Class TLcyASTERIXDecoderAddOn

public class TLcyASTERIXDecoderAddOn extends ALcyPreferencesAddOn

This add-on provides support for ASTERIX models, and allows to visualize those on a GXY map. Note that you can only use this add-on if you also have the ASTERIX Industry Specific Component.

This add-on provides:

  • Model decoders to decode static ASTERIX data.
  • Model decoders to decode ASTERIX data from a live stream (see below for more information).
  • Simulator model factories which allow to replay ASTERIX data by using the TLcyPreviewAddOn.
  • Layer factories to visualize all this data on a GXY view. The TLcyLspASTERIXFormatAddOn is responsible for visualizing this data on a Lightspeed view.

Visualizing live ASTERIX data

This add-on plugs in a TLcdASTERIXLiveModelDecoder which allows to connect to live ASTERIX data streams. There are still two additional steps that need to be taken before you can visualize such a data stream on the map:
  • You need to register an ILcdInputStreamFactory as service. This input stream factory is responsible for creating input streams for URI's which are accepted by the TLcdASTERIXLiveModelDecoder.
  • Offer UI to the user to connect to the live stream. This is not strictly needed, as the user can for example drag-and-drop an URI to the map.
As documented in the TLcdASTERIXLiveModelDecoder, the ILcdModel.dispose() method should be called on those live models when the model is no longer used. If not, the InputStream will remain open and connected to the ASTERIX data live stream. Currently there is nothing present in Lucy to dispose a model, as Lucy has no mechanism to know when a model is no longer in use. If your custom Lucy-based application connects to a live ASTERIX data stream, it is recommended you also add logic to dispose of the ASTERIX model when you are no longer using it.