Class TLcdOpenFlightSwitchNode

All Implemented Interfaces:
ILcd3DMeshNode, ILcdOpenFlightNode

public class TLcdOpenFlightSwitchNode extends TLcdOpenFlightTransformableNode
A switch node. This node defines "on/off" switches for its children. If a child is "switched off", it should not be considered during scene graph traversal.

Please refer to the OpenFlight specification for more details on the semantics of this node and its properties.

  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • getCurrentMask

      public int getCurrentMask()
    • setCurrentMask

      public void setCurrentMask(int aCurrentMask)
    • getMaskCount

      public int getMaskCount()
    • setMaskCount

      public void setMaskCount(int aMaskCount)
    • getWordsPerMask

      public int getWordsPerMask()
    • setWordsPerMask

      public void setWordsPerMask(int aWordsPerMask)
    • getMasks

      public long[] getMasks()
    • setMasks

      public void setMasks(long[] aMasks)
    • isChildEnabled

      public boolean isChildEnabled(int aChildIndex)
      Returns true if the specified child node is "switched on".
      aChildIndex - the index of the child node to be checked
    • accept

      public void accept(ALcdOpenFlightSceneVisitor aVisitor)
      Description copied from interface: ILcdOpenFlightNode
      Accepts an OpenFlight visitor. A typical implementation of this method should call aVisitor.visit(this).
      Specified by:
      accept in interface ILcdOpenFlightNode
      accept in class TLcdOpenFlightTransformableNode
      aVisitor - the visitor to accept