Class TLcySearchAddOn


public final class TLcySearchAddOn extends ALcyAddOn

This add-on adds search functionality to Lucy. It adds a search box for

  • Coordinates: when the coordinates are found, Lucy will mark it on the map and fit on it.
  • A property of a model element. For example when you load data containing airspaces, you can search on the name of any of the loaded airspaces. When a hit is found, Lucy will select the airspace and fit on it.
  • The name of cities and countries: Lucy will use an online geo-coding service and try to map the city/country name to a location. When a match is found, Lucy will mark it on the map and fit on it.

This add-on is final, and the only possible customization options are listed in the configuration file. However, the source code of this add-on is available as sample code. This allows you to make any customization you can think of. If you want to use the sample code version of this add-on, you need to exclude the search add-on in your addons file, and add an entry for the sample add-on (or for your customized version of the sample add-on):

   <!-- Exclude the standard search add-ons --!>

   <!-- Include the sample versions of the add-on --!>

The sample code javadoc explains how the most common customizations can be done. The package documentation of the package is a good starting point.

  • Constructor Details

    • TLcySearchAddOn

      public TLcySearchAddOn()
      Default constructor
  • Method Details