Class TLcyDataFormatManager.ALcyHandlerChooser

Enclosing class:

public abstract static class TLcyDataFormatManager.ALcyHandlerChooser extends Object

Class that represents the logic to choose a ILcdModelDecoder or ALcyDataSourceHandler out of a list of candidates. The instance set on the TLcyDataFormatManager is triggered for every data source that needs to be handled.

Implementations could for example present the user with a dialog to choose the appropriate handler.

  • Constructor Details

    • ALcyHandlerChooser

      public ALcyHandlerChooser()
  • Method Details

    • chooseHandler

      public abstract Object chooseHandler(String aSourceName, ILcyGenericMapComponent<? extends ILcdView,? extends ILcdLayer> aMapComponent, ILcdModelDecoder[] aModelDecoders, ALcyFileTypeDescriptor[] aModelDecoderFileTypeDescriptors, ALcyDataSourceHandler[] aDataSourceHandlers, ALcyFileTypeDescriptor[] aDataSourceHandlerFileTypeDescriptors, ALcyFileTypeDescriptor aSelectedFileTypeDescriptor, Component aParentComponent) throws TLcyUserCancelledException
      Chooses the ILcdModelDecoder or ALcyDataSourceHandler to use for the given aSourceName out of the list of given handlers.
      aSourceName - The data source to choose a handler for.
      aMapComponent - The map on which the data will be opened, provided as contextual information.
      aModelDecoders - An array of ILcdModelDecoders from which to choose.
      aModelDecoderFileTypeDescriptors - The file type descriptors corresponding to aModelDecoders. Is null iff aModelDecoders is null. Array must have equal length as aModelDecoders. It can contain null values for those ILcdModelDecoders that don't work with files.
      aDataSourceHandlers - An array of ALcyDataSourceHandlers from which to choose.
      aDataSourceHandlerFileTypeDescriptors - The file type descriptors corresponding to aDataSourceHandlers. Is null iff aDataSourceHandlers is null. Array must have equal length as aDataSourceHandlers. It can contain null values for those ALcyDataSourceHandlers that don't work with files.
      aSelectedFileTypeDescriptor - The selected file type descriptor, can be used if there is ambiguity (multiple decoders can read a file). Can be null for default behavior.
      aParentComponent - A parent component, used to display message dialogs.
      an object from aModelDecoders or aDataSourceHandlers, or null in case none of the model decoders / data source handlers is capable of handling the source.
      TLcyUserCancelledException - This method can throw a TLcyUserCancelledException to indicate that the user has decided to cancel the data loading instead of choosing a handler. In such case, the TLcyDataFormatManager will not indicate to the TLcyDataFormatManager.getLogListener() that the source failed, but rather swallow the exception.
    • chooseDataSourceDecoder

      public abstract ILcdModelDecoder chooseDataSourceDecoder(ILcdDataSource aSource, ILcyGenericMapComponent<? extends ILcdView,? extends ILcdLayer> aMapComponent, ILcdModelDecoder[] aModelDecoders, Component aParentComponent) throws TLcyUserCancelledException
      Chooses the ILcdModelDecoder to use for the given aDataSource out of the list of given decoders.
      aSource - The data source to choose a handler for.
      aMapComponent - The map on which the data will be opened, provided as contextual information.
      aModelDecoders - An array of ILcdModelDecoders from which to choose.
      aParentComponent - A parent component, used to display message dialogs.
      an object from aModelDecoders or aDataSourceHandlers, or null in case none of the model decoders / data source handlers is capable of handling the source.
      TLcyUserCancelledException - This method can throw a TLcyUserCancelledException to indicate that the user has decided to cancel the data loading instead of choosing a handler. In such case, the TLcyDataFormatManager will not indicate to the TLcyDataFormatManager.getLogListener() that the source failed, but rather swallow the exception.