final class
Merges the bands of two images together.
final class
Extracts a subset of the color bands of an image and/or reorders the bands.
final class
Performs a binary operation on two input images.
final class
Performs a color space conversion.
final class
Transforms one color to another using a lookup in a color table.
Composes two ALcdBasicImages.
final class
Applies a convolution filter to an image.
Crops an ALcdBasicImage by retaining a sub-rectangle of pixels.
Remaps the values in an image using curves which can be specified
by the user.
final class
Computes a histogram of a given image.
final class
Performs a color lookup using a single-band image.
final class
Applies a median filter to an image.
final class
Replaces every pixel in an image which matches a given value with another value.
final class
Adjusts the pixel values of an image by applying a scale and offset.
final class
Adjusts the pixel values of an image by applying an affine transform defined by a 2-dimensional matrix and a 1-dimensional
offset vector.
Resizes an image, changing its resolution.
Composes two images by taking the left part of the input image and combine it with
the right part of the second image with respect to a swipe line.