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M - Static variable in class com.luciad.input.KeyCode
A key code representing the 'M' key.
map(StyleExpression<Double>, List<StyleExpression<T>>, StyleExpression<T>) - Static method in class com.luciad.layers.styles.expressions.StyleExpressionFactory
map(Map) - Method in class com.luciad.create.Creator.Builder
Sets the map on which features are created.
map(Map) - Method in class com.luciad.edit.Editor.Builder
Sets the map on which features are edited.
Map - Class in com.luciad.maps
A map for showing geo-spatial data.
Map.Builder - Class in com.luciad.maps
Builder to create a Map.
Map.FeatureQuery - Class in com.luciad.maps
A query specifies which features you are interested in.
Map.FeatureQuery.Builder - Class in com.luciad.maps
Builder for a Map.FeatureQuery.
Map.HeightProvider - Class in com.luciad.maps
A height provider based on the map layers order and visibility.
Map.IRendererCallback - Interface in com.luciad.maps
This callback can be used to execute tasks on the render thread right before or right after the Map is painted by Map.Renderer.
Map.LocationMode - Enum Class in com.luciad.maps
Used to determine how the Map::getViewToMapTransformation method determines the point in Map coordinates that corresponds to a given view location.
Map.Renderer - Class in com.luciad.maps
The Map renderer.
Map.ViewMapTransformation - Class in com.luciad.maps
This class allows to transform between view (pixel coordinates on the screen) and map coordinates.
MapAttributions - Class in com.luciad.maps
A class from which the attributions of a map can be retrieved.
MapEvent - Class in com.luciad.maps
Event that indicates that some property of the map has changed.
MapEvent(Map, String) - Constructor for class com.luciad.maps.MapEvent
Creates a new map event for the given map and changed property.
MapNavigator - Class in com.luciad.maps
Class that offers functionality to navigate around the globe.
MapNavigator.AboveConstraintOptions - Class in com.luciad.maps
Option to configure the navigation constraint to keep the camera above the terrain.
MapNavigator.BoundsConstraintOptions - Class in com.luciad.maps
Options to configure the constraint to restrict the navigation to specific bounds.
MapNavigator.FitAction - Class in com.luciad.maps
Class that allows to build a fit action and apply it, either directly or using an animation.
MapNavigator.PanAction - Class in com.luciad.maps
Class that allows to build a pan action and apply it, either directly or using an animation.
MapNavigator.PitchConstraintOptions - Class in com.luciad.maps
Options to configure the constraint to restrict the pitch (tilt) of the camera.
MapNavigator.RotateAction - Class in com.luciad.maps
Class that allows to build a rotate action and apply it, either directly or using an animation.
MapNavigator.ScaleConstraintOptions - Class in com.luciad.maps
Options to configure the scale constraint to restrict the camera zooming.
MapNavigator.ZoomAction - Class in com.luciad.maps
Class that allows to build a zoom action and apply it, either directly or using an animation.
MapQueryFeaturesResult - Class in com.luciad.maps
Contains information about (parts of) features hit by a Query, returned by Map#queryFeatures.
MapQueryFeaturesResult(LayerFeatureId, Coordinate, boolean) - Constructor for class com.luciad.maps.MapQueryFeaturesResult
Create a MapQueryFeaturesResult containing information about (part of) a touched feature.
MapScale - Class in com.luciad.maps
This class represents a map scale, a ratio of a distance on the map to the corresponding actual distance.
MapScale(double) - Constructor for class com.luciad.maps.MapScale
Creates a new MapScale based on the given ratio.
mapToView(Coordinate) - Method in class com.luciad.cameras.Camera
Transforms a point in map coordinates to view coordinates.
mapToView(Point) - Method in class com.luciad.maps.Map.ViewMapTransformation
Transform a point from the world reference to a coordinate in the view space.
max(StyleExpression<T>, StyleExpression<U>) - Static method in class com.luciad.layers.styles.expressions.StyleExpressionFactory
Creates an expression that returns the maximum of the given expressions.
maxHeight(double) - Method in class
Sets the maximum height of the rectangle, in pixels, relative to the base line.
maxLevel(long) - Method in class com.luciad.formats.dted.DtedModelDecoder.Options.Builder
Sets the maximum DTED level that is decoded.
maxMemoryUsageHint(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.maps.Map.Builder
A hint about the memory consumption allowed by the map.
MaxZoomedIn - Static variable in class com.luciad.maps.MapScale
The value that represents a maximally zoomed in map scale (1:0 ≈ the maximum double value)
MaxZoomedOut - Static variable in class com.luciad.maps.MapScale
The value that represents a maximally zoomed out map scale (1:inf == 0)
MbTilesFeatureLayer - Class in com.luciad.layers.mbtiles
A layer for feature tile models.
MbTilesFeatureLayer.Builder - Class in com.luciad.layers.mbtiles
MbTilesModelDecoder - Class in com.luciad.formats.mbtiles
A model decoder for MBTiles data.
MbTilesModelDecoderOptions - Class in com.luciad.formats.mbtiles
Options for decoding MBTiles data.
MbTilesModelDecoderOptions.Builder - Class in com.luciad.formats.mbtiles
Builder for the MBTiles options.
mbTilesType(MbTilesType) - Method in class com.luciad.formats.mbtiles.MbTilesModelDecoderOptions.Builder
Sets the MBTiles type.
MbTilesType - Enum Class in com.luciad.formats.mbtiles
Types of MBTiles.
meshStyle(MeshStyle) - Method in class com.luciad.layers.tileset3d.TileSet3DLayer.Builder
Sets the style to use for mesh data.
MeshStyle - Class in com.luciad.layers.styles
This class contains styling properties to determine how a mesh is painted.
MeshStyle.Builder - Class in com.luciad.layers.styles
A builder class for creating mesh styles.
method(HttpRequestMethod) - Method in class
Sets the request method of this builder.
Mgrs - Enum constant in enum class com.luciad.grids.mgrs.MgrsFormatType
MGRS format type.
MgrsFormat - Class in com.luciad.grids.mgrs
Class to format points as MGRS or UTM/UPS coordinates.
MgrsFormat(MgrsFormat) - Constructor for class com.luciad.grids.mgrs.MgrsFormat
MgrsFormat.Builder - Class in com.luciad.grids.mgrs
Builder for creating MgrsFormat.
MgrsFormatPrecision - Enum Class in com.luciad.grids.mgrs
An enumeration of different levels of precision that can be used to format MGRS or UTM/UPS strings by using MgrsFormat.
MgrsFormatType - Enum Class in com.luciad.grids.mgrs
An enumeration of MGRS format types.
MgrsGrid - Class in com.luciad.layers.grids.mgrs
The MGRS grid class represents how to visualize the MGRS grid on a map.
MgrsGrid(MgrsGrid) - Constructor for class com.luciad.layers.grids.mgrs.MgrsGrid
MgrsGrid.AdvancedBuilder - Class in com.luciad.layers.grids.mgrs
Advanced builder for a MGRS grid.
MgrsGrid.Builder - Class in com.luciad.layers.grids.mgrs
Builder for a MGRS grid.
MgrsGridLayer - Class in com.luciad.layers.grids.mgrs
Military Grid Reference System (MGRS) grid layer that can be added to a map.
MgrsGridLayer.Builder - Class in com.luciad.layers.grids.mgrs
Builder for creating a MgrsGridLayer.
MgrsGridSetting - Class in com.luciad.layers.grids.mgrs
MGRS grid setting.
MgrsGridSetting(MgrsGridSetting) - Constructor for class com.luciad.layers.grids.mgrs.MgrsGridSetting
MgrsGridSetting.Builder - Class in com.luciad.layers.grids.mgrs
Builder for a MGRS grid setting.
MgrsGridTextProvider - Class in com.luciad.layers.grids.mgrs
An MGRS text provider that notifies callbacks whenever the currently visible zone/square of a given Map changes.
MgrsGridTextProvider(Map) - Constructor for class com.luciad.layers.grids.mgrs.MgrsGridTextProvider
Constructs a new MgrsGridTextProvider for the given Map.
MgrsGridTextProvider.ICallback - Interface in com.luciad.layers.grids.mgrs
This callback can be used to be notified whenever the currently visible zone/square changes, by giving you its formatted location text.
MgrsLevel - Enum Class in com.luciad.grids.mgrs
The available MGRS levels.
MgrsType - Enum Class in com.luciad.grids.mgrs
The MGRS type, either UTM or UPS.
Middle - Static variable in class com.luciad.input.mouse.MouseButton
Returns the middle mouse button.
MiddleOfBoundsOnEdge - Enum constant in enum class com.luciad.layers.styles.PinStyle.EndPosition
The pin connects to the label at the middle of the label bounds.
MilitaryDataModel - Class in com.luciad.symbology.military
Provides the data model and type of military symbols, as well as the relevant data property paths.
MilitarySymbol - Class in com.luciad.symbology.military
Allows retrieving and manipulating modifiers of a military symbol, without having to worry whether the properties are encoded in the symbol code or in textual modifiers.
MilitarySymbol.Affiliation - Enum Class in com.luciad.symbology.military
The affiliation of a military symbol.
MilitarySymbol.Modifier - Enum Class in com.luciad.symbology.military
Enumeration type for all available MIL-STD 2525 and APP-6 symbol modifiers.
MilitarySymbol.ModifierType - Enum Class in com.luciad.symbology.military
Describes the constraints of a text modifier value.
MilitarySymbolFeatureCreator - Class in com.luciad.symbology.military
Creates new symbology features.
MilitarySymbolFeatureCreator(Feature) - Constructor for class com.luciad.symbology.military.MilitarySymbolFeatureCreator
Creates a new MilitarySymbolFeatureCreator that uses the given initial Feature.
MilitarySymbolFeatureCreator(MilitarySymbol) - Constructor for class com.luciad.symbology.military.MilitarySymbolFeatureCreator
Creates a new MilitarySymbolFeatureCreator that creates a Feature for the given symbol.
MilitarySymbolFeatureHandlesProvider - Class in com.luciad.symbology.military
Provides editing handles for military symbol features.
MilitarySymbolFeatureHandlesProvider() - Constructor for class com.luciad.symbology.military.MilitarySymbolFeatureHandlesProvider
Default constructor.
MilitarySymbology - Class in com.luciad.symbology.military
Encapsulates the symbol hierarchy of a symbology standard.
MilitarySymbology.Standard - Enum Class in com.luciad.symbology.military
The supported symbology standards.
MilitarySymbologyCanvas - Class in com.luciad.symbology.military
Offers functionality for drawing military symbols on a wrapped FeatureCanvas.
MilitarySymbologyCanvas(FeatureCanvas) - Constructor for class com.luciad.symbology.military.MilitarySymbologyCanvas
Creates a new MilitarySymbologyCanvas around the given FeatureCanvas.
MilitarySymbologyCanvas.DrawCommand - Class in com.luciad.symbology.military
Allows to draw a military symbol on the MilitarySymbologyCanvas.
MilitarySymbologyNode - Class in com.luciad.symbology.military
Representation of a military symbol.
MilitarySymbologyNode.SymbolType - Enum Class in com.luciad.symbology.military
Describes how a military symbol is represented.
MilitarySymbolStyle - Class in com.luciad.symbology.military
Defines styling settings for visualizing military symbols.
MilitarySymbolStyle.Builder - Class in com.luciad.symbology.military
millimeters(double) - Static method in class com.luciad.input.ScreenDistance
Utility factory method for constructing a ScreenDistance expressed in millimeters.
Millimeters - Enum constant in enum class com.luciad.input.ScreenDistanceUnit
Physical millimeters on the screen.
MilStd2525b - Enum constant in enum class com.luciad.symbology.military.MilitarySymbology.Standard
Constant for MIL-STD 2525 revision B, change 2.
MilStd2525c - Enum constant in enum class com.luciad.symbology.military.MilitarySymbology.Standard
Constant for MIL-STD 2525 revision C.
MilStd2525d - Enum constant in enum class com.luciad.symbology.military.MilitarySymbology.Standard
Constant for MIL-STD 2525 revision D.
min(StyleExpression<T>, StyleExpression<U>) - Static method in class com.luciad.layers.styles.expressions.StyleExpressionFactory
Creates an expression that returns the minimum of the given expressions.
minHeight(double) - Method in class
Sets the minimum height of the rectangle, in pixels, relative to the base line.
minimumPointSizePixels(double) - Method in class com.luciad.layers.styles.PointCloudStyle.Builder
Sets the minimum point size in pixel.
minLevel(long) - Method in class com.luciad.formats.dted.DtedModelDecoder.Options.Builder
Sets the minimum DTED level that is decoded.
minorRadius(double) - Method in class
The minor radius is the distance from the baseline to the top/bottom of the arc.
Minus - Static variable in class com.luciad.input.KeyCode
A key code representing the '-' key.
mipmapFiltering(MipmapFilteringType) - Method in class com.luciad.layers.styles.MeshStyle.Builder
This setting determines which mipmap filtering to use when rendering large textures on small areas.
MipmapFilteringType - Enum Class in com.luciad.drawing
Mipmap filtering is a technique used to reduce the visual artifacts that occurs when a high resolution texture is rendered onto a small surface.
mix(StyleExpression<T>, StyleExpression<T>, StyleExpression<Double>) - Static method in class com.luciad.layers.styles.expressions.StyleExpressionFactory
Creates an expression that calculates an interpolated or extrapolated result between the result of first and second based on the result of fraction.
mixMap(StyleExpression<Double>, List<StyleExpression<T>>) - Static method in class com.luciad.layers.styles.expressions.StyleExpressionFactory
Mobility - Enum constant in enum class com.luciad.symbology.military.MilitarySymbol.Modifier
Mobility (SIDC modifier).
MobilityIndicator - Enum constant in enum class com.luciad.symbology.military.MilitarySymbol.Modifier
Mobility for equipment (SIDC modifier).
mod(StyleExpression<T>, StyleExpression<U>) - Static method in class com.luciad.layers.styles.expressions.StyleExpressionFactory
Creates an expression that returns the remainder of the division of a given expression by another expression.
model(IFeatureModel) - Method in class com.luciad.layers.features.FeatureLayer.Builder
Sets the feature model of the layer.
model(IFeatureTileModel) - Method in class com.luciad.layers.mbtiles.MbTilesFeatureLayer.Builder
Sets the feature tile model of the layer.
model(IRasterModel) - Method in class com.luciad.layers.rasters.RasterLayer.Builder
Sets the raster model of the layer.
model(ITileSet3DModel) - Method in class com.luciad.layers.tileset3d.TileSet3DLayer.Builder
Sets the 3D tiles model of the layer.
Model - Interface in com.luciad.models
Interface for models.
modelMetadata(ModelMetadata) - Method in class com.luciad.models.features.FeatureModelBuilder
Sets the ModelMetadata of the feature model.
modelMetadata(ModelMetadata) - Method in class com.luciad.models.rasters.MultilevelTiledRasterModelBuilder
Defines the model metadata.
modelMetadata(ModelMetadata) - Method in class com.luciad.models.rasters.QuadTreeRasterModelBuilder
Defines the model metadata.
ModelMetadata - Class in com.luciad.models
Represents meta data common for all types of models.
ModelMetadata.Builder - Class in com.luciad.models
The builder class to create the luciad::ModelMedata class.
ModelUpdateMode - Enum Class in com.luciad.edit
Enumeration that indicates when changes need to be committed to the model.
modifierKeys(ModifierKeys) - Method in class com.luciad.edit.handles.EditActionBinder
Sets the modifier keys that must be pressed while the click occurs for the action to be performed.
ModifierKeys - Class in com.luciad.input
Utility class that contains the combination of the modifier keys pressed.
ModifierKeys(long) - Constructor for class com.luciad.input.ModifierKeys
Creates a new instance.
modifiersEnabled(boolean) - Method in class com.luciad.symbology.military.MilitarySymbolStyle.Builder
Sets whether modifiers should be enabled.
modulationColor(Color) - Method in class com.luciad.layers.styles.RasterStyle.Builder
Sets the color that is modulated with the raster.
mouseButton(MouseButton) - Method in class com.luciad.edit.handles.EditActionBinder
Sets the mouse button that must be clicked for the action to be performed.
MouseButton - Class in com.luciad.input.mouse
Represents a mouse button in the controller API.
MouseButton(long) - Constructor for class com.luciad.input.mouse.MouseButton
Creates a new MouseButton with the given index.
MouseClickEvent - Class in com.luciad.input.mouse
Specialization of the ClickEvent for the mouse.
MouseClickEvent(Coordinate, long, ModifierKeys, MouseButton) - Constructor for class com.luciad.input.mouse.MouseClickEvent
Creates a click event for a mouse.
MouseCursor - Class in com.luciad.maps
Represents a mouse cursor in the map API.
MouseCursor(long) - Constructor for class com.luciad.maps.MouseCursor
Creates a new mouse cursor with the given id.
mouseCursorCallback(IMouseCursorCallback) - Method in class com.luciad.edit.Editor.Builder
Sets the IMouseCursorCallback to use.
MouseDragEvent - Class in com.luciad.input.mouse
Specialization of the DragEvent for the mouse.
MouseDragEvent(Coordinate, EventStatus, Coordinate, ModifierKeys, MouseButton) - Constructor for class com.luciad.input.mouse.MouseDragEvent
Create a drag event for a mouse.
MouseGestureRecognizer - Class in com.luciad.input.mouse
This class generates high-level mouse gesture events from low-level input events.
MouseGestureRecognizer(IInputEventCallback) - Constructor for class com.luciad.input.mouse.MouseGestureRecognizer
Creates a MouseGestureRecognizer that passes the generated high level IInputEvents to the given callback.
MouseMoveEvent - Class in com.luciad.input.mouse
Mouse movement dedicated implementation of the IInputEvent.
MouseMoveEvent(Coordinate, ModifierKeys) - Constructor for class com.luciad.input.mouse.MouseMoveEvent
Creates a move event for a mouse.
MousePressedEvent - Class in com.luciad.input.mouse
Implementation of IInputEvent that represents a mouse pressed.
MousePressedEvent(Coordinate, ModifierKeys, MouseButton) - Constructor for class com.luciad.input.mouse.MousePressedEvent
Creates an event representing a mouse button being pressed.
MouseReleasedEvent - Class in com.luciad.input.mouse
Implementation of IInputEvent that represents a mouse released.
MouseReleasedEvent(Coordinate, ModifierKeys, MouseButton) - Constructor for class com.luciad.input.mouse.MouseReleasedEvent
Creates an event representing a mouse button being released.
move(long, long) - Method in class com.luciad.layers.LayerList
Moves the layer with the given id to the target index.
moveControlPoint(Coordinate, long) - Method in class com.luciad.geometries.BezierCurve
Moves the control point at the given index to a new location.
moved(Layer, long, long) - Static method in class com.luciad.layers.LayerListEvent
Returns a new event that indicates that a layer has been moved in the LayerList.
Moved - Enum constant in enum class com.luciad.input.touch.TouchPointState
Used to indicate that the touch point moved.
Moved - Enum constant in enum class com.luciad.layers.InternalLayerListEvent.Type
Moved - Enum constant in enum class com.luciad.layers.LayerListEvent.Type
When the layer list event is for a layer that is moved.
moveEndPoint(Coordinate) - Method in class com.luciad.geometries.BezierCurve
Returns a copy of the Bézier curve with a moved end point.
MovementDirection - Enum constant in enum class com.luciad.symbology.military.MilitarySymbol.Modifier
Direction of movement or intended movement of an object (text modifier for units, equipment, and installations).
movePoint(long, Coordinate) - Method in class com.luciad.geometries.Polyline
Creates a new Polyline with a moved control point.
movePoint(long, Coordinate) - Method in class com.luciad.geometries.PolylineRing
Creates a new PolylineRing with a moved control point.
moveStartPoint(Coordinate) - Method in class com.luciad.geometries.BezierCurve
Returns a copy of the Bézier curve with a moved start point.
moveTo(Coordinate) - Method in class com.luciad.geometries.Point
Returns a new Point instance which is moved to the new coordinate location.
MultiGeometry - Class in com.luciad.geometries
Collection of one or more geometries.
MultilevelTileCoordinate - Class in com.luciad.models
Represents the coordinate of a tile in a multilevel tiled structure.
MultilevelTileCoordinate(long, long, long) - Constructor for class com.luciad.models.MultilevelTileCoordinate
Constructor for multilevel tile coordinates.
MultilevelTiledRasterModelBuilder - Class in com.luciad.models.rasters
This builder class allows to create a multi-level tiled raster model.
MultilevelTiledRasterModelBuilder(MultilevelTiledRasterModelBuilder) - Constructor for class com.luciad.models.rasters.MultilevelTiledRasterModelBuilder
MultilevelTileInfo - Class in com.luciad.models.rasters
A class storing information about a multilevel tile.
MultilevelTileInfo(Bounds, MultilevelTileCoordinate) - Constructor for class com.luciad.models.rasters.MultilevelTileInfo
Creates a new MultilevelTileInfo.
Multiple data types - Search tag in com.luciad.formats.geopackage.GeoPackageModelEncoder.exportFeatureModel(String, IFeatureModel, GeoPackageFeatureModelExportOptions)
multiply(double) - Method in class com.luciad.cartesian.Coordinate
multiply(StyleExpression<T>, StyleExpression<U>) - Static method in class com.luciad.layers.styles.expressions.StyleExpressionFactory
Creates an expression that multiplies the values of the two provided expressions.
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