Interface ILcyLspMapComponent

All Superinterfaces:
AutoCloseable, ILcdDisposable, ILcdPropertyChangeSource, ILcyGenericMapComponent<ILspView,ILspLayer>
All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface ILcyLspMapComponent extends ILcyGenericMapComponent<ILspView,ILspLayer>

Lightspeed implementation of ILcyGenericMapComponent.

This interface is subject to change, please use the available factory (TLcyLspMapComponentFactory) or extend the default implementation (TLcyLspMapComponent) to create instances that implement this interface and do not use delegation.

  • Field Details

  • Method Details

    • getType

      String getType()

      Returns a String representing the type of the map component.

      A possible use-case of the type of a map component is to distinguish between the regular/default map components and e.g. "mission-view" map components.

      a String representing the type of the map component, never null
    • getProperties

      TLcyStringProperties getProperties()
      Returns a TLcyStringProperties instance associated with the map component. This instance can be used to store extra information about a map component. The key-value pairs are automatically stored in the workspace, and can as such be used to make custom map properties persistent.
      a TLcyStringProperties instance associated with this map component, never null