Class TLcyContourAddOn

public class TLcyContourAddOn extends ALcyFormatAddOn
Add-on to calculate terrain contour lines and visualize them on a GXY map. It provides a terrain analysis back-end, format and GUI.

The back-end performs the actual calculation. It can be used independently of the used GUI.

The GUI's application pane is built by a ALcyApplicationPaneTool, using the add-on's GUI factory. By default, this GUI uses the composite workspace preferences of the add-on's preferences tool.

The add-on's functionality can be changed by extending the back-end, or by extending the GUI builder and tapping into the latter preferences object. See the developer's guide for more information on using and extending TEA add-ons.

Note that this add-on depends on the LuciadLightspeed Terrain Analysis Engine component.

See Also:
  • Field Details


      public static final String SHAPE_LIST_KEY
      Property name for the shapes to calculate contours for. The associated property value is an array of String objects.
      See Also:

      public static final String SELECTED_SHAPE_KEY
      Property name for the currently selected shape to calculate contours from. The associated value is of type String, and denotes the ID that can be used to retrieve the shape's sub-properties. The sub-property suffixes are defined in TLcyContourBackEnd.

      For example, the domain object for the shape "Shape23" can be found in the property named ""TLcyContourAddOn.layer.tea.list."" + "Shape23" + "." + TLcyContourBackEnd.DOMAIN_OBJECT_CONTEXT_KEY


      public static final String QUALITY_KEY
      Quality property for calculations, expressed in meters per discretization step. The corresponding property value is of type double.
      See Also:

      public static final double QUALITY_VALUE_DEFAULT
      Default value for the QUALITY_KEY property.
      See Also:

      public static final String QUALITY_ITEMS_KEY
      Property name for predefined quality levels to choose from. The values are sorted by increasing accuracy.
      See Also:

      public static final double[] QUALITY_ITEMS_VALUE_DEFAULT
      Default value for the QUALITY_ITEMS_KEY property.

      public static final String QUALITY_DESCRIPTIONS_KEY
      Property name for descriptions of the predefined quality levels to choose from.
      See Also:

      public static final String[] QUALITY_DESCRIPTIONS_VALUE_DEFAULT
      Default value for the QUALITY_DESCRIPTIONS_KEY property.

      public static final String COLOR_MAP_KEY
      A color map property for visualizing calculated contour lines. The corresponding property value is of type TLcdColorMap
      See Also:

      public static final TLcdColorMap COLOR_MAP_VALUE_DEFAULT
      Default value for the COLOR_MAP_KEY property.

      public static final String COLOR_UNKNOWN_KEY
      Determines the "unknown color" when visualizing calculated contour lines. The corresponding property value is of type Color
      See Also:

      public static final Color COLOR_UNKNOWN_VALUE_DEFAULT
      Default value for the COLOR_UNKNOWN_KEY property.

      public static final String LINKED_LAYER_KEY
      The ILcdGXYLayer that is linked to the GUI panel. This value is automatically set when selecting a contour layer in the active map's layer panel. The corresponding property value is of type ILcdGXYLayer
      See Also:

      public static final ILcdGXYLayer LINKED_LAYER_VALUE_DEFAULT
      Default value for the LINKED_LAYER_VALUE_DEFAULT property.

      public static final String AUTO_UPDATE_KEY
      Determines whether GUI changes should be automatically propagated to the layer and start a new contour calculation. The corresponding property value is a boolean.
      See Also:

      public static final boolean AUTO_UPDATE_VALUE_DEFAULT
      Default value for the AUTO_UPDATE_KEY property.
      See Also:

      public static final String OUTPUT_FORMAT_KEY
      Property name for the used output format. The associated property is one of OUTPUT_FORMAT_VALUE_COMPLEX_POLYGON or OUTPUT_FORMAT_VALUE_POLYLINE.
      See Also:

      public static final String OUTPUT_FORMAT_VALUE_COMPLEX_POLYGON
      Constant identifying complex polygon output.
      See Also:

      public static final String OUTPUT_FORMAT_VALUE_POLYLINE
      Constant identifying polyline output.
      See Also:

      public static final String OUTPUT_FORMAT_VALUE_DEFAULT
      Default value for the property OUTPUT_FORMAT_KEY.
      See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • TLcyContourAddOn

      public TLcyContourAddOn()
      Default constructor for the contour add-on.
  • Method Details

    • plugInto

      public void plugInto(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv)
      Builds a GUI, back-end and file format for contour calculations and plugs in the GUI and file format.
      aLucyEnv - the Lucy instance to plug into
      See Also:
    • unplugFrom

      public void unplugFrom(ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv)
      Unplugs the add-on's format, preferences tool and application pane tool.
      aLucyEnv - the Lucy environment
      See Also:
    • getContourBackEnd

      public TLcyContourBackEnd getContourBackEnd()
      The back-end that the GUI can use for performing contour calculations.

      Override createContourBackEnd() to extend the back-end.

      a TLcyContourBackEnd object for performing contour calculations
      See Also:
    • createContourBackEnd

      protected TLcyContourBackEnd createContourBackEnd()
      Returns a new back-end for contour calculations. Override this method to extend the default back-end with new functionality.
      a new back-end for contour calculations
    • createGUIFactory

      protected ALcyGUIFactory<Component> createGUIFactory()
      Returns a new GUI factory for this add-on. Override this method to extend the default GUI with new functionality.

      For example, this add-on could return a new instance of TLcyContourGUIFactory

      a new GUI factory for this add-on
    • createBaseFormat

      protected ALcyFormat createBaseFormat()

      Returns a new data format for this add-on. Override this method to extend the default format with new functionality.

      For example, to alter the icon of the layers of this format, you can decorate the layer factory created in the format:

       protected ALcyFormat createBaseFormat() {
         return new ALcyFormatWrapper(super.createBaseFormat()){
           protected ILcdGXYLayerFactory createGXYLayerFactory(){
             final ILcdGXYLayerFactory delegate = super.createGXYLayerFactory();
             return new ILcdGXYLayerFactory(){
               public ILcdGXYLayer createGXYLayer(ILcdModel aModel){
                 ILcdGXYLayer layer = delegate.createGXYLayer(aModel);
                 if (layer != null){
                   ILcdIcon icon = ...;
                 return layer;

      Note that the created format is at least wrapped by a TLcySafeGuardFormatWrapper (or equivalent) before it is plugged in ILcyLucyEnv (using e.g. TLcyFormatTool). So it is safe to rely on the safety checks performed by that wrapper.

      A contour model contains a collection of ILcdComplexPolygon instances, sorted by ascending value. The polygons offer the following feature list:

      Feature name Feature class
      Altitude ILcdISO19103Measure.class
      a new file format for this add-on
    • createFormatWrapper

      public final ALcyFormat createFormatWrapper(ALcyFormat aBaseFormat)
      Description copied from class: ALcyFormatAddOn

      Returns a new data format wrapper for this add-on. A format wrapper extends the base format with aspects such as asynchronous painting, mutable file behavior, safe guarding, etc.

      Overriding this method of an existing add-on should be done with extreme care as add-ons typically rely on the wrappers that should be present (e.g. a safe guard).

      Specified by:
      createFormatWrapper in class ALcyFormatAddOn
      aBaseFormat - the base format to wrap
      a new format for this add-on
      See Also:
    • createApplicationPaneTool

      protected ALcyApplicationPaneTool createApplicationPaneTool()
      Returns the add-on's application pane tool. Override this method to add to the default application pane tool's functionality.

      This add-on's application pane tool initializes the GUI factory with the add-on's composite workspace preferences. It also ensures that the panel is updated from the selected TEA layer's stored GUI properties.

      the add-on's application pane tool
      See Also:
    • getGUIFactory

      public ALcyGUIFactory<Component> getGUIFactory()
      Returns the GUI factory to create the add-on's application pane. See createGUIFactory() if you want to override or extend the add-on's factory.
      the add-on's GUI factory
    • getApplicationPaneTool

      public ALcyApplicationPaneTool getApplicationPaneTool()
      Returns the tool that creates the add-on's application pane. See createApplicationPaneTool() if you want to override or extend the add-on's application pane tool.
      the tool that creates the add-on's application pane
    • createPreferencesTool

      protected TLcyPreferencesTool createPreferencesTool()
      Creates the TLcyPreferencesTool to be used by this add-on. Overwriting this method for example allows to register additional ILcyPropertyConverters for (complex) custom properties, to make sure they are correctly decoded from the add-on's configuration file and/or saved to the workspace. Note that this isn't required for simple properties such as String, int, double, etc.
      createPreferencesTool in class ALcyPreferencesAddOn
      the created TLcyPreferencesTool.