Class PointEditHandle

All Implemented Interfaces:
IEditHandle, AutoCloseable

public final class PointEditHandle extends Object implements AutoCloseable, IEditHandle
This handle represents a Point on the Map and can be visualized using an icon.

It can be moved around, or react to mouse events.

The handle executes IPointEditAction, based on mouse input events. IEditHandles implementations configure concrete IPointEditAction implementations on this handle to make sure they result in geometry or feature changes. For example, when this handle is dragged around on the Map, an IEditHandles implementation for polylines can make sure that the second point of the polyline is moved.

This class supports the following gestures:

This handle is painted using an icon at its current location.

  • Constructor Details

    • PointEditHandle

      public PointEditHandle(@NotNull Point initialLocation)
      Creates a new PointEditHandle without associated actions.
      initialLocation - the initial location of the handle, cannot be null
    • PointEditHandle

      public PointEditHandle(@NotNull Observable<@Nullable Point> locationProvider)
      Creates a new PointEditHandle without associated actions.
      locationProvider - the location provider of the handle. The handle assumes the location of this point upon construction, while also observing the point to adjust its own location whenever the observable point changes; cannot be null.
  • Method Details

    • finalize

      protected void finalize()
      finalize in class Object
    • close

      public void close()
      Specified by:
      close in interface AutoCloseable
    • onEvent

      @NotNull public EventResult onEvent(@NotNull IInputEvent inputEvent, @NotNull FeatureEditContext context) throws NullPointerException
      Handles the given event, and returns if the event was consumed or not.

      While handling events, IEditHandles can mark themselves as highlighted or as Active. Related to event handling, the main effect of this is that highlighted or active handles get a higher priority compared to other handles: they get the chance to consume events first. See EditHandleState

      Specified by:
      onEvent in interface IEditHandle
      inputEvent - the event to handle, cannot be null
      context - the context, cannot be null
      if the event was consumed or not
      NullPointerException - when null is passed.
    • paint

      public void paint(@NotNull FeatureCanvas canvas, @NotNull FeatureEditContext context)
      Paints this handle on the given canvas.

      This method is called when

      This method only gets called on the UI thread, so there is no need for additional synchronization.

      Specified by:
      paint in interface IEditHandle
      canvas - the canvas on which this handle gets painted.
      context - the context, cannot be null
    • getEditState

      @NotNull public EditHandleState getEditState()
      Returns the current state of this handle.
      Specified by:
      getEditState in interface IEditHandle
      the current state of this handle.
    • getMouseCursor

      @Nullable public MouseCursor getMouseCursor()
      Returns the current mouse cursor that should be displayed for this handle.

      This method typically returns a value when this handle is highlighted or active. If not, null can be returned.

      Specified by:
      getMouseCursor in interface IEditHandle
      the current mouse cursor that should be displayed for this handle.
    • setInvalidationCallback

      public void setInvalidationCallback(@Nullable IInvalidationCallback invalidationCallback)
      Sets the callback for the handle to call when its visual representation or cursor has changed.

      Calling this callback triggers a new call to this handle's paint method.

      Specified by:
      setInvalidationCallback in interface IEditHandle
      invalidationCallback - the callback for the handle to call when its visual representation has changed
    • addEditStateObserver

      public void addEditStateObserver(@NotNull IInvalidationCallback observer) throws IllegalArgumentException
      Adds an observer that is called when the edit state of this handle has changed.

      Adding the same observer twice is forbidden, and will cause an exception to be thrown.

      Specified by:
      addEditStateObserver in interface IEditHandle
      observer - an observer
      IllegalArgumentException - when the observer was already added.
    • removeEditStateObserver

      public void removeEditStateObserver(@NotNull IInvalidationCallback observer) throws IllegalArgumentException
      Removes the given observer.

      If the given observer was never added, an exception is thrown.

      Specified by:
      removeEditStateObserver in interface IEditHandle
      observer - an observer
      IllegalArgumentException - when the observer is not known.
    • getLocation

      @Nullable public Point getLocation()
      Returns the current location of this handle.

      Note that this location is not necessarily equal to the location provider at all times. For example, they may differ when the handle is dragged around and no location changes are triggered in the location provider.

      the current location of this handle
    • getLocationProvider

      @NotNull public Observable<@Nullable Point> getLocationProvider()
      Returns the location provider of this handle.

      Note that the handle's current location is not necessarily equal to this location provider at all times. For example, they may differ when the handle is dragged around and no location changes are triggered in this location provider. Additionally, the handle may have a different location provider when it is active. See getLocationProviderWhenActive.

      the location provider of this handle. Never null.
    • getLocationProviderWhenActive

      @Nullable public Observable<@Nullable Point> getLocationProviderWhenActive()
      Returns the location provider to use when the handle is active.

      Can be null if no distinct location provider is set for when the handle is active.

      the location provider to use when the handle is active, or null.
    • setLocationProviderWhenActive

      public void setLocationProviderWhenActive(@Nullable Observable<@Nullable Point> locationProviderWhenActive)
      Sets the location provider to use when the handle is active.

      If set, this overrides the regular location provider when the handle is active.

      Can be null.

      locationProviderWhenActive - the location provider to use when the handle is active.
    • getMoveConstraint

      @NotNull public EditMoveConstraint getMoveConstraint()
      Returns the move constraint of this point handle.
      the move constraint of this point handle.
    • setMoveConstraint

      public void setMoveConstraint(@NotNull EditMoveConstraint moveConstraint)
      Sets the move constraint of this point handle.

      By default, this is EditMoveConstraint#XY.

      moveConstraint - the move constraint of this point handle.
    • getZOrder

      public int getZOrder()
      Returns the Z-order that is used for this handle's paint calls to the FeatureCanvas.
      the Z-order that is used for this handle's paint calls to the FeatureCanvas.
      See Also:
    • setZOrder

      public void setZOrder(int zOrder)
      Sets the Z-order that is used for this handle's paint calls to the FeatureCanvas.

      This Z-order determines which handles are painted on top, when multiple handles overlap. Edit handles with a higher Z-order are painted on top of handles with a lower Z-order. Note: highlighted edit handles are always painted above regular handles, and active handles are always painted above highlighted handles.

      Must be between [-1000,1000]. The default value is 0.

      zOrder - the Z-order that is used for this handle's paint calls to the FeatureCanvas.
      See Also:
    • getRegularIcon

      @Nullable public IIcon getRegularIcon()
      Returns the icon to paint when the handle is in a regular state.
      the icon to paint when the handle is in a regular state.
      See Also:
    • setRegularIcon

      public void setRegularIcon(@Nullable IIcon icon)
      Sets the icon to paint when the handle is in a regular state.

      This icon is only used when setUseFeatureAsHandle is set to false.

      icon - the icon to paint when the handle is in a regular (i.e. non-highlighted, non-active) state.
    • getHighlightedIcon

      @Nullable public IIcon getHighlightedIcon()
      Returns the icon to paint when the handle is in a highlighted state.
      the icon to paint when the handle is in a highlighted state.
      See Also:
    • setHighlightedIcon

      public void setHighlightedIcon(@Nullable IIcon icon)
      Sets the icon to paint when the handle is in a highlighted state.

      This icon is only used when setUseFeatureAsHandle is set to false.

      icon - the icon to paint when the handle is in a highlighted state.
    • getActiveIcon

      @Nullable public IIcon getActiveIcon()
      Returns the icon to paint when the handle is in an active state.
      the icon to paint when the handle is in an active state.
      See Also:
    • setActiveIcon

      public void setActiveIcon(@Nullable IIcon icon)
      Sets the icon to paint when the handle is in an active state.

      This icon is only used when setUseFeatureAsHandle is set to false.

      icon - the icon to paint when the handle is in an active state
    • isUseFeatureAsHandle

      public boolean isUseFeatureAsHandle()
      Returns whether this handle should paint any icons itself.

      When set to true, this handle does not paint any icons itself.

      when this is set to true, this handle does not paint any icons for itself.
      See Also:
    • setUseFeatureAsHandle

      public void setUseFeatureAsHandle(boolean useFeatureAsHandle)
      Sets whether this handle should paint any icons itself.

      When set to true, this handle does not paint any icons for itself. In this case, the handle considers the feature that is being edited for determining whether it is touched or not. Otherwise, when this is set to false, the handle paints itself as an icon and only considers that icon for deciding whether it is touched.

      By default, this is false.

      useFeatureAsHandle - when true, this handle does not paint any icons for itself.
    • setVisualAidLineProvider

      public void setVisualAidLineProvider(@Nullable PointEditHandle.IVisualAidProvider provider)
      Sets the visual aid line provider that allows to paint a visual aid line together with this handle.

      It is not possible to interact with this line. The line style can be configured using setRegularVisualAidLineStyle.

      If null, no visual aid line is painted. The default is null.

      provider - the visual aid line provider.
    • getVisualAidLineProvider

      @Nullable public PointEditHandle.IVisualAidProvider getVisualAidLineProvider()
      Returns the visual aid line provider that allows to paint a visual aid line together with this handle.
      the visual aid line provider
      See Also:
    • getRegularVisualAidLineStyle

      @Nullable public LineStyle getRegularVisualAidLineStyle()
      Returns the visual aid line style to use when this handle is in an inactive state.

      This method is linked to the getRegularVisualAidComplexStrokeLineStyle method:

      • if both of them return null, no visual aid line is painted
      • if one of them is not null, that line style is used
      • it's not possible for both methods to return a non null value: they are mutually exclusive
      the visual aid line style to use when this handle is in an inactive state.
      See Also:
    • getRegularVisualAidComplexStrokeLineStyle

      @Nullable public ComplexStrokeLineStyle getRegularVisualAidComplexStrokeLineStyle()
      Returns the visual aid complex stroke line style to use when this handle is in an inactive state.

      This method is linked to the getRegularVisualAidLineStyle method:

      • if both of them return null, no visual aid line is painted
      • if one of them is not null, that line style is used
      • it's not possible for both methods to return a non null value: they are mutually exclusive
      the visual aid complex stroke line style to use when this handle is in an inactive state.
      See Also:
    • setRegularVisualAidLineStyle

      public void setRegularVisualAidLineStyle(@Nullable LineStyle lineStyle)
      Sets the visual aid line style to use when this handle is in an inactive state.

      This style is only used when a visual aid line is set.

      Only one regular line style can be set, if this function is called with a non null value when a ComplexStrokeLineStyle has already been set, it will be overwritten.

      The default is a small, grey line.

      lineStyle - the visual aid line style to use when this handle is in an inactive state.
    • setRegularVisualAidComplexStrokeLineStyle

      public void setRegularVisualAidComplexStrokeLineStyle(@Nullable ComplexStrokeLineStyle lineStyle)
      Sets the visual aid complex stroke line style to use when this handle is in an inactive state.

      This style is only used when a visual aid line is set.

      Only one regular line style can be set, if this function is called with a non null value when a LineStyle has already been set, it will be overwritten.

      The default is null, as a linestyle is used as default regular visual aid style.

      lineStyle - the visual aid complex stroke line style to use when this handle is in an inactive state.
    • getHighlightedVisualAidLineStyle

      @Nullable public LineStyle getHighlightedVisualAidLineStyle()
      Returns the visual aid line style to use when this handle is in a highlighted state.

      This method is linked to the getHighlightedVisualAidComplexStrokeLineStyle method:

      • if both of them return null, no visual aid line is painted
      • if one of them is not null, that line style is used
      • it's not possible for both methods to return a non null value: they are mutually exclusive
      the visual aid line style to use when this handle is in a highlighted state.
      See Also:
    • getHighlightedVisualAidComplexStrokeLineStyle

      @Nullable public ComplexStrokeLineStyle getHighlightedVisualAidComplexStrokeLineStyle()
      Returns the visual aid complex stroke line style to use when this handle is in a highlighted state.

      This method is linked to the getHighlightedVisualAidLineStyle method:

      • if both of them return null, no visual aid line is painted
      • if one of them is not null, that line style is used
      • it's not possible for both methods to return a non null value: they are mutually exclusive
      the visual aid complex stroke line style to use when this handle is in a highlighted state.
      See Also:
    • setHighlightedVisualAidLineStyle

      public void setHighlightedVisualAidLineStyle(@Nullable LineStyle lineStyle)
      Sets the visual aid line style to use when this handle is in a highlighted state.

      This style is only used when a visual aid line is set.

      Only one regular line style can be set, if this function is called with a non null value when a ComplexStrokeLineStyle has already been set, it will be overwritten.

      The default is a small, grey line.

      lineStyle - the visual aid line style to use when this handle is in a highlighted state.
    • setHighlightedVisualAidComplexStrokeLineStyle

      public void setHighlightedVisualAidComplexStrokeLineStyle(@Nullable ComplexStrokeLineStyle lineStyle)
      Sets the visual aid complex stroke line style to use when this handle is in a highlighted state.

      This style is only used when a visual aid line is set.

      Only one highlighted line style can be set, if this function is called with a non null value when a LineStyle has already been set, it will be overwritten.

      The default is null, as a linestyle is used as default highlighted visual aid style.

      lineStyle - the visual aid complex stroke line style to use when this handle is in a highlighted state.
    • getActiveVisualAidLineStyle

      @Nullable public LineStyle getActiveVisualAidLineStyle()
      Returns the visual aid line style to use when this handle is in an active state.

      This method is linked to the getActiveVisualAidComplexStrokeLineStyle method:

      • if both of them return null, no visual aid line is painted
      • if one of them is not null, that line style is used
      • it's not possible for both methods to return a non null value: they are mutually exclusive
      the visual aid line style to use when this handle is in an active state.
      See Also:
    • getActiveVisualAidComplexStrokeLineStyle

      @Nullable public ComplexStrokeLineStyle getActiveVisualAidComplexStrokeLineStyle()
      Returns the visual aid line style to use when this handle is in an active state.

      This method is linked to the getActiveVisualAidLineStyle method:

      • if both of them return null, no visual aid line is painted
      • if one of them is not null, that line style is used
      • it's not possible for both methods to return a non null value: they are mutually exclusive
      the visual aid complex stroke line style to use when this handle is in an active state.
      See Also:
    • setActiveVisualAidLineStyle

      public void setActiveVisualAidLineStyle(@Nullable LineStyle lineStyle)
      Sets the visual aid line style to use when this handle is in an active state.

      This style is only used when a visual aid line is set.

      Only one active line style can be set, if this function is called with a non null value when a ComplexStrokeLineStyle has already been set, it will be overwritten.

      The default is a small, grey line.

      lineStyle - the visual aid line style to use when this handle is in an active state.
    • setActiveVisualAidComplexStrokeLineStyle

      public void setActiveVisualAidComplexStrokeLineStyle(@Nullable ComplexStrokeLineStyle lineStyle)
      Sets the visual aid line style to use when this handle is in an active state.

      This style is only used when a visual aid line is set.

      Only one active line style can be set, if this function is called with a non null value when a LineStyle has already been set, it will be overwritten.

      The default is null, as a linestyle is used as default active visual aid style.

      lineStyle - the visual aid complex stroke line style to use when this handle is in a EditHandleState#Active state.
    • addOnClickAction

      @NotNull public EditActionBinder addOnClickAction(@NotNull IPointEditAction action, long clickCount)
      Adds an action that will be triggered when the handle is clicked or tapped (touch).
      action - the action to be performed on click, cannot be null.
      clickCount - the action will only be performed when an event is received with this click count
      an object on which more options or requirements can be specified regarding the given on-click action, such as the mouse buttons that need to be pressed for the action to be executed.
    • addOnTouchLongPressAction

      @NotNull public EditActionBinder addOnTouchLongPressAction(@NotNull IPointEditAction action)
      Adds an action that will be triggered when a long press is performed on a handle.
      action - the action to be performed, cannot be null.
      an object on which more options or requirements can be specified regarding the given on-drag action
    • addOnDragAction

      @NotNull public EditActionBinder addOnDragAction(@NotNull IPointEditAction action)
      Adds an action that will be triggered when the handle is dragged.

      The given action is executed at least when the drag gesture starts and ends, and if EditActionBinder#performOnIntermediateEvents is set to true, it also gets executed on every intermediate drag event. The action is always called with an EventStatus parameter corresponding to the drag event.

      action - the action to be performed on drag, cannot be null.
      an object on which more options or requirements can be specified regarding the given on-drag action, such as the mouse buttons that need to be pressed for the action to be executed.
    • addOnMouseMoveAction

      @NotNull public EditActionBinder addOnMouseMoveAction(@NotNull IPointEditAction action)
      Adds an action that will be executed on every mouse move.
      action - the action to be performed during the mouse move, cannot be null.
      an object on which more options or requirements can be specified regarding the given action, such as the modifier keys that need to be pressed for the action to be executed.