Uses of Interface

Packages that use ILcdGLDrawable
Painters for OpenFlight models.
Provides a painter that performs and visualizes Line-Of-Sight (LOS) computations.
Provides support for OpenGL-based 2D and 3D visualization of data.
Contains view world transformations.
Provides support for handling user interaction on an ILspView.
Provides controllers for the manipulation of domain objects in a view.
Provides controls for navigation in a Lightspeed view.
This package provides support for measuring distances in a view.
Provides functionality for selection of domain objects in a view.
Provides controller implementations that work with touch input instead of mouse input.
Provides layering support for ILspView.
Provides support for visualizing ILcdGXYLayer instances in an ILspView.
Painter interfaces and implementations for visualizing objects in an ILspView.
Provides support for the visualization of density plots.
Provides support for painting labels for objects.
Provides a painting support for 3D meshes.
Provides support for painting of vector shapes.
Provides a mechanism for caching OpenGL resources used in a view.
This package provides vertex arrays and the vertex array renderer.
Contains utility classes related to Lightspeed views.
Contains convenience classes for working with the OpenGL Shading Language (GLSL).
Provides an abstraction of OpenGL state.
Describes the concept of a "render target", which is the destination framebuffer of OpenGL rendering operation.
Provides support for working with textures.
Contains a utility class for drawing text to a ILcdGLDrawable using a "texture font".
Abstract binding for the OpenGL API.
This package contains a painter that visualizes ALcdWMSProxy instances in a Lightspeed view using a tiled approach.