Interface ILcyAsynchronousPaintHintProvider

All Known Implementing Classes:
TLcyCompositeAsynchronousPaintHintProvider, TLcyGXYAsynchronousLayerPaintHintProvider

public interface ILcyAsynchronousPaintHintProvider
Provider for asynchronous paint hints. These hints are used to control asynchronous painting behavior.
See Also:
  • Method Details

    • getAsynchronousPaintHint

      TLcyAsynchronousPaintHint getAsynchronousPaintHint(ILcdLayer aLayer)
      Returns a paint hint for the specified layer. If a paint hint provider cannot determine a paint hint for the specified layer, null should be returned.
      aLayer - the layer for which we wish to retrieve a paint hint
      an asynchronous paint hint if the provider knows it; null otherwise
      See Also: