Class TLcyVerticalViewAddOn


public class TLcyVerticalViewAddOn extends ALcyAddOn
The vertical view addon allows to display vertical profiles. It adds a menu item to open a vertical view panel. From this panel, all vertical view functionality can be accessed.

Vertical views can be programmatically added using createAndAddVerticalViewComponent().

Workspace considerations

To store its internal state, the vertical view add-on needs to encode which object was visible in the vertical view. As such, it needs to be able to reference domain objects that are contained in models.

When encoding a reference to a domain object, this add-on passes the model containing the domain object as the parent.

If you are writing your own add-on, and that add-on adds custom models to Lucy, you will need to add an ALcyWorkspaceObjectCodec that can encode the state of these domain objects.

  • Field Details


      public static final TLcyGroupDescriptor VERTICAL_VIEW_GROUP_DESCRIPTOR
  • Constructor Details

    • TLcyVerticalViewAddOn

      public TLcyVerticalViewAddOn()
  • Method Details

    • plugInto

      public void plugInto(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv)
      Description copied from class: ALcyAddOn
      Plugs this addon into the given lucy environment. It is in the implementation of this method that the addon adds its functionality to the Lucy backend.
      Specified by:
      plugInto in class ALcyAddOn
      aLucyEnv - The lucy environment to plug into.
      See Also:
    • unplugFrom

      public void unplugFrom(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv)
      Description copied from class: ALcyAddOn
      Unplugs this addon from the given Lucy environment. It removes the functionality previously added to the Lucy backend.
      Specified by:
      unplugFrom in class ALcyAddOn
      aLucyEnv - The lucy environment to unplug from.
      See Also:
    • createAndAddVerticalViewComponent

      public Component createAndAddVerticalViewComponent()
      Creates and adds a new vertical view component. The component is created using the vertical view factory and added to an ILcyApplicationPane. So after calling this method, the new vertical view is present in the user interface.

      The ILcyApplicationPane for the returned vertical view can be retrieved using ILcyLucyEnv.getUserInterfaceManager().getApplicationPaneManager(). To dispose a vertical view, retrieve its ILcyApplicationPane and call ILcyApplicationPane.disposeApp().

      The component created by the factory.
    • getVerticalViewComponentFactory

      public ALcyVerticalViewComponentFactory getVerticalViewComponentFactory()
      Returns the factory that is used to create vertical view components.
      the factory that is used to create vertical view components.
      See Also:
    • setVerticalViewComponentFactory

      public void setVerticalViewComponentFactory(ALcyVerticalViewComponentFactory aVerticalViewComponentFactory)
      Sets the factory that is used to create vertical view components. Changing the factory allows to modify the user interface of the vertical views.

      Note that it is also possible to configure which factory to use, in the vertical view configuration file.

      aVerticalViewComponentFactory - The factory that is used to create vertical view components. Must not be null.
    • getVerticalViewManager

      public TLcyVerticalViewManager getVerticalViewManager()
      Returns the TLcyVerticalViewManager that keeps track of the currently active vertical views.
      the TLcyVerticalViewManager.