Class TLspLineStyle

All Implemented Interfaces:
ILspEffectsHintStyle, ILspTexturedStyle, ILspWorldElevationStyle, ILspStyler
Direct Known Subclasses:

public class TLspLineStyle extends ALspStyle implements ILspTexturedStyle, ILspWorldElevationStyle, ILspEffectsHintStyle
Style that defines a shape's outline as a line with a width in pixels (i.e., the line appears equally wide at a large or small scale).

Construction of a line style is done through the Builder design pattern mechanism.

To style objects based its properties use TLspParameterizedLineStyle

  • Constructor Details

    • TLspLineStyle

      protected TLspLineStyle(TLspLineStyle.Builder aBuilder)
      Creates a new style with the properties that are set on the builder
      aBuilder - a builder which will be used to initialize this style.
  • Method Details

    • newBuilder

      public static TLspLineStyle.Builder<?> newBuilder()
      Creates a new builder with the default values.
      the new builder.
    • asBuilder

      public TLspLineStyle.Builder<?> asBuilder()
      Creates a new builder initialized with all the properties of this style.
      Specified by:
      asBuilder in class ALspStyle
      the new builder.
    • getColor

      public Color getColor()
      Gets the color.
      the color
    • isTransparent

      public boolean isTransparent()
      Description copied from class: ALspStyle
      Determines whether this style is transparent.

      Shapes that are transparent can be painted in a different paint phase than shapes that are not transparent.

      Specified by:
      isTransparent in class ALspStyle
      whether or not this style is transparent
    • getWidth

      public double getWidth()
      Gets the line width (pixels). The returned value is always strictly positive.
      the line width
    • isBlendOverlap

      @Deprecated public boolean isBlendOverlap()
      The blend overlap mode is now defined by an enumeration, use getBlendOverlap().
      Determines whether different lines that are painted with the same style and that cover the same pixels are blended together or not.

      When false, all pixels covered will receive the same color, even if this color is transparent and if multiple lines cover the same pixel. If true, overlapping (transparent) lines will be blended together resulting in a less transparent color at their crossings.

      The default value is false.

      whether or not overlapping lines are blended together
    • getBlendOverlap

      public TLspLineStyle.BlendOverlapMode getBlendOverlap()
      Determines whether different lines that are painted with the same style and that cover the same pixels are blended together or not.

      When the mode is BlendOverlapMode#NEVER, all pixels covered will receive the same color, even if this color is transparent and if multiple lines cover the same pixel. If the mode is BlendOverlapMode#ALWAYS, overlapping (transparent) lines will be blended together resulting in a less transparent color at their crossings.

      Finally the BlendOverlapMode#AUTO chooses the mode that gives the best results depending on the context. For instance, lines that are not draped should be blended. Lines that are draped will not be blended.

      The default value is BlendOverlapMode#AUTO.

      a mode defining whether or not overlapping lines are blended together
    • getPixelOffset

      public double getPixelOffset()
      Returns the offset from the original geometry at which the line should be drawn. This offset is specified in pixels.
    • getTexture

      public RenderedImage getTexture()
      Description copied from interface: ILspTexturedStyle
      Returns the image to be used as a texture map.

      This image should never be modified. To change the texture you should create a new style with a different image instance.

      Specified by:
      getTexture in interface ILspTexturedStyle
      the image to be used as a texture map
    • getTextureObject

      public ALsp2DTextureObject getTextureObject()
      Description copied from interface: ILspTexturedStyle
      Returns the texture object to be used.
      Specified by:
      getTextureObject in interface ILspTexturedStyle
      the texture object
    • isRepeatTexture

      public boolean isRepeatTexture()
      Description copied from interface: ILspTexturedStyle
      Specifies whether the texture map should be repeated (tiled) or not.
      Specified by:
      isRepeatTexture in interface ILspTexturedStyle
      whether the texture map should be repeated (tiled) or not
    • getTextureInterpolationType

      public ELcdInterpolationType getTextureInterpolationType()
      Description copied from interface: ILspTexturedStyle
      Specifies whether linear filtering should be used for the texture map.
      Specified by:
      getTextureInterpolationType in interface ILspTexturedStyle
      whether linear texture filtering should be used
    • getTextureCoordinatesMode

      public ILspTexturedStyle.TextureCoordinatesMode getTextureCoordinatesMode()
      Description copied from interface: ILspTexturedStyle
      Specifies whether the texture coordinates computed to apply the texture map should be relative to the bounds of the object or relative to the world. In the former case, the map is scaled and offset such that it fills the bounds (in model coordinates) of the object. In the latter case, the model coordinates of the object are used as texture coordinates unmodified.
      Specified by:
      getTextureCoordinatesMode in interface ILspTexturedStyle
      the mode indicating how the texture should be mapped on the object being styled
    • getTextureMatrixSFCT

      public void getTextureMatrixSFCT(double[] aMatrixSFCT)
      Description copied from interface: ILspTexturedStyle
      Returns a 4x4 matrix that should be applied to the texture coordinates when mapping the texture given by this style. This can be used to scale, rotate or otherwise transform the texture.
      Specified by:
      getTextureMatrixSFCT in interface ILspTexturedStyle
      aMatrixSFCT - array containing the elements of a 4x4 matrix in column-major order
    • getDashPattern

      public TLspLineStyle.DashPattern getDashPattern()
      Gets the dash pattern. Can be null.
      the dash pattern
    • getElevationMode

      public ILspWorldElevationStyle.ElevationMode getElevationMode()
      Description copied from interface: ILspWorldElevationStyle
      Returns the elevation mode of this style.
      Specified by:
      getElevationMode in interface ILspWorldElevationStyle
      The elevation mode.
    • getEffectsHints

      public Collection<ILspEffectsHintStyle.EffectsHint> getEffectsHints()
      Description copied from interface: ILspEffectsHintStyle
      Returns the effects hints specified for this style.
      Specified by:
      getEffectsHints in interface ILspEffectsHintStyle
      the effects hints specified for this style
    • equals

      public boolean equals(Object obj)
      equals in class ALspStyle
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      hashCode in class ALspStyle
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object