Class TLcyTEAControllerAddOn


public class TLcyTEAControllerAddOn extends ALcyAddOn
Add-on to query terrain elevation of GXY maps in a tooltip and in a profile view. It provides a controller that displays elevation as a tool tip, and that allows creating a profile view by dragging a line.

The back-end performs the actual calculation. The add-on's functionality can be changed by extending the back-end. See the developer's guide for more information on using and extending TEA add-ons.

Note that this add-on depends on the LuciadLightspeed Terrain Analysis Engine component.

See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • TLcyTEAControllerAddOn

      public TLcyTEAControllerAddOn()
  • Method Details

    • plugInto

      public void plugInto(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv)
      Builds the TEA controller and back-end and plugs in the GUI.
      Specified by:
      plugInto in class ALcyAddOn
      aLucyEnv - the Lucy instance to plug into
      See Also:
    • unplugFrom

      public void unplugFrom(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv)
      Unplugs the add-on from the Lucy environment.
      Specified by:
      unplugFrom in class ALcyAddOn
      aLucyEnv - the Lucy environment
      See Also:
    • getLucyEnv

      public ILcyLucyEnv getLucyEnv()
      Returns the Lucy environment into which this add-on was plugged.
      the Lucy environment into which this add-on was plugged
      See Also:
    • getPreferencesTool

      public TLcyPreferencesTool getPreferencesTool()
      Returns the preferences tool used by the add-on. The preferences tool provides access to the add-on's configuration, system, user and workspace preferences.
      the add-on's preferences tool
    • getControllerBackEnd

      public TLcyTEAControllerBackEnd getControllerBackEnd()
      Returns the TLcyTEAControllerBackEnd of this add-on, as created by createControllerBackEnd. It can be used to perform calculations just as this add-on would make them.
      the TLcyTEAControllerBackEnd of this add-on.
    • createControllerBackEnd

      protected TLcyTEAControllerBackEnd createControllerBackEnd()
      Creates the TLcyTEAControllerBackEnd that is used to perform the actual calculations with. Return a sub-class of TLcyTEAControllerBackEnd to tune the behavior.
      the TLcyTEAControllerBackEnd that is used to perform the actual calculations with.