Options for Map.showBalloon.




  • ShowBalloonOptions


contentProvider?: ((obj) => string | HTMLElement)

Type declaration

    • (obj): string | HTMLElement
    • A function that accepts a single parameter, and returns the contents for the balloon. The parameter is the object for which the balloon is shown. The return value of the function may be a string or a DOM-node.


      Returns string | HTMLElement

The layer the object belongs to. If the contentProvider option is omitted, this layer's balloonContentProvider will be used to generate the balloon's content.

The object to which the balloon belongs to. This may be a Feature which is visualized by the Layer, or a shape. If this object is a Feature, it should belong to the model of the layer. If it is a shape, it will be used as the position for the balloon.

panTo?: boolean

Whether of not the view should be panned to center on the balloon.