Class PointCloudStyle

All Implemented Interfaces:

public final class PointCloudStyle extends Object implements AutoCloseable
A class representing how point cloud data should be styled.
  • Method Details

    • finalize

      protected void finalize()
      finalize in class Object
    • close

      public void close()
      Specified by:
      close in interface AutoCloseable
    • newBuilder

      @NotNull public static PointCloudStyle.Builder newBuilder()
      Creates a new builder for creating a PointCloudStyle.

      By default, this builder assumes a scaling mode as "Adaptive Point Style" with a scale expression of "1.0". If you invoke any of these methods: pointSizePixels or pointSizeWorld or pointSizeAdaptive, the scaling mode and scaling expression will be replaced.

      a builder that can produce PointCloudStyle objects.
    • getColorExpression

      @Nullable public StyleExpression<> getColorExpression()
      Returns the color expression that determines the color of each point of the point cloud.
      the color expression that determines the color of each point of the point cloud.
    • getVisibilityExpression

      @Nullable public StyleExpression<Boolean> getVisibilityExpression()
      Returns the visibility expression that determines for each point of the point cloud if it is visible or not.
      the visibility expression that determines for each point of the point cloud if it is visible or not.
    • getDisplacementExpression

      @Nullable public StyleExpression<Coordinate> getDisplacementExpression()
      Returns the expression used to displace the point cloud, or null if no expression was set.
      the expression used to displace the point cloud, or null if no expression was set.
      See Also:
    • asBuilder

      @NotNull public PointCloudStyle.Builder asBuilder()
      Returns a PointCloudStyle builder that has all properties of this PointCloudStyle.
      a PointCloudStyle builder that has all properties of this PointCloudStyle.