Class TLcyDAFIFFormatAddOn

public class TLcyDAFIFFormatAddOn extends ALcyFormatAddOn

This add-on provides DAFIF(T) support. Note that you can only use this add-on if you also have the DAFIF Industry Specific Component.

This add-on was added as a replacement for TLcyDAFIFAddOn. The main benefits of this add-on are that it can open un-processed DAFIF data as well as processed (.toc) data and that it can open multiple DAFIF data sets at the same time. DAFIF data can now also be painted using hardware acceleration in Lightspeed views, using TLcyLspDAFIFFormatAddOn. In order to use the Lightspeed add-on, the use of this add-on is required. Also note that this add-on uses the same styling as the old add-on, so it can not use the SLD files used in the Lightspeed DAFIF add-on.

This add-on can not be loaded together with the old DAFIF add-on.

This add-on uses TLcdDAFIFModelDecoder that produces lazily decoded models. For layers that are invisible, the data loading does not get triggered. For layers that are visible, the data loading is triggered. The configuration file allows to specify which layers should initially be invisible, and thus for which types the data loading is postponed until the user makes those layers visible (or the model is accessed by other means apart from visualization). Please refer to TLcyDAFIFFormatAddOn.cfg for an example.

  • Constructor Details

    • TLcyDAFIFFormatAddOn

      public TLcyDAFIFFormatAddOn()
      Creates a new TLcyDAFIFAddOn.
  • Method Details

    • createBaseFormat

      protected ALcyFormat createBaseFormat()
      Description copied from class: ALcyFormatAddOn

      Returns a new data format for this add-on. Override this method to extend the default format with new functionality.

      For example, to alter the icon of the layers of this format, you can decorate the layer factory created in the format:

       protected ALcyFormat createBaseFormat() {
         return new ALcyFormatWrapper(super.createBaseFormat()){
           protected ILcdGXYLayerFactory createGXYLayerFactory(){
             final ILcdGXYLayerFactory delegate = super.createGXYLayerFactory();
             return new ILcdGXYLayerFactory(){
               public ILcdGXYLayer createGXYLayer(ILcdModel aModel){
                 ILcdGXYLayer layer = delegate.createGXYLayer(aModel);
                 if (layer != null){
                   ILcdIcon icon = ...;
                 return layer;
      Specified by:
      createBaseFormat in class ALcyFormatAddOn
      a new format for this add-on
    • unplugFrom

      public void unplugFrom(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv)
      Description copied from class: ALcyFormatAddOn
      Unplugs the add-on's format.
      unplugFrom in class ALcyFormatAddOn
      aLucyEnv - the Lucy environment
      See Also:
    • createFormatWrapper

      protected final ALcyFormat createFormatWrapper(ALcyFormat aBaseFormat)
      Description copied from class: ALcyFormatAddOn

      Returns a new data format wrapper for this add-on. A format wrapper extends the base format with aspects such as asynchronous painting, mutable file behavior, safe guarding, etc.

      Overriding this method of an existing add-on should be done with extreme care as add-ons typically rely on the wrappers that should be present (e.g. a safe guard).

      Specified by:
      createFormatWrapper in class ALcyFormatAddOn
      aBaseFormat - the base format to wrap
      a new format for this add-on
      See Also:
    • plugInto

      public void plugInto(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv)
      Description copied from class: ALcyFormatAddOn

      Creates and plugs in the add-on's format.

      plugInto in class ALcyFormatAddOn
      aLucyEnv - the Lucy environment to plug into
      See Also: