Class TLcyGXYAsynchronousCustomizerPanelWorkspaceCodec


public class TLcyGXYAsynchronousCustomizerPanelWorkspaceCodec extends ALcyWorkspaceObjectCodec

Asynchronous customizer panel workspace codec, wrapping around an existing codec.

  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • getUID

      public String getUID()
      Description copied from class: ALcyWorkspaceObjectCodec
      A unique identifier for this ALcyWorkspaceObjectCodec.

      The UID will be used to make sure that a workspace part that is encoded by a ALcyWorkspaceObjectCodec with some UID can only be decoded by a ALcyWorkspaceObjectCodec with the same UID. For this purpose it is mandatory that, whenever the application is restarted, ALcyWorkspaceObjectCodec's with the same UID's are registered with the TLcyWorkspaceManager.

      Unique means that at any time no two ALcyWorkspaceObjectCodecs or ALcyWorkspaceCodecDelegates with the same getUID() must be registered with the same TLcyWorkspaceManager. Therefore it is suggested to use a package name prefix for the UID's. The UID's of all ALcyWorkspaceCodecDelegates added by Lucy itself start with "com.luciad".

      The UID must not be 'null', must not be the empty string "", must not contain spaces and must not start with '%'

      Specified by:
      getUID in class ALcyWorkspaceObjectCodec
      The UID for this ALcyWorkspaceObjectCodec.
    • canEncodeObject

      public boolean canEncodeObject(ALcyWorkspaceCodec aWSCodec, Object aObject, Object aParent)
      Description copied from class: ALcyWorkspaceObjectCodec
      This method returns true if the given Object can be encoded, false otherwise.

      This method should only be invoked by an ALcyWorkspaceCodec, never by user code. Instead user code must use ALcyWorkspaceCodec.canEncodeReference(Object, Object) when an object reference needs to be restored.

      Specified by:
      canEncodeObject in class ALcyWorkspaceObjectCodec
      aWSCodec - The ALcyWorkspaceCodec, provided in case object references need to be stored.
      aObject - The object to encode.
      aParent - The parent of the object to encode. The parent will often be null, or for example when a domain objects needs to be saved (e.g. a polyline), the parent will normally be the ILcdModel that contains the domain object. The exact value of the parent is defined by the ALcyWorkspaceObjectCodec that will encode the object. Please check the javadoc of the addon responsible for the object to encode or refer to the Lucy Developer Guide for more information.
      True if the given Object can be encoded, false otherwise.
    • encodeObject

      public void encodeObject(ALcyWorkspaceCodec aWSCodec, Object aObject, Object aParent, OutputStream aOut) throws IOException, TLcyWorkspaceAbortedException
      Description copied from class: ALcyWorkspaceObjectCodec
      This method writes the given Object to the given OutputStream.

      This method should only be invoked by an ALcyWorkspaceCodec, never by user code. Instead user code must use ALcyWorkspaceCodec.encodeReference(Object, Object) when an object reference needs to be stored.

      Note that this method must, in general, be re-entrant: this method can be invoked by a thread before the previous call on that same thread is terminated. This happens when this method stores references (ALcyWorkspaceCodec.encodeReference(Object, Object)) to objects that are encoded by this codec as well. Or if it stores references to objects that (indirectly) refer objects that are encoded by this codec.

      Specified by:
      encodeObject in class ALcyWorkspaceObjectCodec
      aWSCodec - The ALcyWorkspaceCodec, provided in case object references need to be stored.
      aObject - The object to encode.
      aParent - The parent of the object to encode. The parent will often be null, or for example when a domain objects needs to be saved (e.g. a polyline), the parent will normally be the ILcdModel that contains the domain object. The exact value of the parent is defined by the ALcyWorkspaceObjectCodec that will encode the object. Please check the javadoc of the addon responsible for the object to encode or refer to the Lucy Developer Guide for more information.
      aOut - The OutputStream to write to.
      IOException - In case of IO failure.
      TLcyWorkspaceAbortedException - In case the user aborted (e.g. canceled) the operation.
    • createObject

      public Object createObject(ALcyWorkspaceCodec aWSCodec, Object aParent, InputStream aIn) throws IOException, TLcyWorkspaceAbortedException
      Description copied from class: ALcyWorkspaceObjectCodec
      This method creates an Object of the proper class. The returned object will then be further initialized by ALcyWorkspaceObjectCodec.decodeObject(ALcyWorkspaceCodec, Object, Object,

      The decoding of an object is split into createObject and decodeObject to be able to deal with circular references. During createObject ALcyWorkspaceCodec.decodeReference(String) must not be used to resolve circular references. Actually it is advised not to use ALcyWorkspaceCodec.decodeReference(String) at all from this method.

      This method should only be invoked by an ALcyWorkspaceCodec, never by user code. Instead user code must use ALcyWorkspaceCodec.decodeReference(String) when an object reference needs to be restored.

      Specified by:
      createObject in class ALcyWorkspaceObjectCodec
      aWSCodec - The ALcyWorkspaceCodec.
      aParent - The parent of the object to decode. The parent will often be null, or for example when a domain objects needs to be restored (e.g. a polyline), the parent will normally be the ILcdModel that must contain the domain object. The exact value of the parent is defined by the ALcyWorkspaceObjectCodec that will decode the object. Please check the javadoc of the addon responsible for the object to decode or refer to the Lucy Developer Guide for more information.
      aIn - The InputStream. Normally this method will not read from the input stream!
      The created object.
      IOException - In case of IO failure.
      TLcyWorkspaceAbortedException - In case the user aborted (e.g. canceled) the operation.
    • decodeObject

      public void decodeObject(ALcyWorkspaceCodec aWSCodec, Object aObject, Object aParent, InputStream aIn) throws IOException, TLcyWorkspaceAbortedException
      Description copied from class: ALcyWorkspaceObjectCodec
      This method decodes the properties of an Object created by ALcyWorkspaceObjectCodec.createObject(ALcyWorkspaceCodec, Object, from the given InputStream. The decision if this codec can read from the InputStream is based on the ALcyWorkspaceObjectCodec.getUID() of this codec. If the Object was written by a codec with the same UID as this codec, it is assumed that this codec can read from the InputStream.

      The decoding of an object is split into createObject and decodeObject to be able to deal with circular references. Preferably object references should be restored from this method. (by using ALcyWorkspaceCodec.decodeReference(String)). There are however a lot of codecs which don't need to do anything in this method. Therefore this method is not abstract, and the default implementation does nothing.

      This method should only be invoked by an ALcyWorkspaceCodec, never by user code. Instead user code must use ALcyWorkspaceCodec.decodeReference(String) when an object reference needs to be restored.

      Note that this method must, in general, be re-entrant: this method can be invoked by a thread before the previous call on that same thread is terminated. This happens when this method restores references (ALcyWorkspaceCodec.decodeReference(String)) to objects that are decoded by this codec as well. Or if it restores references to objects that (indirectly) refer objects that are decoded by this codec.

      decodeObject in class ALcyWorkspaceObjectCodec
      aWSCodec - The ALcyWorkspaceCodec, provided in case object references need to be restored.
      aObject - The object to decode the properties of. It was created using ALcyWorkspaceObjectCodec.createObject(ALcyWorkspaceCodec, Object, .
      aParent - The parent of the object to decode. The parent will often be null, or for example when a domain objects needs to be restored (e.g. a polyline), the parent will normally be the ILcdModel that must contain the domain object. The exact value of the parent is defined by the ALcyWorkspaceObjectCodec that will decode the object. Please check the javadoc of the addon responsible for the object to decode or refer to the Lucy Developer Guide for more information.
      aIn - The InputStream to read from.
      IOException - In case of IO failure.
      TLcyWorkspaceAbortedException - In case the user aborted (e.g. canceled) the operation.