specified Object will no longer be included in any queries using the getServices method.

      aService - The Object to remove. This must not be null. If an Object is specified that is not present in this ILcyLucyEnv, nothing happens.
      See Also:
    • getServices

      <T> List<T> getServices(Class<T> aServiceClass)

      Retrieves the objects registered with this ILcyLucyEnv that are instances of the specified class.

      See the extended service documentation for a list of out-of-the-box supported services.

      aServiceClass - The class whose instances you want to retrieve. This must not be null.
      An unmodifiable List of all the objects in this ILcyLucyEnv that are assignable from the specified class. Clients should not keep a long-term reference to this collection, as changes in this ILcyLucyEnv will not be reflected in this List. The order of the elements in the list respects the priority with which they were added. The order of elements with the same priority is left unspecified. There are no duplicates in this List. As long as no changes are made to the services, subsequent calls of this method should return a List with the same elements in the same order.
      See Also:
    • getService

      <T> T getService(Class<T> aServiceClass)

      Retrieves the object registered with this ILcyLucyEnv that is an instance of the specified class. See the extended service documentation for a list of out-of-the-box supported services.

      This method should only be used when only one instance of the specified class is registered with this ILcyLucyEnv. When multiple objects are registered for the specified class, calling this method will throw an IllegalArgumentException. In such case one should use the getServices(Class) method.

      aServiceClass - The class whose instance you want to retrieve. This must not be null.
      The object in this ILcyLucyEnv that is assignable from the specified class or null when no such object was registered.
      See Also:
    • getCompositeModelEncoder

      @Deprecated ILcdModelEncoder getCompositeModelEncoder()
      Use new TLcyCompositeModelEncoder(aLucyEnv) instead. The Lucy API offers composite implementations of all interfaces which can be registered on the services. Those composite implementations will use those registered instances when the constructor with the Lucy back-end as parameter is used. See the javadoc of addService(Object, int) and the Lucy developer guide for more information.
      Equivalent of new TLcyCompositeModelEncoder(aLucyEnv)
    • getCompositeModelDecoder

      @Deprecated ILcdModelDecoder getCompositeModelDecoder()
      Use new TLcyCompositeModelDecoder(aLucyEnv) instead. The Lucy API offers composite implementations of all interfaces which can be registered on the services. Those composite implementations will use those registered instances when the constructor with the Lucy back-end as parameter is used. See the javadoc of addService(Object, int) and the Lucy developer guide for more information.
      Equivalent of new TLcyCompositeModelDecoder(aLucyEnv)
    • addModelReferenceDecoder

      @Deprecated void addModelReferenceDecoder(ILcdModelReferenceDecoder aModelReferenceDecoder)
      Use new TLcyCompositeModelReferenceDecoder(aLucyEnv).addModelReferenceDecoder(aModelReferenceDecoder) instead. The Lucy API offers composite implementations of all interfaces which can be registered on the services. Those composite implementations will use those registered instances when the constructor with the Lucy back-end as parameter is used. See the javadoc of addService(Object, int) and the Lucy developer guide for more information.
      Equivalent of new TLcyCompositeModelReferenceDecoder(aLucyEnv).addModelReferenceDecoder(aModelReferenceDecoder)
    • removeModelReferenceDecoder

      @Deprecated void removeModelReferenceDecoder(ILcdModelReferenceDecoder aModelReferenceDecoder)
      Use new TLcyCompositeModelReferenceDecoder(aLucyEnv).removeModelReferenceDecoder(aModelReferenceDecoder) instead. The Lucy API offers composite implementations of all interfaces which can be registered on the services. Those composite implementations will use those registered instances when the constructor with the Lucy back-end as parameter is used. See the javadoc of addService(Object, int) and the Lucy developer guide for more information.
      Equivalent of new TLcyCompositeModelReferenceDecoder(aLucyEnv).removeModelReferenceDecoder(aModelReferenceDecoder)
    • getModelReferenceDecoderCount

      @Deprecated int getModelReferenceDecoderCount()
      Use new TLcyCompositeModelReferenceDecoder(aLucyEnv).getModelReferenceDecoderCount() instead. The Lucy API offers composite implementations of all interfaces which can be registered on the services. Those composite implementations will use those registered instances when the constructor with the Lucy back-end as parameter is used. See the javadoc of addService(Object, int) and the Lucy developer guide for more information.
      Equivalent of new TLcyCompositeModelReferenceDecoder(aLucyEnv).getModelReferenceDecoderCount()
    • getModelReferenceDecoder

      @Deprecated ILcdModelReferenceDecoder getModelReferenceDecoder(int aIndex)
      Use new TLcyCompositeModelReferenceDecoder(aLucyEnv).getModelReferenceDecoder(i) instead. The Lucy API offers composite implementations of all interfaces which can be registered on the services. Those composite implementations will use those registered instances when the constructor with the Lucy back-end as parameter is used. See the javadoc of addService(Object, int) and the Lucy developer guide for more information.
      Equivalent of new TLcyCompositeModelReferenceDecoder(aLucyEnv).getModelReferenceDecoder(i)
    • getCompositeModelReferenceDecoder

      @Deprecated ILcdModelReferenceDecoder getCompositeModelReferenceDecoder()
      Use new TLcyCompositeModelReferenceDecoder(aLucyEnv) instead. The Lucy API offers composite implementations of all interfaces which can be registered on the services. Those composite implementations will use those registered instances when the constructor with the Lucy back-end as parameter is used. See the javadoc of addService(Object, int) and the Lucy developer guide for more information.
      Equivalent of new TLcyCompositeModelReferenceDecoder(aLucyEnv)
    • getCompositeGXYLayerTypeProvider

      @Deprecated ILcyGXYLayerTypeProvider getCompositeGXYLayerTypeProvider()
      Use new TLcyCompositeGXYLayerTypeProvider(aLucyEnv) instead. The Lucy API offers composite implementations of all interfaces which can be registered on the services. Those composite implementations will use those registered instances when the constructor with the Lucy back-end as parameter is used. See the javadoc of addService(Object, int) and the Lucy developer guide for more information.
      Equivalent of new TLcyCompositeGXYLayerTypeProvider(aLucyEnv)
    • addGXYLayerTypeProvider

      @Deprecated void addGXYLayerTypeProvider(ILcyGXYLayerTypeProvider aGXYLayerTypeProvider)
      Use new TLcyCompositeGXYLayerTypeProvider(aLucyEnv).addGXYLayerTypeProvider(aGXYLayerTypeProvider) instead. The Lucy API offers composite implementations of all interfaces which can be registered on the services. Those composite implementations will use those registered instances when the constructor with the Lucy back-end as parameter is used. See the javadoc of addService(Object, int) and the Lucy developer guide for more information.
      Equivalent of new TLcyCompositeGXYLayerTypeProvider(aLucyEnv).addGXYLayerTypeProvider(aGXYLayerTypeProvider)
    • removeGXYLayerTypeProvider

      @Deprecated void removeGXYLayerTypeProvider(ILcyGXYLayerTypeProvider aGXYLayerTypeProvider)
      Use new TLcyCompositeGXYLayerTypeProvider(aLucyEnv).removeGXYLayerTypeProvider(aGXYLayerTypeProvider) instead. The Lucy API offers composite implementations of all interfaces which can be registered on the services. Those composite implementations will use those registered instances when the constructor with the Lucy back-end as parameter is used. See the javadoc of addService(Object, int) and the Lucy developer guide for more information.
      Equivalent of new TLcyCompositeGXYLayerTypeProvider(aLucyEnv).removeGXYLayerTypeProvider(aGXYLayerTypeProvider)
    • getGXYLayerTypeProviderCount

      @Deprecated int getGXYLayerTypeProviderCount()
      Use new TLcyCompositeGXYLayerTypeProvider(aLucyEnv).getGXYLayerTypeProviderCount() instead. The Lucy API offers composite implementations of all interfaces which can be registered on the services. Those composite implementations will use those registered instances when the constructor with the Lucy back-end as parameter is used. See the javadoc of addService(Object, int) and the Lucy developer guide for more information.
      Equivalent of new TLcyCompositeGXYLayerTypeProvider(aLucyEnv).getGXYLayerTypeProviderCount()
    • getGXYLayerTypeProvider

      @Deprecated ILcyGXYLayerTypeProvider getGXYLayerTypeProvider(int aIndex)
      Use new TLcyCompositeGXYLayerTypeProvider(aLucyEnv).getGXYLayerTypeProvider(aIndex) instead. The Lucy API offers composite implementations of all interfaces which can be registered on the services. Those composite implementations will use those registered instances when the constructor with the Lucy back-end as parameter is used. See the javadoc of addService(Object, int) and the Lucy developer guide for more information.
      Equivalent of new TLcyCompositeGXYLayerTypeProvider(aLucyEnv).getGXYLayerTypeProvider(aIndex)
    • getCompositeModelContentTypeProvider

      @Deprecated ILcyModelContentTypeProvider getCompositeModelContentTypeProvider()
      Use new TLcyCompositeModelContentTypeProvider(aLucyEnv) instead. The Lucy API offers composite implementations of all interfaces which can be registered on the services. Those composite implementations will use those registered instances when the constructor with the Lucy back-end as parameter is used. See the javadoc of addService(Object, int) and the Lucy developer guide for more information.
      Equivalent of new TLcyCompositeModelContentTypeProvider(aLucyEnv)
    • addModelContentTypeProvider

      @Deprecated void addModelContentTypeProvider(ILcyModelContentTypeProvider aModelContentTypeProvider)
      Use new TLcyCompositeModelContentTypeProvider(aLucyEnv).addModelContentTypeProvider(aModelContentTypeProvider) instead. The Lucy API offers composite implementations of all interfaces which can be registered on the services. Those composite implementations will use those registered instances when the constructor with the Lucy back-end as parameter is used. See the javadoc of addService(Object, int) and the Lucy developer guide for more information.
      Equivalent of new TLcyCompositeModelContentTypeProvider(aLucyEnv).addModelContentTypeProvider(aModelContentTypeProvider)
    • removeModelContentTypeProvider

      @Deprecated void removeModelContentTypeProvider(ILcyModelContentTypeProvider aModelContentTypeProvider)
      Use new TLcyCompositeModelContentTypeProvider(aLucyEnv).removeModelContentTypeProvider(aModelContentTypeProvider) instead. The Lucy API offers composite implementations of all interfaces which can be registered on the services. Those composite implementations will use those registered instances when the constructor with the Lucy back-end as parameter is used. See the javadoc of addService(Object, int) and the Lucy developer guide for more information.
      Equivalent of new TLcyCompositeModelContentTypeProvider(aLucyEnv).removeModelContentTypeProvider(aModelContentTypeProvider)
    • getModelContentTypeProviderCount

      @Deprecated int getModelContentTypeProviderCount()
      Use new TLcyCompositeModelContentTypeProvider(aLucyEnv).getModelContentTypeProviderCount() instead. The Lucy API offers composite implementations of all interfaces which can be registered on the services. Those composite implementations will use those registered instances when the constructor with the Lucy back-end as parameter is used. See the javadoc of addService(Object, int) and the Lucy developer guide for more information.
      Equivalent of new TLcyCompositeModelContentTypeProvider(aLucyEnv).getModelContentTypeProviderCount()
    • getModelContentTypeProvider

      @Deprecated ILcyModelContentTypeProvider getModelContentTypeProvider(int aIndex)
      Use new TLcyCompositeModelContentTypeProvider(aLucyEnv).getModelContentTypeProvider(aIndex) instead. The Lucy API offers composite implementations of all interfaces which can be registered on the services. Those composite implementations will use those registered instances when the constructor with the Lucy back-end as parameter is used. See the javadoc of addService(Object, int) and the Lucy developer guide for more information.
      Equivalent of new TLcyCompositeModelContentTypeProvider(aLucyEnv).getModelContentTypeProvider(aIndex)
    • getCompositeGXYLayerFactory

      @Deprecated ILcdGXYLayerFactory getCompositeGXYLayerFactory()
      Use new TLcyCompositeGXYLayerFactory(aLucyEnv) instead. The Lucy API offers composite implementations of all interfaces which can be registered on the services. Those composite implementations will use those registered instances when the constructor with the Lucy back-end as parameter is used. See the javadoc of addService(Object, int) and the Lucy developer guide for more information.
      Equivalent of new TLcyCompositeGXYLayerFactory(aLucyEnv)
    • addGXYLayerFactory

      @Deprecated void addGXYLayerFactory(ILcdGXYLayerFactory aGXYLayerFactory)
      Use new TLcyCompositeGXYLayerFactory(aLucyEnv).addGXYLayerFactory(aGXYLayerFactory) instead. The Lucy API offers composite implementations of all interfaces which can be registered on the services. Those composite implementations will use those registered instances when the constructor with the Lucy back-end as parameter is used. See the javadoc of addService(Object, int) and the Lucy developer guide for more information.
      Equivalent of new TLcyCompositeGXYLayerFactory(aLucyEnv).addGXYLayerFactory(aGXYLayerFactory)
    • removeGXYLayerFactory

      @Deprecated void removeGXYLayerFactory(ILcdGXYLayerFactory aGXYLayerFactory)
      Use new TLcyCompositeGXYLayerFactory(aLucyEnv).removeGXYLayerFactory(aGXYLayerFactory) instead. The Lucy API offers composite implementations of all interfaces which can be registered on the services. Those composite implementations will use those registered instances when the constructor with the Lucy back-end as parameter is used. See the javadoc of addService(Object, int) and the Lucy developer guide for more information.
      Equivalent of new TLcyCompositeGXYLayerFactory(aLucyEnv).removeGXYLayerFactory(aGXYLayerFactory)
    • getGXYLayerFactoryCount

      @Deprecated int getGXYLayerFactoryCount()
      Use new TLcyCompositeGXYLayerFactory(aLucyEnv).getGXYLayerFactoryCount() instead. The Lucy API offers composite implementations of all interfaces which can be registered on the services. Those composite implementations will use those registered instances when the constructor with the Lucy back-end as parameter is used. See the javadoc of addService(Object, int) and the Lucy developer guide for more information.
      Equivalent of new TLcyCompositeGXYLayerFactory(aLucyEnv).getGXYLayerFactoryCount()
    • getGXYLayerFactory

      @Deprecated ILcdGXYLayerFactory getGXYLayerFactory(int aIndex)
      Use new TLcyCompositeGXYLayerFactory(aLucyEnv).getGXYLayerFactory(aIndex) instead. The Lucy API offers composite implementations of all interfaces which can be registered on the services. Those composite implementations will use those registered instances when the constructor with the Lucy back-end as parameter is used. See the javadoc of addService(Object, int) and the Lucy developer guide for more information.
      Equivalent of new TLcyCompositeGXYLayerFactory(aLucyEnv).getGXYLayerFactory(aIndex)
    • getCompositeGXYLayerEncoder

      @Deprecated ILcdGXYLayerEncoder getCompositeGXYLayerEncoder()
      Use new TLcyCompositeGXYLayerEncoder(aLucyEnv) instead. The Lucy API offers composite implementations of all interfaces which can be registered on the services. Those composite implementations will use those registered instances when the constructor with the Lucy back-end as parameter is used. See the javadoc of addService(Object, int) and the Lucy developer guide for more information.
      Equivalent of new TLcyCompositeGXYLayerEncoder(aLucyEnv)
    • addGXYLayerEncoder

      @Deprecated void addGXYLayerEncoder(ILcdGXYLayerEncoder aGXYLayerEncoder, ALcyFileTypeDescriptor aFileTypeDescriptor)
      Use new TLcyCompositeGXYLayerEncoder(aLucyEnv).addGXYLayerEncoder(aGXYLayerEncoder, aFileTypeDescriptor) instead. The Lucy API offers composite implementations of all interfaces which can be registered on the services. Those composite implementations will use those registered instances when the constructor with the Lucy back-end as parameter is used. See the javadoc of addService(Object, int) and the Lucy developer guide for more information.
      Equivalent of new TLcyCompositeGXYLayerEncoder(aLucyEnv).addGXYLayerEncoder(aGXYLayerEncoder, aFileTypeDescriptor)
    • removeGXYLayerEncoder

      @Deprecated void removeGXYLayerEncoder(ILcdGXYLayerEncoder aGXYLayerEncoder)
      Use new TLcyCompositeGXYLayerEncoder(aLucyEnv).removeGXYLayerEncoder(aGXYLayerEncoder, aFileTypeDescriptor) instead. The Lucy API offers composite implementations of all interfaces which can be registered on the services. Those composite implementations will use those registered instances when the constructor with the Lucy back-end as parameter is used. See the javadoc of addService(Object, int) and the Lucy developer guide for more information.
      Equivalent of new TLcyCompositeGXYLayerEncoder(aLucyEnv).removeGXYLayerEncoder(aGXYLayerEncoder, aFileTypeDescriptor)
    • getGXYLayerEncoderCount

      @Deprecated int getGXYLayerEncoderCount()
      Use new TLcyCompositeGXYLayerEncoder(aLucyEnv).getGXYLayerEncoderCount() instead. The Lucy API offers composite implementations of all interfaces which can be registered on the services. Those composite implementations will use those registered instances when the constructor with the Lucy back-end as parameter is used. See the javadoc of addService(Object, int) and the Lucy developer guide for more information.
      Equivalent of new TLcyCompositeGXYLayerEncoder(aLucyEnv).getGXYLayerEncoderCount()
    • getGXYLayerEncoder

      @Deprecated ILcdGXYLayerEncoder getGXYLayerEncoder(int aIndex)
      Use new TLcyCompositeGXYLayerEncoder(aLucyEnv).getGXYLayerEncoder(aIndex) instead. The Lucy API offers composite implementations of all interfaces which can be registered on the services. Those composite implementations will use those registered instances when the constructor with the Lucy back-end as parameter is used. See the javadoc of addService(Object, int) and the Lucy developer guide for more information.
      Equivalent of new TLcyCompositeGXYLayerEncoder(aLucyEnv).getGXYLayerEncoder(aIndex)
    • getGXYLayerEncoderFileTypeDescriptor

      @Deprecated ALcyFileTypeDescriptor getGXYLayerEncoderFileTypeDescriptor(int aIndex)
      Use new TLcyCompositeGXYLayerEncoder(aLucyEnv).getFileTypeDescriptor(aIndex) instead. The Lucy API offers composite implementations of all interfaces which can be registered on the services. Those composite implementations will use those registered instances when the constructor with the Lucy back-end as parameter is used. See the javadoc of addService(Object, int) and the Lucy developer guide for more information.
      Equivalent of new TLcyCompositeGXYLayerEncoder(aLucyEnv).getFileTypeDescriptor(aIndex)
    • getCompositeGXYLayerDecoder

      @Deprecated ILcdGXYLayerDecoder getCompositeGXYLayerDecoder()
      Use new TLcyCompositeGXYLayerDecoder(aLucyEnv) instead. The Lucy API offers composite implementations of all interfaces which can be registered on the services. Those composite implementations will use those registered instances when the constructor with the Lucy back-end as parameter is used. See the javadoc of addService(Object, int) and the Lucy developer guide for more information.
      Equivalent of new TLcyCompositeGXYLayerDecoder(aLucyEnv)
    • addGXYLayerDecoder

      @Deprecated void addGXYLayerDecoder(ILcdGXYLayerDecoder aGXYLayerDecoder, ALcyFileTypeDescriptor aFileTypeDescriptor)
      Use new TLcyCompositeGXYLayerDecoder(aLucyEnv).addGXYLayerDecoder(aGXYLayerDecoder, aFileTypeDescriptor) instead. The Lucy API offers composite implementations of all interfaces which can be registered on the services. Those composite implementations will use those registered instances when the constructor with the Lucy back-end as parameter is used. See the javadoc of addService(Object, int) and the Lucy developer guide for more information.
      Equivalent of new TLcyCompositeGXYLayerDecoder(aLucyEnv).addGXYLayerDecoder(aGXYLayerDecoder, aFileTypeDescriptor)
    • removeGXYLayerDecoder

      @Deprecated void removeGXYLayerDecoder(ILcdGXYLayerDecoder aGXYLayerDecoder)
      Use new TLcyCompositeGXYLayerDecoder(aLucyEnv).removeGXYLayerDecoder(aGXYLayerDecoder) instead. The Lucy API offers composite implementations of all interfaces which can be registered on the services. Those composite implementations will use those registered instances when the constructor with the Lucy back-end as parameter is used. See the javadoc of addService(Object, int) and the Lucy developer guide for more information.
      Equivalent of new TLcyCompositeGXYLayerDecoder(aLucyEnv).removeGXYLayerDecoder(aGXYLayerDecoder)
    • getGXYLayerDecoderCount

      @Deprecated int getGXYLayerDecoderCount()
      Use new TLcyCompositeGXYLayerDecoder(aLucyEnv).getGXYLayerDecoderCount() instead. The Lucy API offers composite implementations of all interfaces which can be registered on the services. Those composite implementations will use those registered instances when the constructor with the Lucy back-end as parameter is used. See the javadoc of addService(Object, int) and the Lucy developer guide for more information.
      Equivalent of new TLcyCompositeGXYLayerDecoder(aLucyEnv).getGXYLayerDecoderCount()
    • getGXYLayerDecoder

      @Deprecated ILcdGXYLayerDecoder getGXYLayerDecoder(int aIndex)
      Use new TLcyCompositeGXYLayerDecoder(aLucyEnv).getGXYLayerDecoder(aIndex) instead. The Lucy API offers composite implementations of all interfaces which can be registered on the services. Those composite implementations will use those registered instances when the constructor with the Lucy back-end as parameter is used. See the javadoc of addService(Object, int) and the Lucy developer guide for more information.
      Equivalent of new TLcyCompositeGXYLayerDecoder(aLucyEnv).getGXYLayerDecoder(aIndex)
    • getGXYLayerDecoderFileTypeDescriptor

      @Deprecated ALcyFileTypeDescriptor getGXYLayerDecoderFileTypeDescriptor(int aIndex)
      Use new TLcyCompositeGXYLayerDecoder(aLucyEnv).getFileTypeDescriptor(aIndex) instead. The Lucy API offers composite implementations of all interfaces which can be registered on the services. Those composite implementations will use those registered instances when the constructor with the Lucy back-end as parameter is used. See the javadoc of addService(Object, int) and the Lucy developer guide for more information.
      Equivalent of new TLcyCompositeGXYLayerDecoder(aLucyEnv).getFileTypeDescriptor(aIndex)
    • addModelDecoder

      @Deprecated void addModelDecoder(ILcdModelDecoder aModelDecoder, ALcyFileTypeDescriptor aFileTypeDescriptor)
      Use new TLcyCompositeModelDecoder(aLucyEnv).addModelDecoder(aModelDecoder, aFileTypeDescriptor) instead. The Lucy API offers composite implementations of all interfaces which can be registered on the services. Those composite implementations will use those registered instances when the constructor with the Lucy back-end as parameter is used. See the javadoc of addService(Object, int) and the Lucy developer guide for more information.
      Equivalent of new TLcyCompositeModelDecoder(aLucyEnv).addModelDecoder(aModelDecoder, aFileTypeDescriptor)
      Specified by:
      addModelDecoder in interface ILcyModelDecoderContainer
      aModelDecoder - The model decoder to add
      aFileTypeDescriptor - The file type descriptor that provides more information on the file types this decoder can handle, or null if this decoder does not work with files.
    • removeModelDecoder

      @Deprecated void removeModelDecoder(ILcdModelDecoder aModelDecoder)
      Use new TLcyCompositeModelDecoder(aLucyEnv).removeModelDecoder(aModelDecoder) instead. The Lucy API offers composite implementations of all interfaces which can be registered on the services. Those composite implementations will use those registered instances when the constructor with the Lucy back-end as parameter is used. See the javadoc of addService(Object, int) and the Lucy developer guide for more information.
      Equivalent of new TLcyCompositeModelDecoder(aLucyEnv).removeModelDecoder(aModelDecoder)
      Specified by:
      removeModelDecoder in interface ILcyModelDecoderContainer
      aModelDecoder - The model decoder to remove.
    • getModelDecoderCount

      @Deprecated int getModelDecoderCount()
      Use new TLcyCompositeModelDecoder(aLucyEnv).getModelDecoderCount() instead. The Lucy API offers composite implementations of all interfaces which can be registered on the services. Those composite implementations will use those registered instances when the constructor with the Lucy back-end as parameter is used. See the javadoc of addService(Object, int) and the Lucy developer guide for more information.
      Equivalent of new TLcyCompositeModelDecoder(aLucyEnv).getModelDecoderCount()
      Specified by:
      getModelDecoderCount in interface ILcyModelDecoderContainer
      the number of model decoders currently in this container.
    • getModelDecoder

      @Deprecated ILcdModelDecoder getModelDecoder(int aIndex)
      Use new TLcyCompositeModelDecoder(aLucyEnv).getModelDecoder(aIndex) instead. The Lucy API offers composite implementations of all interfaces which can be registered on the services. Those composite implementations will use those registered instances when the constructor with the Lucy back-end as parameter is used. See the javadoc of addService(Object, int) and the Lucy developer guide for more information.
      Equivalent of new TLcyCompositeModelDecoder(aLucyEnv).getModelDecoder(aIndex)
      Specified by:
      getModelDecoder in interface ILcyModelDecoderContainer
      aIndex - The index of the asked model decoder. Make sure 0 <= aIndex < ILcyModelDecoderContainer.getModelDecoderCount()
      The model decoder at the given index.
    • getDecoderFileTypeDescriptor

      @Deprecated ALcyFileTypeDescriptor getDecoderFileTypeDescriptor(int aIndex)
      Use new TLcyCompositeModelDecoder(aLucyEnv).getDecoderFileTypeDescriptor(aIndex) instead. The Lucy API offers composite implementations of all interfaces which can be registered on the services. Those composite implementations will use those registered instances when the constructor with the Lucy back-end as parameter is used. See the javadoc of addService(Object, int) and the Lucy developer guide for more information.
      Equivalent of new TLcyCompositeModelDecoder(aLucyEnv).getDecoderFileTypeDescriptor(aIndex)
      Specified by:
      getDecoderFileTypeDescriptor in interface ILcyModelDecoderContainer
      aIndex - The index to retrieve the file type descriptor for.
      the file type descriptor at the given index.
    • addModelEncoder

      @Deprecated void addModelEncoder(ILcdModelEncoder aModelEncoder, ALcyFileTypeDescriptor aFileTypeDescriptor)
      Use new TLcyCompositeModelEncoder(aLucyEnv).addModelEncoder(aModelEncoder, aFileTypeDescriptor) instead. The Lucy API offers composite implementations of all interfaces which can be registered on the services. Those composite implementations will use those registered instances when the constructor with the Lucy back-end as parameter is used. See the javadoc of addService(Object, int) and the Lucy developer guide for more information.
      Equivalent of new TLcyCompositeModelEncoder(aLucyEnv).addModelEncoder(aModelEncoder, aFileTypeDescriptor)
      Specified by:
      addModelEncoder in interface ILcyModelEncoderContainer
      aModelEncoder - The model encoder to add
      aFileTypeDescriptor - Descriptor that provides additional information about the file types this decoder can handle, or null if this encoder does not work with files.
    • removeModelEncoder

      @Deprecated void removeModelEncoder(ILcdModelEncoder aModelEncoder)
      Use new TLcyCompositeModelEncoder(aLucyEnv).removeModelEncoder(aModelEncoder) instead. The Lucy API offers composite implementations of all interfaces which can be registered on the services. Those composite implementations will use those registered instances when the constructor with the Lucy back-end as parameter is used. See the javadoc of addService(Object, int) and the Lucy developer guide for more information.
      Equivalent of new TLcyCompositeModelEncoder(aLucyEnv).removeModelEncoder(aModelEncoder)
      Specified by:
      removeModelEncoder in interface ILcyModelEncoderContainer
      aModelEncoder - The model encoder to remove.
    • getModelEncoderCount

      @Deprecated int getModelEncoderCount()
      Use new TLcyCompositeModelEncoder(aLucyEnv).getModelEncoderCount() instead. The Lucy API offers composite implementations of all interfaces which can be registered on the services. Those composite implementations will use those registered instances when the constructor with the Lucy back-end as parameter is used. See the javadoc of addService(Object, int) and the Lucy developer guide for more information.
      Equivalent of new TLcyCompositeModelEncoder(aLucyEnv).getModelEncoderCount()
      Specified by:
      getModelEncoderCount in interface ILcyModelEncoderContainer
      the number of model encoders currently in this container.
    • getModelEncoder

      @Deprecated ILcdModelEncoder getModelEncoder(int aIndex)
      Use new TLcyCompositeModelEncoder(aLucyEnv).getModelEncoder(aIndex) instead. The Lucy API offers composite implementations of all interfaces which can be registered on the services. Those composite implementations will use those registered instances when the constructor with the Lucy back-end as parameter is used. See the javadoc of addService(Object, int) and the Lucy developer guide for more information.
      Equivalent of new TLcyCompositeModelEncoder(aLucyEnv).getModelEncoder(aIndex)
      Specified by:
      getModelEncoder in interface ILcyModelEncoderContainer
      aIndex - The index of the asked model encoder. Make sure 0 <= aIndex < getModelEncoderCount()
      The model encoder at the given index.
    • getEncoderFileTypeDescriptor

      @Deprecated ALcyFileTypeDescriptor getEncoderFileTypeDescriptor(int aIndex)
      Use new TLcyCompositeModelEncoder(aLucyEnv).getEncoderFileTypeDescriptor(aIndex) instead. The Lucy API offers composite implementations of all interfaces which can be registered on the services. Those composite implementations will use those registered instances when the constructor with the Lucy back-end as parameter is used. See the javadoc of addService(Object, int) and the Lucy developer guide for more information.
      Equivalent of new TLcyCompositeModelEncoder(aLucyEnv).getEncoderFileTypeDescriptor(aIndex)
      Specified by:
      getEncoderFileTypeDescriptor in interface ILcyModelEncoderContainer
      aIndex - The index to retrieve the file type descriptor for.
      the file type descriptor at the given index.
    • getApplicationPaneFactory

      ILcyApplicationPaneFactory getApplicationPaneFactory()
      Short for getUserInterfaceManager().getApplicationPaneFactory().
      See Also:
    • getMainMenuBar

      ILcyMenuBar getMainMenuBar()
      Short for getUserInterfaceManager().getMainMenuBar().
      See Also:
    • addTopLevelComponent

      void addTopLevelComponent(Component aTopLevelComponent)
      Short for getUserInterfaceManager().addTopLevelComponent().
      See Also:
    • removeTopLevelComponent

      void removeTopLevelComponent(Component aTopLevelComponent)
      Short for getUserInterfaceManager().removeTopLevelComponent().
      See Also:
    • getTopLevelComponentCount

      int getTopLevelComponentCount()
      Short for getUserInterfaceManager().getTopLevelComponentCount().
      See Also:
    • getTopLevelComponent

      Component getTopLevelComponent(int aIndex)
      Short for getUserInterfaceManager().getTopLevelComponent().
      See Also:
    • addCustomizerPanelFactory

      @Deprecated void addCustomizerPanelFactory(ILcyCustomizerPanelFactory aFactory)
      Use new TLcyCompositeCustomizerPanelFactory(aLucyEnv).addCustomizerPanelFactory(aFactory) instead. The Lucy API offers composite implementations of all interfaces which can be registered on the services. Those composite implementations will use those registered instances when the constructor with the Lucy back-end as parameter is used. See the javadoc of addService(Object, int) and the Lucy developer guide for more information.
      Equivalent of new TLcyCompositeCustomizerPanelFactory(aLucyEnv).addCustomizerPanelFactory(aFactory)
    • removeCustomizerPanelFactory

      @Deprecated void removeCustomizerPanelFactory(ILcyCustomizerPanelFactory aFactory)
      Use new TLcyCompositeCustomizerPanelFactory(aLucyEnv).removeCustomizerPanelFactory(aFactory) instead. The Lucy API offers composite implementations of all interfaces which can be registered on the services. Those composite implementations will use those registered instances when the constructor with the Lucy back-end as parameter is used. See the javadoc of addService(Object, int) and the Lucy developer guide for more information.
      Equivalent of new TLcyCompositeCustomizerPanelFactory(aLucyEnv).removeCustomizerPanelFactory(aFactory)