Class TLcdOpenFlightBSPNode

All Implemented Interfaces:
ILcd3DMeshNode, ILcdOpenFlightNode

public class TLcdOpenFlightBSPNode extends TLcdOpenFlightTransformableNode
A Binary Separating Plane node. This node defines the equation of a plane which partitions the node's children in two half-spaces.

Please refer to the OpenFlight specification for more details on the semantics of this node and its properties.

  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • getPlaneCoefficients

      public double[] getPlaneCoefficients()
    • setPlaneCoefficients

      public void setPlaneCoefficients(double[] aPlaneCoefficients)
    • accept

      public void accept(ALcdOpenFlightSceneVisitor aVisitor)
      Description copied from interface: ILcdOpenFlightNode
      Accepts an OpenFlight visitor. A typical implementation of this method should call aVisitor.visit(this).
      Specified by:
      accept in interface ILcdOpenFlightNode
      accept in class TLcdOpenFlightTransformableNode
      aVisitor - the visitor to accept