Uses of Interface

Packages that use ILcdGXYContext
Representation aspects of ICAO symbols for AIS.
Everything related to views in a 2D world in the context of AIS.
Painters for 2D views in the context of AIS.
Provides 2D visualization support for ILcdEarthTileSets.
This package contains the class TLcdAIXM51GXYPainterEditorProvider, which can be used as a (label) painter provider and (label) editor provider to visualize and/or edit AIXM 5.1 data.
Contains a painter provider for painting CGM shapes on a 2D view.
Contains a painter provider for painting DGN shapes on a 2D view.
Contains a painter provider for painting DWG shapes on a 2D view.
Contains painters and icons for visualizing GRIB data.
Classes to visualize a magnetic north chart and a controller to rotate the magnetic north to the top.
Contains a painter provider and a label painter provider for painting MIF shapes on a 2D view.
Provides representations, decoders, and encoders for rasters.
Contains a painter provider for painting S-57 geometries on a 2D view, using the S-52 standard.
Contains a broad range of classes related to the visual represention of a map.
Contains controllers for a map component.
Conversion of SLD Feature Type Style model into ILcdGXYPainter/ILcdGXYLabelPainter implementations which can be used in an ILcdGXYView.
Handles simulation of dynamic data.
Handles the labeling of realtime data for GXY layers.
Representation aspects of APP-6A symbols in xy space.
Representation aspects of MIL-STD 2525 military symbols in xy space.
Contains all classes for terrain elevation analysis.
The hypsometry package provides support for computing and rendering slopes, orientations, azimuths, and other parameters derived from elevations.
Provides two-dimensional views and components supporting the visualization of the former's representation.
Controllers for 2D views.
Touch controllers for the 2D view.
Handles discrete placements labeling algorithms.
This package contains utility classes that can be used to implement ILcdGXYLabelingAlgorithms.
Painter and editor classes for rendering and visually editing objects in an ILcdGXYView.
Utilities for making maps.
Classes to work with rectangular axis aligned grids consisting of multiple uniform levels, called multilevel grids.
Painters for maps.
Contains a layer factory for models that contain an ALcdWMSProxy object.
This package contains a painter that visualizes ALcdWMSProxy instances in a GXY view using a tiled approach.