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H - Static variable in class com.luciad.input.KeyCode
A key code representing the 'H' key.
haloColor(Color) - Method in class com.luciad.text.TextStyle.Builder
Sets the color of the halo (outline) around the text.
haloWidth(double) - Method in class com.luciad.text.TextStyle.Builder
Sets the width of the halo (outline) around the text in pixels.
Hand - Static variable in class com.luciad.maps.MouseCursor
Returns the hand mouse cursor.
handleFeature(Feature) - Method in interface com.luciad.models.features.IFeatureQueryCallback
Implement this method to handle a feature that is returned by the IFeatureModel#query method.
handleFeatures(List<LayerFeatureId>) - Method in interface com.luciad.controllers.ISelectionCandidateCallback
This method is called to notify which subset of features should be selected.
handleFeatures(List<MapQueryFeaturesResult>) - Method in interface com.luciad.maps.IMapQueryFeaturesCallback
Implement this method to handle a feature that is returned by the Map#queryFeatures method.
handlesProvider(IFeatureHandlesProvider) - Method in class com.luciad.edit.features.FeatureEditConfigurationBuilder
Configures the handles provider that is used to provide the edit handles for a feature.
hasDataProperty(DataProperty) - Method in class com.luciad.datamodels.DataType
Checks if the given property is declared in this data type.
hasFlag(ModifierKeys) - Method in class com.luciad.input.ModifierKeys
Returns if the specified modifier keys are pressed.
hashCode() - Method in class com.luciad.cartesian.Angle
hashCode() - Method in class com.luciad.cartesian.Azimuth
hashCode() - Method in class com.luciad.cartesian.Coordinate
Returns the hash for this coordinate.
hashCode() - Method in class com.luciad.cartesian.Rectangle
Returns the hash for this rectangle.
hashCode() - Method in class com.luciad.containers.Priority
hashCode() - Method in class com.luciad.datamodels.DataAnnotation
Returns the hash value for this annotation.
hashCode() - Method in class com.luciad.datamodels.DataModel
hashCode() - Method in class com.luciad.datamodels.DataProperty
hashCode() - Method in class com.luciad.datamodels.DataPropertyPath
hashCode() - Method in class com.luciad.datamodels.DataType
hashCode() - Method in class com.luciad.datamodels.GeometryDataAnnotation
Returns the hash value for this annotation.
hashCode() - Method in interface com.luciad.drawing.IIcon
Returns the hash value for the current icon.
hashCode() - Method in class com.luciad.drawing.RelativePosition
hashCode() - Method in class com.luciad.expressions.Expression
hashCode() - Method in class com.luciad.expressions.ExpressionValue
hashCode() - Method in class com.luciad.formats.geopackage.GeoPackageTableMetadata
hashCode() - Method in class com.luciad.geodesy.CoordinateReference
Returns the hash value for this coordinate reference.
hashCode() - Method in class com.luciad.geometries.Bounds
hashCode() - Method in class com.luciad.input.KeyCode
hashCode() - Method in class com.luciad.input.ModifierKeys
hashCode() - Method in class com.luciad.input.mouse.MouseButton
hashCode() - Method in class com.luciad.input.touch.TouchPoint
hashCode() - Method in class com.luciad.layers.features.FeatureState
hashCode() - Method in class com.luciad.layers.features.LayerFeatureId
hashCode() - Method in class com.luciad.layers.grids.lonlat.LonLatGridSetting
hashCode() - Method in class com.luciad.layers.grids.mgrs.MgrsGridSetting
hashCode() - Method in class com.luciad.layers.styles.complexstrokes.ComplexStrokePattern
hashCode() - Method in class com.luciad.layers.styles.RasterStyle
hashCode() - Method in class com.luciad.loaders.AuthenticationScope
hashCode() - Method in class com.luciad.maps.MapQueryFeaturesResult
hashCode() - Method in class com.luciad.maps.MapScale
hashCode() - Method in class com.luciad.maps.MouseCursor
hashCode() - Method in class com.luciad.models.features.Feature
hashCode() - Method in class com.luciad.models.features.FeatureChange
hashCode() - Method in class com.luciad.models.features.FeatureQuery.SortOperator
Returns the hash value for this sort operator.
hashCode() - Method in class com.luciad.models.features.FeatureQuery.SortProperty
Returns the hash value for this sort order.
hashCode() - Method in class com.luciad.models.MultilevelTileCoordinate
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hasId() - Method in class com.luciad.models.features.Feature
Returns if this Feature has an id.
hasPointInserted(long) - Method in class com.luciad.geometries.constraints.PolylineChange
Returns true if the inserted points of this change contain the given index.
hasPointMoved(long) - Method in class com.luciad.geometries.constraints.PolylineChange
Returns true if the moved points of this change contain the given index.
hasPointRemoved(long) - Method in class com.luciad.geometries.constraints.PolylineChange
Returns true if the removed points of this change contain the given index.
header(String, String) - Method in class
Sets the given name value pair to the set of headers for this request.
header(HttpHeader) - Method in class
Sets the given http header to the set of headers for this request.
header(String, String) - Method in class
Sets the given name value pair to the set of headers for this options.
header(HttpHeader) - Method in class
Sets the given http header to the set of headers for this options.
header(String, String) - Method in class
Sets the given name value pair to the set of headers for this response.
header(HttpHeader) - Method in class
Sets the given http header to the set of headers for this response.
height(double) - Method in class
The height of the arrow, in pixels.
High - Static variable in class com.luciad.containers.Priority
Preset priority value that represents a high priority.
Home - Static variable in class com.luciad.input.KeyCode
A key code representing the home key.
HorizontalAlignment - Enum in com.luciad.drawing
Represents the horizontal alignment of, for example, icons or labels.
horizontalAlignment(HorizontalAlignment) - Method in class com.luciad.layers.styles.OnPathLabelStyle.Builder
Sets The horizontal anchor of the label with respect to the location on the line.
horizontalOffset(double) - Method in class com.luciad.layers.styles.OnPathLabelStyle.Builder
Sets the horizontal space between the relative location and the label in device independent pixels.
Hover - Static variable in class com.luciad.layers.features.FeatureState
A feature state representing an object that is under the cursor.
HoverEventHandler - Class in com.luciad.controllers
Handler that translates hover gesture events to a hovering operation.
HoverEventHandler() - Constructor for class com.luciad.controllers.HoverEventHandler
Creates a new instance.
HspcModelDecoder - Class in com.luciad.formats.hspc
This class can be used to create an ITileSet3DModel implementation that can read Hexagon Smart Point Cloud (HSPC) data.
HspcModelDecoder.Options - Class in com.luciad.formats.hspc
Options for decoding HSPC data.
HspcModelDecoder.Options.Builder - Class in com.luciad.formats.hspc
Builder for the HSPC options.
httpClient(IHttpClient) - Method in class com.luciad.formats.hspc.HspcModelDecoder.Options.Builder
Sets the http client to be used for fetching the data.
httpClient(IHttpClient) - Method in class com.luciad.formats.ogc3dtiles.Ogc3DTilesModelDecoder.Options.Builder
Sets the http client to be used for fetching the data.
httpClient(IHttpClient) - Method in class com.luciad.formats.wms.WmsModelDecoderOptions.Builder
Sets the http client to be used for fetching the data.
httpClient(IHttpClient) - Method in class com.luciad.formats.wmts.WmtsModelDecoderOptions.Builder
Sets the http client to be used for fetching the data.
HttpClient - Class in
An HTTP Client, implementation of the IHttpClient interface.
HttpClient.Builder - Class in
Builder for the HttpClient class.
HttpHeader - Class in
A class representing an HTTP header and its value.
HttpHeader(String, String) - Constructor for class
Creates a HTTP header with the given name and value.
HttpRequest - Class in
An HTTP request.
HttpRequest(HttpRequest) - Constructor for class
HttpRequest.Builder - Class in
A builder of HttpRequests.
HttpRequestMethod - Enum in
Enumeration representing HTTP request methods.
httpRequestOptions(HttpRequestOptions) - Method in class
Sets the HTTP request options to send with each HTTP request.
HttpRequestOptions - Class in
Options to be sent with an HTTP request.
HttpRequestOptions(HttpRequestOptions) - Constructor for class
HttpRequestOptions.Builder - Class in
HttpResponse - Class in
An HTTP response.
HttpResponse(HttpResponse) - Constructor for class
HttpResponse.Builder - Class in
Builder for the HttpResponse class.
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