Class ALcyDefaultAddOn

All Implemented Interfaces:

@Deprecated public abstract class ALcyDefaultAddOn extends ALcyAddOn implements ILcyAddOnDecoder
Use ALcyAddOn instead and move the logic provided by ILcyAddOnDecoder to the plugInto method

Extension of ALcyAddOn that implements some methods in a default way.

To write your own addon, you will have to override plugInto and unplugFrom without calling the super class. The plugInto method should set up the addon properly, the unplugFrom method should undo all operations performed by the plugInto method.

Note: As the ILcyAddOnDecoder interface does not add any real value, it is sufficient to extend the abstract class ALcyAddOn and implement the methods ALcyAddOn.plugInto(com.luciad.lucy.ILcyLucyEnv) and ALcyAddOn.unplugFrom(com.luciad.lucy.ILcyLucyEnv). This class is here only for backwards compatibility. If you want to write your own addon, please extend ALcyAddOn instead of this class.