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P - Static variable in class com.luciad.input.KeyCode
A key code representing the 'P' key.
p0(Coordinate) - Method in class
The 2D coordinate of the first point of the triangle.
p1(Coordinate) - Method in class
The 2D coordinate of the second point of the triangle.
p2(Coordinate) - Method in class
The 2D coordinate of the third point of the triangle.
PageDown - Static variable in class com.luciad.input.KeyCode
A key code representing the page down key.
PageUp - Static variable in class com.luciad.input.KeyCode
A key code representing the pacge up key.
paint() - Method in interface com.luciad.drawing.IIconPainter
Paints the IIcon as an image.
paint(FeatureCanvas, FeatureEditContext) - Method in interface com.luciad.edit.handles.IEditHandle
Paints this handle on the given canvas.
paint(FeatureCanvas, FeatureEditContext) - Method in class com.luciad.edit.handles.PointEditHandle
Paints this handle on the given canvas.
paint(FeatureCanvas, FeatureEditContext) - Method in class com.luciad.edit.handles.TranslateEditHandle
Paints this handle on the given canvas.
paint(Feature, FeaturePainterContext, FeatureCanvas) - Method in interface com.luciad.layers.features.IFeaturePainter
Specifies how the given feature is painted.
paint() - Method in class com.luciad.maps.Map.Renderer
To be called by the host widget/component to paint.
painter(IFeaturePainter) - Method in class com.luciad.layers.features.FeatureLayer.Builder
Sets the IFeaturePainter to use.
painterDependsOnFeature(boolean) - Method in class com.luciad.layers.features.FeaturePainterMetadata
Indicates whether a feature's style depends on the feature itself.
painterDependsOnFeatureState(FeatureState, boolean) - Method in class com.luciad.layers.features.FeaturePainterMetadata
Indicates that a feature's style depends on the given state.
pan() - Method in class com.luciad.maps.MapNavigator.PanAction
Executes the pan action by moving the 'from' Map location (PanAction#from or PanAction#fromViewLocation) to the location in view (device independent pixels) coordinates (PanAction#toLocation).
PanEventHandler - Class in com.luciad.controllers
Basic gesture handler dedicated to translate drag gesture events to a pan operation.
PanEventHandler() - Constructor for class com.luciad.controllers.PanEventHandler
Creates a new instance.
parallelLineBuilder() - Static method in class com.luciad.layers.styles.complexstrokes.ComplexStrokePatternFactory
Creates a builder used to make patterns with a line segment shape that is parallel to the base line.
ParallelLinePatternBuilder - Class in
Creates a pattern with a line segment shape that is parallel to the base line.
parameter(Observable<T>) - Static method in class com.luciad.layers.styles.expressions.StyleExpressionFactory
Creates a parameter expression that is a style expression that can be changed at runtime.
parse(String) - Method in class com.luciad.grids.mgrs.MgrsFormat
Parses the given MGRS or UTM/UPS coordinate string into a point with WGS84 lon lat coordinates.
Patch - Class in com.luciad.geometries
A patch is a surface based on a single ring, thus not having any holes.
PatchCreator - Class in com.luciad.create.geometries
This class can create patch instances, based on other created geometries.
PatchCreator(IGeometryCreator) - Constructor for class com.luciad.create.geometries.PatchCreator
Creates a new PatchCreator.
PatchHandlesProvider - Class in com.luciad.edit.geometries
This handles provider can be used to provider edit handles for a Patch geometry.
PatchHandlesProvider() - Constructor for class com.luciad.edit.geometries.PatchHandlesProvider
Creates a new handles provider that can provide handles a Patch geometry.
PathLabelPosition - Enum in com.luciad.layers.styles
An enumeration describing the position of a label wrt a path.
performOnIntermediateEvents(boolean) - Method in class com.luciad.edit.handles.EditActionBinder
Sets whether the action is also performed for intermediate events, such as drag updates or mouse moves, and not only at the end of a gesture event sequence.
PerspectiveCamera - Class in com.luciad.cameras
A camera that uses an perspective projection.
PerspectiveCamera.Builder - Class in com.luciad.cameras
Factory object that can create new PerspectiveCamera instances.
pinStyle(PinStyle) - Method in class com.luciad.layers.features.FeatureCanvas.LabelDrawCommand
This method enables pins for labels and defines their styling.
PinStyle - Class in com.luciad.layers.styles
This class contains styling properties that can be used to configure pins for labels, see FeatureCanvas.LabelDrawCommand#pinStyle.
PinStyle.Builder - Class in com.luciad.layers.styles
A builder class for creating pin styles that can be set up to labels, see FeatureCanvas.LabelDrawCommand#pinStyle.
PinStyle.EndPosition - Enum in com.luciad.layers.styles
Possible positions for the end of the pin.
PixelDensity - Class in com.luciad.rasters
A pixel density represents the number of pixel in raster data over a unit of area in a given coordinate reference.
PixelDensity(CoordinateReference, double) - Constructor for class com.luciad.rasters.PixelDensity
Construct a PixelDensity object.
PixelFormat - Enum in com.luciad.drawing
Enumeration for the supported pixel formats.
pixels(double) - Static method in class com.luciad.input.ScreenDistance
Utility factory method for constructing a ScreenDistance expressed in device independent pixels.
Plus - Static variable in class com.luciad.input.KeyCode
A key code representing the '+' key.
Point - Class in com.luciad.geometries
Represents a point.
Point(CoordinateReference, Coordinate) - Constructor for class com.luciad.geometries.Point
Constructs a point with a reference and a coordinate.
Point(Point) - Constructor for class com.luciad.geometries.Point
PointChange - Class in com.luciad.geometries.constraints
Describes a change that was made to a Point geometry.
PointChange(Coordinate) - Constructor for class com.luciad.geometries.constraints.PointChange
Creates a point change with a translation.
PointCloudStyle - Class in com.luciad.layers.styles
A class representing how point cloud data should be styled.
pointCloudStyle(PointCloudStyle) - Method in class com.luciad.layers.tileset3d.TileSet3DLayer.Builder
Sets the style to use for point cloud data.
PointCloudStyle.Builder - Class in com.luciad.layers.styles
A builder class for creating point cloud styles.
PointCreator - Class in com.luciad.create.geometries
This class can create point instances.
PointCreator(CoordinateReference) - Constructor for class com.luciad.create.geometries.PointCreator
Creates a new PointCreator.
PointEditHandle - Class in com.luciad.edit.handles
This handle represents a Point on the Map and can be visualized using an icon.
PointEditHandle(Point) - Constructor for class com.luciad.edit.handles.PointEditHandle
Creates a new PointEditHandle without associated actions.
PointEditHandle(Observable<Point>) - Constructor for class com.luciad.edit.handles.PointEditHandle
Creates a new PointEditHandle without associated actions.
PointEditHandle.IVisualAidProvider - Interface in com.luciad.edit.handles
This interface allows to calculate a visual aid line based on the location of the handle.
PointHandlesProvider - Class in com.luciad.edit.geometries
This handles provider can create handles to edit Point geometries.
PointHandlesProvider() - Constructor for class com.luciad.edit.geometries.PointHandlesProvider
Creates a new PointHandlesProvider that can create handles to modify Point geometries.
PointHandlesProvider.IHandleFactory - Interface in com.luciad.edit.geometries
Allows you to specify which handles are created by this handles provider.
pointPositions(List<RelativePosition>) - Method in class com.luciad.layers.features.FeatureCanvas.LabelDrawCommand
Specifies the possible positions to place a Point label.
points(List<Coordinate>) - Method in class
Sets the points of the polyline.
pointSizeAdaptive(StyleExpression<Double>) - Method in class com.luciad.layers.styles.PointCloudStyle.Builder
When this function is used, points get a size in function of the distance to the eye and the tile geometric error.
pointSizeAdaptive(double) - Method in class com.luciad.layers.styles.PointCloudStyle.Builder
When this function is used, points get a size in function of the distance to the eye and the tile geometric error.
pointSizeAdaptive() - Method in class com.luciad.layers.styles.PointCloudStyle.Builder
When this function is used, points get a size in function of the distance to the eye and the tile geometric error.
pointSizePixels(StyleExpression<Double>) - Method in class com.luciad.layers.styles.PointCloudStyle.Builder
The expression that determines the pixel size of the point cloud's points.
pointSizePixels(double) - Method in class com.luciad.layers.styles.PointCloudStyle.Builder
Sets the pixel size of the point cloud's points.
pointSizeWorld(StyleExpression<Double>) - Method in class com.luciad.layers.styles.PointCloudStyle.Builder
The expression that determines the world size of the point cloud's points, typically expressed in meters.
pointSizeWorld(double) - Method in class com.luciad.layers.styles.PointCloudStyle.Builder
Sets the world size of the point cloud's points, typically meters.
Polygon - Class in com.luciad.geometries
Represents a polygon.
Polyline - Class in com.luciad.geometries
Represents a polyline.
polylineBuilder() - Static method in class com.luciad.layers.styles.complexstrokes.ComplexStrokePatternFactory
Creates a builder used to make patterns with a polyline shape.
PolylineChange - Class in com.luciad.geometries.constraints
Describes a change that was made to a Polyline geometry.
PolylineChange() - Constructor for class com.luciad.geometries.constraints.PolylineChange
Constructs an empty polyline change.
PolylineCreator - Class in com.luciad.create.geometries
This class can create polyline instances.
PolylineCreator(CoordinateReference) - Constructor for class com.luciad.create.geometries.PolylineCreator
Creates a new polyline creator instance.
PolylineHandlesProvider - Class in com.luciad.edit.geometries
This provider can create handles to edit Polyline geometries.
PolylineHandlesProvider() - Constructor for class com.luciad.edit.geometries.PolylineHandlesProvider
Creates a new handles provider that can create handles to modify Polyline geometries.
PolylineHandlesProvider.IHandleFactory - Interface in com.luciad.edit.geometries
Allows you to specify which handles are used by this handles provider.
PolylinePatternBuilder - Class in
Creates a pattern with a polyline shape.
PolylineRing - Class in com.luciad.geometries
Represents a polyline that is closed, i.e., the first point and the last point coincide.
PolylineRingCreator - Class in com.luciad.create.geometries
This class can create (2D) polyline ring instances.
PolylineRingCreator(CoordinateReference) - Constructor for class com.luciad.create.geometries.PolylineRingCreator
Creates a new polyline ring creator instance.
PolylineRingHandlesProvider - Class in com.luciad.edit.geometries
This handles provider can create handles to edit PolylineRing geometries.
PolylineRingHandlesProvider() - Constructor for class com.luciad.edit.geometries.PolylineRingHandlesProvider
Creates a new handles provider that can create handles for a PolylineRing geometry.
PolylineRingHandlesProvider.IHandleFactory - Interface in com.luciad.edit.geometries
Allows you to specify which handles are used by this handles provider.
position(Point) - Method in class com.luciad.layers.features.FeatureCanvas.Icon3DDrawCommand
The location where the 3D icon will be drawn.
position(RelativePosition) - Method in class com.luciad.layers.features.FeatureCanvas.IconDrawCommand
Determines the positioning of the icon, relative to the anchor.
position(RelativePosition) - Method in class com.luciad.layers.features.FeatureCanvas.TextDrawCommand
Determines the positioning of the text, relative to the anchor.
positionAttribute() - Static method in class com.luciad.layers.styles.expressions.StyleExpressionFactory
Creates an expression that represents the position of the data that is styled.
pow(StyleExpression<T>, StyleExpression<T>) - Static method in class com.luciad.layers.styles.expressions.StyleExpressionFactory
Creates an expression that returns the result of the first expression raised to the power of the result of the second expression.
precision(MgrsFormatPrecision) - Method in class com.luciad.grids.mgrs.MgrsFormat.Builder
Sets the MgrsFormatPrecision used to format an MGRS or UTM/UPS string.
primaryLabelStyle(TextStyle) - Method in class com.luciad.layers.grids.mgrs.MgrsGrid.Builder
Indicates the primary label style to use for the MGRS grid.
primaryLineStyle(LineStyle) - Method in class com.luciad.layers.grids.mgrs.MgrsGrid.Builder
Indicates the primary line style to use for the MGRS grid.
Priority - Class in com.luciad.containers
Priority class that can be used in all kinds of classes.
Priority(long) - Constructor for class com.luciad.containers.Priority
Creates a new priority with the given value.
priority(Priority) - Method in class com.luciad.layers.features.FeatureCanvas.LabelDrawCommand
Sets the priority that is used to determine the order in which labels are placed.
projectPointOnTerrain(Coordinate) - Method in class com.luciad.maps.Map.Renderer
Projects the given point by moving it up or down towards the terrain.
property(DataProperty) - Method in class com.luciad.datamodels.DataPropertyPath.Builder
Sets the next property in the path.
property(String) - Method in class com.luciad.datamodels.DataPropertyPath.Builder
Sets the name of the next property in the path.
PropertyBackgroundColor - Static variable in class com.luciad.maps.Map
Property name for the MapEvent that is fired as a result of changing the map's background color.
PropertyCamera - Static variable in class com.luciad.maps.Map
Property name for the MapEvent that is fired as a result of changing the map's camera.
PropertyController - Static variable in class com.luciad.maps.Map
Property name for the MapEvent that is fired as a result of changing the map's controller.
PropertyDisplayScale - Static variable in class com.luciad.maps.Map
Property name for the MapEvent that is fired as a result of changing the map's display scale.
PropertyDpi - Static variable in class com.luciad.maps.Map
Property name for the MapEvent that is fired as a result of changing the map's dpi.
PropertyEditable - Static variable in class com.luciad.layers.features.FeatureLayer
Returns the property name for the LayerEvent that is fired as a result of changing the layer's editable flag.
PropertyFadingTime - Static variable in class com.luciad.layers.tileset3d.TileSet3DLayer
Property name for the LayerEvent that is fired as a result of changing the layer's fading time.
PropertyLabeled - Static variable in class com.luciad.layers.features.FeatureLayer
Returns the property name for the LayerEvent that is fired as a result of changing the layer's labeled flag.
PropertyLabeled - Static variable in class com.luciad.layers.grids.GridLayer
Property name for the LayerEvent that is fired as a result of changing the layer's labeled flag.
PropertyMeshStyle - Static variable in class com.luciad.layers.tileset3d.TileSet3DLayer
Property name for the LayerEvent that is fired as a result of changing the layer's mesh style.
PropertyPainter - Static variable in class com.luciad.layers.features.FeatureLayer
Returns the property name for the LayerEvent that is fired as a result of changing the layer's IFeaturePainter.
PropertyPointCloudStyle - Static variable in class com.luciad.layers.tileset3d.TileSet3DLayer
Property name for the LayerEvent that is fired as a result of changing the layer's point cloud style.
PropertyQualityFactor - Static variable in class com.luciad.layers.tileset3d.TileSet3DLayer
Property name for the LayerEvent that is fired as a result of changing the layer's quality factor.
PropertyQueryable - Static variable in class com.luciad.layers.features.FeatureLayer
Returns the property name for the LayerEvent that is fired as a result of changing the layer's queryable flag.
PropertyRasterStyle - Static variable in class com.luciad.layers.rasters.RasterLayer
Property name for the LayerEvent that is fired as a result of changing the layer's style.
PropertyTitle - Static variable in class com.luciad.layers.Layer
Property name for the LayerEvent that is fired as a result of changing the layer's title.
PropertyTransparencyEnabled - Static variable in class com.luciad.layers.tileset3d.TileSet3DLayer
Property name for the LayerEvent that is fired as a result of changing the layer's transparency setting.
PropertyVisible - Static variable in class com.luciad.layers.Layer
Property name for the LayerEvent that is fired as a result of changing the layer's visible flag.
provide(Observable<Feature>, FeatureEditContext, IFeatureEditCallback) - Method in class com.luciad.edit.features.CompositeFeatureHandlesProvider
Returns handles for the given feature.
provide(Observable<Feature>, FeatureEditContext, IFeatureEditCallback) - Method in class com.luciad.edit.features.FeatureHandlesProvider
Returns handles for the given feature.
provide(Observable<Feature>, FeatureEditContext, IFeatureEditCallback) - Method in interface com.luciad.edit.features.IFeatureHandlesProvider
Returns handles for the given feature.
provide(Observable<Geometry>, FeatureEditContext, IGeometryEditCallback) - Method in class com.luciad.edit.geometries.CompositeGeometryHandlesProvider
Returns the handles for the given feature.
provide(Observable<Geometry>, FeatureEditContext, IGeometryEditCallback) - Method in interface com.luciad.edit.geometries.IGeometryHandlesProvider
Returns the handles for the given feature.
provide(Observable<Geometry>, FeatureEditContext, IGeometryEditCallback) - Method in class com.luciad.edit.geometries.PatchHandlesProvider
Returns the handles for the given feature.
provide(Observable<Geometry>, FeatureEditContext, IGeometryEditCallback) - Method in class com.luciad.edit.geometries.PointHandlesProvider
Returns the handles for the given feature.
provide(Observable<Geometry>, FeatureEditContext, IGeometryEditCallback) - Method in class com.luciad.edit.geometries.PolylineHandlesProvider
Returns the handles for the given feature.
provide(Observable<Geometry>, FeatureEditContext, IGeometryEditCallback) - Method in class com.luciad.edit.geometries.PolylineRingHandlesProvider
Returns the handles for the given feature.
provide(Observable<Feature>, FeatureEditContext, IFeatureEditCallback) - Method in class com.luciad.symbology.military.MilitarySymbolFeatureHandlesProvider
Returns handles for the given feature.
provideTranslateAction(Observable<Geometry>, FeatureEditContext, IGeometryEditCallback) - Method in class com.luciad.edit.geometries.CompositeGeometryHandlesProvider
Provides a translate action that can be used by the caller to add translation behavior.
provideTranslateAction(Observable<Geometry>, FeatureEditContext, IGeometryEditCallback) - Method in interface com.luciad.edit.geometries.IGeometryHandlesProvider
Provides a translate action that can be used by the caller to add translation behavior.
provideTranslateAction(Observable<Geometry>, FeatureEditContext, IGeometryEditCallback) - Method in class com.luciad.edit.geometries.PatchHandlesProvider
Provides a translate action that can be used by the caller to add translation behavior.
provideTranslateAction(Observable<Geometry>, FeatureEditContext, IGeometryEditCallback) - Method in class com.luciad.edit.geometries.PointHandlesProvider
Provides a translate action that can be used by the caller to add translation behavior.
provideTranslateAction(Observable<Geometry>, FeatureEditContext, IGeometryEditCallback) - Method in class com.luciad.edit.geometries.PolylineHandlesProvider
Provides a translate action that can be used by the caller to add translation behavior.
provideTranslateAction(Observable<Geometry>, FeatureEditContext, IGeometryEditCallback) - Method in class com.luciad.edit.geometries.PolylineRingHandlesProvider
Provides a translate action that can be used by the caller to add translation behavior.
Proxy - Class in com.luciad.loaders
Represents the proxy server.
Proxy(String, int) - Constructor for class com.luciad.loaders.Proxy
Constructs the proxy server info.
proxySelector(IProxySelector) - Method in class
Sets the proxy selector used by the HttpClient.
putValue(MilitarySymbol.Modifier, String) - Method in class com.luciad.symbology.military.MilitarySymbol
Sets the given (modifier,value) pair.
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