Package com.luciad.lucy.addons.networkconnection

package com.luciad.lucy.addons.networkconnection

Provides the addon that offers to configure settings related to network connections used in Lucy:

The addon provides the following settings:

  1. Proxy configuration
    • A menu item "Proxy settings..." is added to the menu "Edit", allowing to configure proxy hostname and password, proxy exceptions and proxy authentication.
    • The proxy settings are enabled JVM-wide through a static ProxySelector and Authenticator.
    • The proxy settings are made persistent through the user preferences, using com.luciad.lucy.util.TLcyProperties. The keys are prefixed by the addon class name.
  2. Server authentication
    • A JVM-wide static Authenticator is used to request user credentials (username and password) in a dialog, when a server is accessed that requires BASIC or DIGEST authentication.

Note that this addon overrides any existing ProxySelector and/or Authenticator, if they are already set before this addon is loaded. If a custom ProxySelector and Authenticator is required, this addon should be disabled.

  • Classes
    This addon allows to configure settings related to network connections used in Lucy.