Interface ILcdCircle

All Superinterfaces:
Cloneable, ILcdBounded, ILcdCloneable, ILcdShape, Serializable
All Known Subinterfaces:
ILcd2DEditableCircle, ILcd2DEditableCircleBy3Points, ILcd3DEditableDome, ILcd3DEditableSphere, ILcdCircleBy3Points, ILcdDome, ILcdSphere
All Known Implementing Classes:
TLcdCGMCircle, TLcdDWGCircle, TLcdGML31Circle, TLcdGML31CircleByCenterPoint, TLcdGML32Circle, TLcdGML32CircleByCenterPoint, TLcdLonLatCircle, TLcdLonLatCircleBy3Points, TLcdLonLatHeightDome, TLcdLonLatHeightSphere, TLcdNVG15Circle, TLcdNVG20CircularRing, TLcdXYCircle, TLcdXYCircleBy3Points

public interface ILcdCircle extends ILcdShape
An ILcdCircle is an ILcdShape that represents a circle in the 2D space. It has a center and a radius.

The parameters of the circle can only be read, not modified.

  • Method Details

    • getCenter

      ILcdPoint getCenter()
      Returns the center of this ILcdCircle.
      the center of this ILcdCircle.
    • getRadius

      double getRadius()
      Returns the radius of this ILcdCircle.
      the radius of this ILcdCircle.