Class TLcdGXYLabelingPathProvider

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class TLcdGXYLabelingPathProvider extends Object implements ILcdGXYLabelingPathProvider

This path provider can provide paths for most supported shapes. It creates at most one path for the given domain object, by appending all 'sub-paths' to the same path. When a path is found, it is used for every label passed to the getPathsSFCT method.

To get the most performance, the layer should return an ILcdGXYPathPainter for the given domain object. If this is not the case, this path provider uses a fallback method to retrieve the path.

  • Constructor Details

    • TLcdGXYLabelingPathProvider

      public TLcdGXYLabelingPathProvider()
  • Method Details

    • getPathsSFCT

      public boolean getPathsSFCT(Object aDomainObject, List<TLcdLabelIdentifier> aLabels, ILcdGXYContext aGXYContext, List<ILcdAWTPath> aPathsSFCT)
      Description copied from interface: ILcdGXYLabelingPathProvider
      This methods adds ILcdAWTPaths to the given list. For each label at index i, a path should be added to aPathsSFCT at index i. The resulting list is used to place the given list of labels. The given domain object is the same object as found in each given label identifier. The layer set in the given ILcdGXYContext is the same layer as found in each given label identifier.

      When two labels should be placed using the same path, the list of AWT paths should contain the same path twice, for each of those labels. It is possible to set the AWT path to null for a label. In that case, the label will not be placed using a path.

      Specified by:
      getPathsSFCT in interface ILcdGXYLabelingPathProvider
      aDomainObject - the domain object for which AWT paths are created.
      aLabels - a list of labels for which an ILcdAWTPath should be added to aPathsSFCT.
      aGXYContext - a gxy context.
      aPathsSFCT - the list in which the paths for every label should be stored. This list is initially empty.
      true if this path provider was able to return paths, or false otherwise.