Interface ILcdOpenFlightNode

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
TLcdOpenFlightBSPNode, TLcdOpenFlightDegreeOfFreedomNode, TLcdOpenFlightExternalReferenceNode, TLcdOpenFlightFaceNode, TLcdOpenFlightGeometryNode, TLcdOpenFlightGroupNode, TLcdOpenFlightHeaderNode, TLcdOpenFlightInstanceDefinitionNode, TLcdOpenFlightInstanceReferenceNode, TLcdOpenFlightLevelOfDetailNode, TLcdOpenFlightNode, TLcdOpenFlightObjectNode, TLcdOpenFlightSubFaceNode, TLcdOpenFlightSwitchNode, TLcdOpenFlightTransformableNode, TLcdOpenFlightVertexNode

public interface ILcdOpenFlightNode extends ILcd3DMeshNode
Interface for a generic scene graph node.
  • Method Details

    • getChildCount

      int getChildCount()
      Returns the number of child nodes directly beneath this node.
      the number of child nodes directly beneath this node
    • getChild

      ILcdOpenFlightNode getChild(int aIndex)
      Returns the child node at the specified index.
      aIndex - the index of the child node to be retrieved
      the child node at the specified index
    • getParent

      ILcdOpenFlightNode getParent()
      Returns this node's parent node. May be null for the root node of the scene graph only.
      this node's parent node
    • getID

      String getID()
      Returns this node's ID. The ID is present in all primary node records defined by OpenFlight.
      the ID of this node
    • accept

      void accept(ALcdOpenFlightSceneVisitor aVisitor)
      Accepts an OpenFlight visitor. A typical implementation of this method should call aVisitor.visit(this).
      aVisitor - the visitor to accept