Class MapNavigator

All Implemented Interfaces:

public final class MapNavigator extends Object implements AutoCloseable
Class that offers functionality to navigate around the globe.

It offers high-level navigation capabilities, built on top of the more low-level camera API.

See documentation of the following classes for example usages:

This class animates the camera by submitting IAnimations to the map's Map#getAnimationManager, or by registering Map.IRendererCallback instance. These can be canceled using the MapNavigator#cancel method. Note that starting a new navigate action using MapNavigator will automatically cancel any ongoing navigate actions.

The following navigation constraints can be used to restrict navigation:

  • above: keeps the camera above terrain.
  • bounds: keeps the camera inside the defined bounds.
  • scale: prevents the camera from zooming in or out too far.
  • pitch: restricts the pitch (tilt) of the camera

If you use the map's underlying Camera directly, the constraints are not applied. In that case, it's the API user's responsibility to restrict the camera movement.

See also the related articles on

  • Method Details

    • finalize

      protected void finalize()
      finalize in class Object
    • close

      public void close()
      Specified by:
      close in interface AutoCloseable
    • cancel

      public void cancel()
      Cancels all ongoing navigate actions that were started using this MapNavigator.

      This includes stopping all animations and all input-based navigate actions. The latter will start ignoring input after this method is called.

    • getAboveConstraint

      @NotNull public MapNavigator.AboveConstraintOptions getAboveConstraint()
      Returns the above constraint options for this MapNavigator.

      The above constraint can be used to constrain the camera to remain above the terrain and/or mesh in a 3D map. This constraint is only applicable to 3D maps.

      By default, the above constraint is enabled with a minimum altitude of 20.

      Example usage:

          // Change the limit

          // Disable the constraint
      the above constraint options
    • getScaleConstraint

      @NotNull public MapNavigator.ScaleConstraintOptions getScaleConstraint()
      Returns the scale constraint options that can be used used to restrict the map to a min/max scale.

      By default the scale constraint is configured not to impose limitations.

      This constraint only works in 2D.

      A conflict may occur when you use both a scale and a bounds constraint. This can happen when, for example, the maxZoomedIn constraint is set to a country level scale, while the bounds constraint is set to the bounds of a city. In such a case, the bounds constraint is respected over the scale constraint. To prevent such inconsistencies, it is best to use either the bounds constraint or the scale constraint to restrict the zooming behavior of the map and not both.

      The following example shows how to configure the scale constraint:

          // Limit zooming in
      the scale constraint options
    • getBoundsConstraint

      @NotNull public MapNavigator.BoundsConstraintOptions getBoundsConstraint()
      Returns the constraint that can be used to restrict navigation in such a way that you can not see anything beyond the limit bounds.

      By default this constraint is disabled.

      This constraint only works in 2D.

      A conflict may occur when you use both a scale and a bounds constraint. This can happen when, for example, the maxZoomedIn constraint is set to a country level scale, while the bounds constraint is set to the bounds of a city. In such a case, the bounds constraint is respected over the scale constraint. To prevent such inconsistencies, it is best to use either the bounds constraint or the scale constraint to restrict the zooming behavior of the map and not both.

      If this constraint is enabled (and if valid bounds are provided), map rotation is not possible.

      The following example configures the bounds constraint with bounds and a padding of 5 pixels.

          CoordinateReference wgs84 = CoordinateReferenceProvider.create("EPSG:4326");
          Bounds bounds = new Bounds(wgs84, new Coordinate(50.0, 4.0), 20.0, 20.0, 0.0);
          var boundsConstraint = map.getMapNavigator().getBoundsConstraint();
      the limit bounds constraint options
    • getPitchConstraint

      @NotNull public MapNavigator.PitchConstraintOptions getPitchConstraint()
      Returns the constraint that can be used to restrict the pitch (tilt) of the camera on a 3D map.

      The constraint is always enabled, but its default values don't impose restrictions on the pitch of the camera.

      This constraint only works in 3D.

      The following example sets the min and max pitch limits.

      the pitch constraint options
    • newPanAction

      @NotNull public MapNavigator.PanAction newPanAction()
      Creates an object that allows to configure pan parameters, and apply them, either directly or using an animation.
      an object that allows to configure pan parameters, and apply them, either directly or using an animation.
    • newZoomAction

      @NotNull public MapNavigator.ZoomAction newZoomAction()
      Creates an object that allows to configure zoom parameters, and apply them, either directly or using an animation.
      an object that allows to configure zoom parameters, and apply them, either directly or using an animation.
    • newRotateAction

      @NotNull public MapNavigator.RotateAction newRotateAction()
      Creates an object that allows to configure rotate parameters, and apply them, either directly or using an animation.
      an object that allows to configure rotate parameters, and apply them, either directly or using an animation.
    • newFitAction

      @NotNull public MapNavigator.FitAction newFitAction()
      Creates an object that allows to configure fit parameters, and apply them, either directly or using an animation.
      an object that allows to configure fit parameters, and apply them, either directly or using an animation.