Class TLcyLspSaveAsImageActionFactory


public class TLcyLspSaveAsImageActionFactory extends Object

Factory which allows to create ILcdAction instances which can be used to save a component or a view to an image.

The created actions will show a dialog to the user asking where the image should be created, and allows to customize the image options (for example the compression options when saving to jpg).

More specialized actions are available for Lightspeed map components, which will also save the overlay components (for example the BingMaps copyright notice). These actions are similar to the standard actions to save a map to an image available in the Lucy UI.

A similar class is available for GXY map components. See TLcySaveAsImageActionFactory

See Also:
  • Method Details

    • createActionForComponent

      public static ILcdAction createActionForComponent(JComponent aComponent, ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv)
      Create an action to save a JComponent to an image. Identical to TLcySaveAsImageActionFactory#createActionForComponent
      aComponent - The component to save. Must not be null
      aLucyEnv - The Lucy back-end. Must not be null
      An action which allows to save aComponent to an image. See class javadoc for more information about the action.
      See Also:
    • createActionForMapComponent

      public static ILcdAction createActionForMapComponent(ILcyLspMapComponent aMapComponent, ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv)
      Create an action to save a ILcyLspMapComponent to an image
      aMapComponent - The map component to save. Must not be null
      aLucyEnv - The Lucy back-end. Must not be null
      An action which allows to save aMapComponent to an image. See class javadoc for more information about the action.
    • createActionForMapComponent

      public static ILcdAction createActionForMapComponent(ILcyGenericMapComponent<? extends ILspView,? extends ILspLayer> aMapComponent, ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv)
      Create an action to save a ILcyGenericMapComponent with an ILspView to an image. Currently only ALspAWTView instances are supported. If the ILspView is not an ALspAWTView, the returned action will always be disabled.
      aMapComponent - The component to save. Must not be null
      aLucyEnv - The Lucy back-end. Must not be null
      An action which allows to save aMapComponent to an image. See class javadoc for more information about the action.