Class TLspTiledWMSProxyPainter

All Implemented Interfaces:
ILspPaintGroupsChangeListener, ILspEditableStyledPainter, ILspPainter

public class TLspTiledWMSProxyPainter extends Object implements ILspEditableStyledPainter

Painter for visualizing ALcdWMSProxy objects in a Lightspeed view.

This painter requests data from the WMS in tiles. Typically you should use TLspWMSLayerBuilder instead of using this painter directly. TLspWMSLayerBuilder automatically creates a layer with a painter, with the ability to choose between a tiled and non-tiled approach to request data from the WMS. This painter can be used directly in case a custom tile grid needs to be used to request tiles from the WMS; this custom tile grid can be set through the constructor.

When painting, the ALcdWMSProxy object is used to connect and retrieve the necessary raster data from the WMS. This painter requests the data from the WMS in tiles, using either a default tile grid or a custom tile grid. While using tiles usually optimizes performance (more specifically, it allows faster feedback and the ability to use caching), there may be some visual artifacts regarding content that is not tied to world coordinates. For example, logo's may appear multiple times and labels may only be partially visible. You can use the TLspWMSLayerBuilder and non-tiled approach to avoid these artifacts.

  • Constructor Details

    • TLspTiledWMSProxyPainter

      public TLspTiledWMSProxyPainter()
      Creates a new painter with the default settings. A tile grid to request tiles from the WMS is determined automatically based on the WMS layer(s)' geographical extent, the view's reference and the references supported by the WMS.
    • TLspTiledWMSProxyPainter

      public TLspTiledWMSProxyPainter(ILspMapScaleProvider aMapScaleProvider, TLcdSLDFeatureTypeStyle aSLDFeatureTypeStyle)
      Creates a new painter with the default settings, a provided map scale provider and an SLD feature style. A tile grid to request tiles from the WMS is determined automatically based on the WMS layer(s)' geographical extent, the view's reference and the references supported by the WMS.

      The SLD feature type style allows the user to configure client-side scale ranges that determine when the data is visualized. Only the scale ranges of rules that have a raster symbolizer are taken into account.

      The map scale provider allows the user to control the scale that is used for the painter, independently of the map scale displayed in the view. This way data can remain visible when the user zooms in or out even if the scale of the view is not part of the scale ranges defined in the SLD feature type style. When the map scale provider is null, the map scale of the view is used.

      aMapScaleProvider - The map scale provider.
      aSLDFeatureTypeStyle - The SLD feature type style.
    • TLspTiledWMSProxyPainter

      public TLspTiledWMSProxyPainter(int aLevel0Rows, int aLevel0Columns, int aTileWidth, int aTileHeight, int aMaxLevels, ILcdBounds aBounds, ILcdGeoReference aGeoReference)
      Creates a new painter with the given tile grid. This grid is used to request tiles from the WMS.
      aLevel0Rows - the number of rows at the lowest level of detail.
      aLevel0Columns - the number of columns at the lowest level of detail.
      aTileWidth - the width of a single tile in pixels.
      aTileHeight - the height of a single tile in pixels.
      aMaxLevels - the number of levels.
      aBounds - the geographical extent of the tile grid, specified according to aGeoReference.
      aGeoReference - the geographical reference of the tile grid.
    • TLspTiledWMSProxyPainter

      public TLspTiledWMSProxyPainter(ILcdGeoReference aGeoReference)
      Creates a new painter with the given geographical reference of the tile grid. This reference is used to request tiles from the WMS.
      aGeoReference - the geographical reference of the tile grid.
  • Method Details

    • getRequiredOpenGLProfile

      public TLspOpenGLProfile getRequiredOpenGLProfile()
      Description copied from interface: ILspPainter
      Returns the minimum required OpenGL profile that a view must support in order to be compatible with this painter.
      Specified by:
      getRequiredOpenGLProfile in interface ILspPainter
      a TLspGLProfile
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      hashCode in class Object
    • paintObjects

      public TLspPaintProgress paintObjects(ILcdGLDrawable aGLDrawable, List<TLspPaintGroup> aPaintGroups, TLspPaintPass aPass, TLspContext aContext)
      Description copied from interface: ILspPainter

      Paints the specified groups of objects into a view. The objects are partitioned into TLspPaintGroups, which are created by the layer which invoked this painter. Painters are advised to also implement ILspPaintGroupsChangeListener, which allows them to keep track of changes to the supplied list of paint groups. This way, the painter can exploit temporal coherence and perform its work in the most optimal way.

      This method returns a TLspPaintProgress which describes the completeness of the paint operation. If the painter scheduled one or more tasks to be executed asynchronously, it may return from its paintObjects() method before having rendered all the objects it was given. In this case, the returned progress object can describe the amount of work that has been done and the work that is still remaining.

      Specified by:
      paintObjects in interface ILspPainter
      aGLDrawable - the ILcdGLDrawable in which the objects are to be painted
      aPaintGroups - the objects to be painted
      aPass - the current paint pass
      aContext - provides context information to the painter
      a TLspPaintProgress object describing the completeness of the paint operation
    • equals

      public boolean equals(Object aObj)
      equals in class Object
    • query

      public <T> boolean query(List<TLspPaintGroup> aPaintGroups, ALspPaintQuery<T> aQuery, TLspPaintRepresentationState aPaintRepresentationState, TLspContext aContext)
      Description copied from interface: ILspPainter
      Retrieves a set of domain objects and data based on the parameters given by the query.
      Specified by:
      query in interface ILspPainter
      aPaintGroups - the paint groups
      aQuery - the query
      aPaintRepresentationState - the paint representation state for which the query should be performed
      aContext - the context
      true if the query completed, false if it was aborted.
    • registerLayer

      public void registerLayer(ILspInteractivePaintableLayer aLayer, TLspPaintRepresentation aPaintRepresentation)
      Description copied from interface: ILspPainter
      Registers a layer with this painter. This notifies the painter that it is going to be used in combination with the given layer, for the given paint representation. This allows it to implement setup code if necessary, or to keep track of all layers on which it is set.

      Layers registered with this method must be unregistered when the layer stops using this painter, using ILspPainter.unregisterLayer(ILspInteractivePaintableLayer, com.luciad.view.lightspeed.layer.TLspPaintRepresentation).

      Specified by:
      registerLayer in interface ILspPainter
      aLayer - A layer with which this painter will be used.
      aPaintRepresentation - The paint representation for which this painter will be used.
    • unregisterLayer

      public void unregisterLayer(ILspInteractivePaintableLayer aLayer, TLspPaintRepresentation aPaintRepresentation)
      Description copied from interface: ILspPainter
      Unregisters a layer from this painter. This notifies the painter that it will no longer be used in combination with the given layer, for the given paint representation. This allows it to implement cleanup code if necessary.

      Layers unregistered with this method must have been registered before calling this method with the method ILspPainter.registerLayer(ILspInteractivePaintableLayer, com.luciad.view.lightspeed.layer.TLspPaintRepresentation).

      Specified by:
      unregisterLayer in interface ILspPainter
      aLayer - A layer that needs to be unregistered
      aPaintRepresentation - The paint representation for which this painter was used with aLayer
    • prepareChanges

      public void prepareChanges(List<TLspPaintGroupsChangedEvent> aEvents, Object aEventId, ILspPaintGroupsChangeListener.Callback aCallback)
      Description copied from interface: ILspPaintGroupsChangeListener
      Called when the paint groups will change.

      The listener should prepare the necessary changes for the events but not commit them yet. The ILspPaintGroupsChangeListener.Callback.changesReady(java.lang.Object) method must be invoked when the listener is ready to commit the changes.

      If aEventId is null then the changes may be committed immediately. In this case there will be no call to ILspPaintGroupsChangeListener.commitChanges(Object).

      Note that it is not mandatory to do this two-phased commit cycle. You may commit or apply the changes immediately, but you still must invoke the callback.

      Specified by:
      prepareChanges in interface ILspPaintGroupsChangeListener
      aEvents - the changes
      aEventId - the event id or null
      aCallback - the callback or null
    • commitChanges

      public void commitChanges(Object aEventId)
      Description copied from interface: ILspPaintGroupsChangeListener
      Called when the changes for a specified event should be committed.
      Specified by:
      commitChanges in interface ILspPaintGroupsChangeListener
      aEventId - the event id
    • addPropertyChangeListener

      public void addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener aPropertyChangeListener)
      Description copied from interface: ILspPainter
      Adds a PropertyChangeListener to the list of listeners that must be notified when any of the properties of this ILspPainter changes.
      Specified by:
      addPropertyChangeListener in interface ILspPainter
      aPropertyChangeListener - the listener that from now on will be notified of all changes to properties of this painter
    • removePropertyChangeListener

      public void removePropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener aPropertyChangeListener)
      Description copied from interface: ILspPainter
      Removes a PropertyChangeListener from the list of listeners. This listener will no longer be notified of any changes to the properties of this ILspPainter
      Specified by:
      removePropertyChangeListener in interface ILspPainter
      aPropertyChangeListener - the listener that no longer will be notified of any changes to properties of this painter
    • getStyler

      public ILspStyler getStyler(TLspPaintState aPaintState)
      Description copied from interface: ILspPainter
      Returns the styler used by this painter for the given PaintState. Can return null in case the painter does not use or expose a styler.
      Specified by:
      getStyler in interface ILspPainter
      aPaintState - the paint state for which a styler is requested
      the styler used by this object, or null.
    • setStyler

      public void setStyler(TLspPaintState aPaintState, ILspStyler aStyler)
      Description copied from interface: ILspEditableStyledPainter
      Sets the styler used by this object for the given PaintState.
      Specified by:
      setStyler in interface ILspEditableStyledPainter
      aPaintState - the paint state for which to set a styler
      aStyler - the new styler for the painter
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object