Class TLcyKML22RealtimeAddOn


public class TLcyKML22RealtimeAddOn extends ALcyAddOn

The Realtime AddOn for KML 2.2

This AddOn improves the functionality of the KML 2.2 AddOn by adding support for time dependant data. Any KML files that contain timestamps or time spans can be simulated.

The simulation of time-data is unconventional with regard to other AddOns. The simulator models of this AddOn will not create a new layer for every KML file that contains dynamic data. Instead it will alter the time filters of the existent models.

Due to restrictions in the KML file format, it is not possible to simulate multiple layers with the same KML model in different views with the same previewer bar.

Note: The TLcyKML22AddOn must be loaded for this AddOn to work

  • Constructor Details

    • TLcyKML22RealtimeAddOn

      public TLcyKML22RealtimeAddOn()
  • Method Details