Interface ILcdGLCapabilities

All Superinterfaces:

public interface ILcdGLCapabilities extends Cloneable
Represents the capabilities and framebuffer layout of an ILcdGLDrawable. Instances of ILcdGLCapabilities can be created by ILcdGLDrawableFactory, and may then be used to create compatible ILcdGLDrawables.
See Also:
  • Method Details

    • getDoubleBuffered

      boolean getDoubleBuffered()
    • setDoubleBuffered

      void setDoubleBuffered(boolean b)
    • getStereo

      boolean getStereo()
    • setStereo

      void setStereo(boolean b)
    • getDepthBits

      int getDepthBits()
    • setDepthBits

      void setDepthBits(int i)
    • getStencilBits

      int getStencilBits()
    • setStencilBits

      void setStencilBits(int i)
    • getRedBits

      int getRedBits()
    • setRedBits

      void setRedBits(int i)
    • getGreenBits

      int getGreenBits()
    • setGreenBits

      void setGreenBits(int i)
    • getBlueBits

      int getBlueBits()
    • setBlueBits

      void setBlueBits(int i)
    • getAlphaBits

      int getAlphaBits()
    • setAlphaBits

      void setAlphaBits(int i)
    • getAccumRedBits

      int getAccumRedBits()
    • setAccumRedBits

      void setAccumRedBits(int i)
    • getAccumGreenBits

      int getAccumGreenBits()
    • setAccumGreenBits

      void setAccumGreenBits(int i)
    • getAccumBlueBits

      int getAccumBlueBits()
    • setAccumBlueBits

      void setAccumBlueBits(int i)
    • getAccumAlphaBits

      int getAccumAlphaBits()
    • setAccumAlphaBits

      void setAccumAlphaBits(int i)
    • isHardwareAccelerated

      boolean isHardwareAccelerated()
    • setHardwareAccelerated

      void setHardwareAccelerated(boolean b)
    • isMultisampled

      boolean isMultisampled()
    • setMultisampled

      void setMultisampled(boolean b)
    • getSampleCount

      int getSampleCount()
    • setSampleCount

      void setSampleCount(int i)
    • clone

      Object clone()