Class QuadTreeRasterModelBuilder

All Implemented Interfaces:

public final class QuadTreeRasterModelBuilder extends Object implements AutoCloseable
This builder class allows to create a multi-level tiled raster model using a quad-tree structure.

The multi-level tile structure is defined by a reference and a number of levels where each level has a bounds and a number of columns and rows. The structure of the tiles is organized as follows:

  • Level 0 is the least detailed level.
  • All levels have the same extent and top-left corner.
  • The tile coordinate (N,0,0) on level N is the top-left tile.
  • Each tile on level N corresponds to a block of 2x2 tiles on level N+1.

The IMultilevelTiledRasterDataRetriever interface allows to load the tile data and it also allows to indicate that there is no data available for a tile. This allows to create low resolution overlays on high resolution data.

The following figure shows how such a multi-level tile structure looks like. Note that you can also define multi-level tiled structures that are not a quad-tree structure when using a MultilevelTiledRasterModelBuilder.

Multi-level tile structure.
Multi-level tile structure.

This builder supports either imagery (RGBA) data or elevation data. The latter can be enabled by calling QuadTreeRasterModelBuilder#elevation.

This article gives an example of how to use this class.

  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • finalize

      protected void finalize()
      finalize in class Object
    • close

      public void close()
      Specified by:
      close in interface AutoCloseable
    • newBuilder

      @NotNull public static QuadTreeRasterModelBuilder newBuilder()
      Creates the builder class to create a raster model.
      the builder class for creation of a 'basic' IRasterModel.
    • reference

      @NotNull public QuadTreeRasterModelBuilder reference(@NotNull CoordinateReference modelReference)
      Defines the reference in which the raster data is defined.

      This information is mandatory.

      modelReference - the reference for the raster data. Cannot be null.
      this builder.
    • level0RowCount

      @NotNull public QuadTreeRasterModelBuilder level0RowCount(long rowCount)
      Defines the number of row at the least detailed level.

      This information is mandatory.

      rowCount - the number of tiles on the row of the least detailed level.
      this builder.
    • level0ColumnCount

      @NotNull public QuadTreeRasterModelBuilder level0ColumnCount(long colCount)
      Defines the number of columns at the least detailed level.

      This information is mandatory.

      colCount - the number of tiles on the column of the least detailed level.
      this builder.
    • levelCount

      @NotNull public QuadTreeRasterModelBuilder levelCount(long levelCount)
      Defines the number of detail levels.

      This information is mandatory.

      levelCount - the number of detail levels.
      this builder.
    • tileWidthPixels

      @NotNull public QuadTreeRasterModelBuilder tileWidthPixels(long tileWidthPixels)
      Defines the width in pixels for a single tile.

      This information is mandatory.

      tileWidthPixels - the width, in pixels, for a tile within the tiled structure.
      this builder.
    • tileHeightPixels

      @NotNull public QuadTreeRasterModelBuilder tileHeightPixels(long tileHeightPixels)
      Defines the height in pixels for a single tile.

      This information is mandatory.

      tileHeightPixels - the height, in pixels, for a tile within the tiled structure.
      this builder.
    • bounds

      @NotNull public QuadTreeRasterModelBuilder bounds(@NotNull Bounds bounds)
      Defines the extent of the raster data structure.

      This information is mandatory.

      bounds - the extent of the raster data structure.
      this builder.
    • dataBounds

      @NotNull public QuadTreeRasterModelBuilder dataBounds(@NotNull Bounds bounds)
      Defines the extent of where actual data is a available.

      This information is optional. If not defined the extent of the data is assumed to be based the entire structure.

      bounds - the extent of the 'actual' data.
      this builder.
    • samplingMode

      @NotNull public QuadTreeRasterModelBuilder samplingMode(@NotNull RasterSamplingMode samplingMode)
      Defines the sampling mode of the data.

      This information is optional. The default value is Area.

      samplingMode - the sampling mode of the data.
      this builder.
    • modelMetadata

      @NotNull public QuadTreeRasterModelBuilder modelMetadata(@NotNull ModelMetadata modelMetadata)
      Defines the model metadata.

      This information is mandatory.

      modelMetadata - the model metadata.
      this builder.
    • elevation

      @NotNull public QuadTreeRasterModelBuilder elevation()
      Marks this model as an elevation model.

      If this method is called, the configured IMultilevelTiledRasterDataRetriever must return elevation data as well. See IMultilevelTiledRasterDataRetrieverCallback#onDataAvailable and IMultilevelTiledRasterDataRetrieverCallback#onImageAvailable for more information.

      this builder
    • elevationNoDataValue

      @NotNull public QuadTreeRasterModelBuilder elevationNoDataValue(float noDataValue)
      Sets a no-data value for elevation data.

      When the provided elevation data in IMultilevelTiledRasterDataRetrieverCallback contains this value, it is interpreted as a no-data value. This means that consumers of the data will have information that no data is available at that location, and that they can choose an appropriate fallback. For example when terrain is visualized, it can decide to fall back on other elevation data when it encounters a no-data elevation value.

      This method is optional.

      This method must only be called when the elevation method is also called. If not, the build method will throw an exception.

      noDataValue - the no-data value to use for elevation
      this builder
    • dataRetriever

      @NotNull public QuadTreeRasterModelBuilder dataRetriever(@NotNull IMultilevelTiledRasterDataRetriever dataRetriever)
      Defines the implementation to be used to retrieve the raster tile data.

      This information is mandatory. A user implementation must be provided.

      dataRetriever - the interface that is called to retrieve the raster tile data. Cannot be null.
      this builder.
    • attributionProvider

      @NotNull public QuadTreeRasterModelBuilder attributionProvider(@NotNull IMultilevelTiledAttributionProvider attributionProvider)
      Sets the attribution provider for this model.

      By default, no attribution provider is set.

      attributionProvider - the attribution provider for the model. Can be null.
      this builder.
    • enableInvalidation

      @NotNull public QuadTreeRasterModelBuilder enableInvalidation()
      Allows to create a raster model which can be invalidated.

      By default raster models are created without invalidation.

      Call this method when you need a raster model for which the content can change. Then a IRasterModel is created that returns true for IRasterModel#canInvalidate and for which you can call the method IRasterModel#invalidate to indicate the content of the raster model has changed.

      this builder.
    • build

      @NotNull public IRasterModel build()
      Creates the raster model.

      Mandatory information:

      • the reference of the raster data
      • the number of columns and rows at the least detail level
      • the number of detail levels
      • model metadata
      • data retriever
      the raster model, or a java.lang.IllegalStateException when the conditions to build the raster model are not met.