Interface ILcdGLOffScreenDrawable

All Superinterfaces:

public interface ILcdGLOffScreenDrawable extends ILcdGLDrawable
ILcdGLDrawable that works on an offscreen image rather than a visible GUI component. The contents of the drawable can be retrieved by the getImage() method.
  • Method Details

    • getImage

      Image getImage()
      Get the offscreen drawable as an AWT image.
      an AWT Image containing what was painted on the GL drawable.
    • setSize

      void setSize(int aWidth, int aHeight)
      Set the size of this drawable.
      aWidth - the width.
      aHeight - the height.
    • isTransparent

      boolean isTransparent()
      Get whether this drawable is set to generate images with transparency.
      whether this drawable is set to generate images with transparency.
    • setTransparent

      void setTransparent(boolean aTransparent)
      Set whether this drawable is should generate images with transparency.
      aTransparent - true if this drawable is should generate images with transparency.
    • dispose

      void dispose()
      Releases any resources related to this offscreen drawable. After this method has been called, this drawable can no longer be used for rendering.