Interface ILcd3DMeshNode

All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
TLcdOpenFlightBSPNode, TLcdOpenFlightDegreeOfFreedomNode, TLcdOpenFlightExternalReferenceNode, TLcdOpenFlightFaceNode, TLcdOpenFlightGeometryNode, TLcdOpenFlightGroupNode, TLcdOpenFlightHeaderNode, TLcdOpenFlightInstanceDefinitionNode, TLcdOpenFlightInstanceReferenceNode, TLcdOpenFlightLevelOfDetailNode, TLcdOpenFlightNode, TLcdOpenFlightObjectNode, TLcdOpenFlightSubFaceNode, TLcdOpenFlightSwitchNode, TLcdOpenFlightTransformableNode, TLcdOpenFlightVertexNode

public interface ILcd3DMeshNode
Describes a node in a hierarchical tree of 3D meshes. Each node can contain geometry in the form of one or more ILcd3DMesh objects, Each node can furthermore have a transformation matrix that applies to itself and its children. This interface can be used to model scene graph style data formats such as Collada or OpenFlight.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    List<? extends ILcd3DMeshNode>
    Returns this node's children, or an empty list if the node is a leaf node.
    List<? extends ILcd3DMesh>
    Returns the geometry contained in this node, in the form of 3D meshes, or an empty list if this node does not contain any data.
    Returns a transformation matrix that applies to this node and its children.
  • Method Details

    • getMeshes

      List<? extends ILcd3DMesh> getMeshes()
      Returns the geometry contained in this node, in the form of 3D meshes, or an empty list if this node does not contain any data.
      a list of 3D meshes, possibly empty but never null
    • getTransformation

      double[] getTransformation()
      Returns a transformation matrix that applies to this node and its children. The matrix should be 4x4 elements in column-major order. This is the same convention used by OpenGL functions such as glLoadMatrix(). null can be returned and represents the identity matrix.
      a 4x4 column-major transformation matrix, possibly null
    • getChildren

      List<? extends ILcd3DMeshNode> getChildren()
      Returns this node's children, or an empty list if the node is a leaf node.
      a list of children, possibly empty but never null