Class TLcdGLInformationUtil


public class TLcdGLInformationUtil extends Object
A class that retrieves a variety of information about the OpenGL implementation in use by an ILcdGLDrawable.
  • Method Details

    • createGLInformation

      public static Properties createGLInformation(ILcdGLDrawable aGLDrawable)
      Returns a properties object containing information about the underlying OpenGL implementation that is being used. Initially this method may return an empty properties object. A properly filled properties object can only be accessed during and after the initialization of the ILcdGLDrawable. Other objects can be notified of this using the ILcdGLEventListener#init method. When filled, this properties object will contain the following properties:
      • gl.renderer: the name of the renderer. This name is typically specific to a particular configuration of a hardware platform.
      • gl.vendor: the company responsible for this GL implementation.
      • gl.version: the opengl implementation version number in the form version number<space>vendor-specific information.
      • gl.version.major: the major version number
      • gl.version.minor: the minor version number
      • gl.version.release: the release version number
      • gl.version.custom: vendor specific information
      • gl.extensions: a space separated list of supported OpenGL extensions.
      • glu.version: the GLU implementation version number in the form version number<space>vendor-specific information.
      • glu.version.major: the major version number
      • glu.version.minor: the minor version number
      • glu.version.release: the release version number
      • glu.version.custom: vendor specific information
      • glu.extensions: a space separated list of supported GLU extensions.
      • the number of bits in use for the red channel of the color buffer.
      • the number of bits in use for the green channel of the color buffer.
      • the number of bits in use for the blue channel of the color buffer.
      • capabilities.alpha: the number of bits in use for the alpha channel of the color buffer.
      • capabilities.depthbuffer: the bit precision of the depth buffer.
      • capabilities.maxtexturesize: a rough estimate of the largest texture that this implementation can handle.
      • capabilities.doublebuffer: 'true' if double buffering is being used, 'false' otherwise.
      • capabilities.stereographic: 'true' if sterographic rendering is supported by this implementation, 'false' otherwise.
      aGLDrawable - an ILcdGLDrawable
      a properties object containing OpenGL information