Package com.luciad.lucy.addons.tea.shapevisibility

package com.luciad.lucy.addons.tea.shapevisibility

Provides the add-on to perform visibility calculations between a point observer and other shapes on a Lightspeed map.

The TLcyShapeVisibilityAddOn provides the

  • ILcdModel-related code to store the point observers and the results of the calculation.
  • TLcyShapeVisibilityManager which has API to create point observers.
  • object properties panel for the point observer domain objects.
  • actions to create point observers.
  • actions to start and stop observing shapes.

To actually use this functionality on a Lightspeed map, you also need to use the TLcyLspShapeVisibilityFormatAddOn. The Lightspeed add-on provides the layer factories to visualize the point observers and the observation results.
