Enum Class MilitarySymbol.Modifier

All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Comparable<MilitarySymbol.Modifier>, Constable
Enclosing class:

public static enum MilitarySymbol.Modifier extends Enum<MilitarySymbol.Modifier>
Enumeration type for all available MIL-STD 2525 and APP-6 symbol modifiers.

Refer to the respective standard specifications for a detailed description of the symbol modifiers. Use MilitarySymbol to find out which modifiers are applicable to a specific symbol. Depending on the standard, a specific modifier needs its value to be encoded in the SIDC code (we call this an SIDC modifier) or as a separate value (we call this a text modifier).

  • Enum Constant Details

    • Affiliation

      public static final MilitarySymbol.Modifier Affiliation
      Affiliation (SIDC modifier).
    • Status

      public static final MilitarySymbol.Modifier Status
      Status (SIDC modifier).
    • OrderOfBattle

      public static final MilitarySymbol.Modifier OrderOfBattle
      Order Of Battle (SIDC modifier).
    • Sector1

      public static final MilitarySymbol.Modifier Sector1
      Sector 1 (SIDC modifier).

      Applies only to APP-6C and APP-6D.

    • Sector2

      public static final MilitarySymbol.Modifier Sector2
      Sector 2 (SIDC modifier).

      Applies only to APP-6C and APP-6D.

    • StandardIdentity1

      public static final MilitarySymbol.Modifier StandardIdentity1
      Standard Identity 1 (SIDC modifier).

      Applies only to APP-6C and APP-6D.

    • StandardIdentity2

      public static final MilitarySymbol.Modifier StandardIdentity2
      Standard Identity 2 (SIDC modifier).

      Applies only to APP-6C and APP-6D.

    • Echelon

      public static final MilitarySymbol.Modifier Echelon
      Echelon (SIDC modifier).
    • Mobility

      public static final MilitarySymbol.Modifier Mobility
      Mobility (SIDC modifier).

      Applies only to APP-6C and APP-6D. The APP6 field(s): R

    • Leadership

      public static final MilitarySymbol.Modifier Leadership
      Leadership (SIDC modifier).

      Applies to APP-6D The APP6 field(s): D

    • HqTaskForceDummy

      public static final MilitarySymbol.Modifier HqTaskForceDummy
      Headquarters/Task Force/Dummy (SIDC modifier).

      Applies only to APP-6C and APP-6D.

    • Quantity

      public static final MilitarySymbol.Modifier Quantity
      The number of items present in an equipment symbol (text modifier).
    • ReinforcedOrReduced

      public static final MilitarySymbol.Modifier ReinforcedOrReduced
      Whether or not a symbol is reinforced and/or reduced (test modifier).

      Possible values are 'R' for reinforced, 'D' for reduced, 'RD' for reinforced and reduced. The label will display (+), (-) and (土) respectively.

    • StaffComments

      public static final MilitarySymbol.Modifier StaffComments
      Staff comments for units, equipment and installations (text modifier).
    • AdditionalInformation

      public static final MilitarySymbol.Modifier AdditionalInformation
      Additional information for units, equipment and installations (text modifier).
    • EvaluationRating

      public static final MilitarySymbol.Modifier EvaluationRating
      Reliability and credibility rating for units, equipment, and installations (text modifier).

      Possible values consist of the following:

      • Reliability rating: 'A' (completely reliable), 'B' (usually reliable), 'C' (fairly reliable), 'D' (not usually reliable)
      • Credibility rating: '1' (confirmed by other sources), '2' (probably true), '3' (possibly true), '4' (doubtfully true), '5' (improbable), '6' (truth cannot be judged).

      Although both letters and numerals are used to indicate the evaluation of an item of information, they are independent of each other.

    • CombatEffectiveness

      public static final MilitarySymbol.Modifier CombatEffectiveness
      Unit effectiveness or installation capability (text modifier).
    • SignatureEquipment

      public static final MilitarySymbol.Modifier SignatureEquipment
      Signature for hostile equipment (text modifier).

      "!" indicates detectable electronic signatures.

    • HigherFormation

      public static final MilitarySymbol.Modifier HigherFormation
      Number or title of higher echelon command for a unit (text modifier).
    • Hostile

      public static final MilitarySymbol.Modifier Hostile
      Hostile indicator for equipment.

      The letters "ENY" denote hostile symbols.

    • IffSif

      public static final MilitarySymbol.Modifier IffSif
      IFF/SIF Identification modes and codes (text modifier).
    • MobilityIndicator

      public static final MilitarySymbol.Modifier MobilityIndicator
      Mobility for equipment (SIDC modifier).
    • UniqueDesignation

      public static final MilitarySymbol.Modifier UniqueDesignation
      Uniquely identifies a particular unit, equipment, or installation, or identifies the acquisition number when used with SIGINT symbology (text modifier).
    • TypeLabel

      public static final MilitarySymbol.Modifier TypeLabel
      Type of equipment (text modifier).
    • DateTimeGroup

      public static final MilitarySymbol.Modifier DateTimeGroup
      Date/time for units, equipment and installations (text modifier).

      Values are according to the Date/Time Group format "DDHHMMSSZMONYY".

    • AltitudeDepth

      public static final MilitarySymbol.Modifier AltitudeDepth
      Altitude portion of GPS; flight level for aircraft; depth for submerged objects; height in feet of equipment or structures on the ground (text modifier for units, equipment, and installations).
    • LocationLabel

      public static final MilitarySymbol.Modifier LocationLabel
      A symbol's location in degrees, minutes, and seconds (or in UTM or other applicable display format) (text modifier for units, equipment, and installations).
    • SpeedLabel

      public static final MilitarySymbol.Modifier SpeedLabel
      Velocity as set forth in MIL-STD-6040 (text modifier for units, equipment, and installations).
    • SpecialHeadquarters

      public static final MilitarySymbol.Modifier SpecialHeadquarters
      The name of the special C2 headquarters (text modifier for units).
    • PlatformType

      public static final MilitarySymbol.Modifier PlatformType
      Platform type (text modifier).

      Possible values are 'ELNOT' or 'CENOT'.

    • TeardownTime

      public static final MilitarySymbol.Modifier TeardownTime
      Equipment teardown time in minutes (text modifier).
    • CommonIdentifier

      public static final MilitarySymbol.Modifier CommonIdentifier
      Example: "Hawk" for Hawk SAM system (text modifier).
    • EffectiveTime

      public static final MilitarySymbol.Modifier EffectiveTime
      Effective time (text modifier).
    • MovementDirection

      public static final MilitarySymbol.Modifier MovementDirection
      Direction of movement or intended movement of an object (text modifier for units, equipment, and installations).
    • Country

      public static final MilitarySymbol.Modifier Country

      For MIL-STD 2525b/c, this is an SIDC modifier, for other symbologies this is a text modifier with as possible value a three-letter code.

      The APP6 field(s): AC The MS2525 field(s): AS

    • TrackNumber

      public static final MilitarySymbol.Modifier TrackNumber
      Track number.

      Text modifier that applies to APP-6C air, maritime and space units.

    • Name

      public static final MilitarySymbol.Modifier Name

      Text modifier that applies to APP-6C air, maritime and space units.

    • PositionAndMovement

      public static final MilitarySymbol.Modifier PositionAndMovement
      Course [degrees] /Speed [knots] and/or Bearing [degrees] / Distance [nautical miles] Applies to APP-6C air, maritime and space units.
    • Capacity

      public static final MilitarySymbol.Modifier Capacity
      Capacity of installation displayed.

      Text modifier that applies to APP-6C land installations.

      The APP6 field(s): K

    • HeadquartersElement

      public static final MilitarySymbol.Modifier HeadquartersElement
      Headquarters element that is being represented, such as TOC, MAIN (text modifier).

      The APP6 field(s): AH

    • InstallationComposition

      public static final MilitarySymbol.Modifier InstallationComposition
      Component type of APP-6C land installations (text modifier).

      One of:

      • Development
      • Research
      • Production
      • Service
      • Storage
      • Utility

      The APP6 field(s): AI

    • SpecialDesignator

      public static final MilitarySymbol.Modifier SpecialDesignator
      Special designator (text modifier).

      One of 'NRT' or 'SIG'.

      The APP6 field(s): AR The MS2525 field(s): AR

    • GuardedUnit

      public static final MilitarySymbol.Modifier GuardedUnit
      Undefined or BG.

      The APP6 field(s): AQ The MS2525 field(s): AQ

    • TargetDesignator

      public static final MilitarySymbol.Modifier TargetDesignator
      Used in Fire Support operations to uniquely designate targets in accordance with STANAG 2147.

      6-character text modifier, where characters 1 and 2 are alphabetic, and characters 3-6 are numeric: 'AANNNN'.

      The MS2525 field(s): AP

    • TargetNumberExtension

      public static final MilitarySymbol.Modifier TargetNumberExtension
      A sequentially assigned number identifying the individual elements in a target (STANAG 5519).

      A 2-3 character text modifier, where character 1 is a dash and characters 2-3 are numeric, from 1 through 15. It is applicable only to the “Point or Single Target” symbol, is conditional upon the presence of the Target Designator amplifier, and is visually displayed appended to the Target Number amplifier.

      The APP6 field(s): APX

    • Attitude

      public static final MilitarySymbol.Modifier Attitude
      Target attitude in degrees (text modifier).

      Defines the target orientation for rectangular target areas.

    • Length

      public static final MilitarySymbol.Modifier Length
      Target length in meters (text modifier).

      Defines the total target length for rectangular target areas.

    • Width

      public static final MilitarySymbol.Modifier Width
      Target width in meters (text modifier).

      Defines the total target width for rectangular target areas.

  • Method Details

    • values

      public static MilitarySymbol.Modifier[] values()
      Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
      an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared
    • valueOf

      public static MilitarySymbol.Modifier valueOf(String name)
      Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name. The string must match exactly an identifier used to declare an enum constant in this class. (Extraneous whitespace characters are not permitted.)
      name - the name of the enum constant to be returned.
      the enum constant with the specified name
      IllegalArgumentException - if this enum class has no constant with the specified name
      NullPointerException - if the argument is null
    • getDisplayName

      @NotNull public String getDisplayName()