Interface ILsp3DIcon

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
TLspBounds3DIcon, TLspMesh3DIcon, TLspOpenFlight3DIcon

public interface ILsp3DIcon extends ILcdBounded
Interface for a 3D icon that can be rendered to an ILcdGLDrawable.

An icon is by itself not georeferenced. Therefore, although this interface extends ILcdBounded, the coordinate system in which the bounds are returned is unspecified. The icon should, however, not draw anything outside of its bounds. This way, painters can reliably use the bounds to reposition and/or rescale the icon.

See Also:
  • Method Details

    • paint

      void paint(ILspGLState aIconState, ILcdGLDrawable aGLDrawable, TLspPaintPass aPass, TLspContext aContext)
      Paints the icon to the specified ILcdGLDrawable.

      The caller is responsible for setting up any desired transformations or other application-specific OpenGL state beforehand.

      The icon should not paint anything outside of the bounding box it returns from its getBounds() method.

      aIconState - a GL state that defines transformations that must be applied to the basic icon before painting it.
      aGLDrawable - an ILcdGLDrawable
      aPass - the current paint pass
      aContext - provides context information