Class TLcdOpenFlightDegreeOfFreedomNode

All Implemented Interfaces:
ILcd3DMesh, ILcd3DMeshNode, ILcdStyled3DMesh, ILcdOpenFlightNode, ILcdBounded

public class TLcdOpenFlightDegreeOfFreedomNode extends TLcdOpenFlightGeometryNode
A Degree-Of-Freedom node. This node formulates constraints for the transformations of its children.

Please refer to the OpenFlight specification for more details on the semantics of this node and its properties.

  • Field Details


      public static final int FLAGS_X_TRANSLATION_LIMITED
      See Also:

      public static final int FLAGS_Y_TRANSLATION_LIMITED
      See Also:

      public static final int FLAGS_Z_TRANSLATION_LIMITED
      See Also:

      public static final int FLAGS_PITCH_ROTATION_LIMITED
      See Also:

      public static final int FLAGS_ROLL_ROTATION_LIMITED
      See Also:

      public static final int FLAGS_YAW_ROTATION_LIMITED
      See Also:

      public static final int FLAGS_X_SCALE_LIMITED
      See Also:

      public static final int FLAGS_Y_SCALE_LIMITED
      See Also:

      public static final int FLAGS_Z_SCALE_LIMITED
      See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • TLcdOpenFlightDegreeOfFreedomNode

      public TLcdOpenFlightDegreeOfFreedomNode(ILcdOpenFlightNode aParent)
  • Method Details

    • getOrigin

      public double[] getOrigin()
    • setOrigin

      public void setOrigin(double[] aOrigin)
    • getPointOnXAxis

      public double[] getPointOnXAxis()
    • setPointOnXAxis

      public void setPointOnXAxis(double[] aPointOnXAxis)
    • getPointInXYPlane

      public double[] getPointInXYPlane()
    • setPointInXYPlane

      public void setPointInXYPlane(double[] aPointInXYPlane)
    • getMinZ

      public double getMinZ()
    • setMinZ

      public void setMinZ(double aMinZ)
    • getMaxZ

      public double getMaxZ()
    • setMaxZ

      public void setMaxZ(double aMaxZ)
    • getCurrentZ

      public double getCurrentZ()
    • setCurrentZ

      public void setCurrentZ(double aCurrentZ)
    • getZIncrement

      public double getZIncrement()
    • setZIncrement

      public void setZIncrement(double aZIncrement)
    • getMinY

      public double getMinY()
    • setMinY

      public void setMinY(double aMinY)
    • getMaxY

      public double getMaxY()
    • setMaxY

      public void setMaxY(double aMaxY)
    • getCurrentY

      public double getCurrentY()
    • setCurrentY

      public void setCurrentY(double aCurrentY)
    • getYIncrement

      public double getYIncrement()
    • setYIncrement

      public void setYIncrement(double aYIncrement)
    • getMinX

      public double getMinX()
    • setMinX

      public void setMinX(double aMinX)
    • getMaxX

      public double getMaxX()
    • setMaxX

      public void setMaxX(double aMaxX)
    • getCurrentX

      public double getCurrentX()
    • setCurrentX

      public void setCurrentX(double aCurrentX)
    • getXIncrement

      public double getXIncrement()
    • setXIncrement

      public void setXIncrement(double aXIncrement)
    • getMinPitch

      public double getMinPitch()
    • setMinPitch

      public void setMinPitch(double aMinPitch)
    • getMaxPitch

      public double getMaxPitch()
    • setMaxPitch

      public void setMaxPitch(double aMaxPitch)
    • getCurrentPitch

      public double getCurrentPitch()
    • setCurrentPitch

      public void setCurrentPitch(double aCurrentPitch)
    • getPitchIncrement

      public double getPitchIncrement()
    • setPitchIncrement

      public void setPitchIncrement(double aPitchIncrement)
    • getMinRoll

      public double getMinRoll()
    • setMinRoll

      public void setMinRoll(double aMinRoll)
    • getMaxRoll

      public double getMaxRoll()
    • setMaxRoll

      public void setMaxRoll(double aMaxRoll)
    • getCurrentRoll

      public double getCurrentRoll()
    • setCurrentRoll

      public void setCurrentRoll(double aCurrentRoll)
    • getRollIncrement

      public double getRollIncrement()
    • setRollIncrement

      public void setRollIncrement(double aRollIncrement)
    • getMinYaw

      public double getMinYaw()
    • setMinYaw

      public void setMinYaw(double aMinYaw)
    • getMaxYaw

      public double getMaxYaw()
    • setMaxYaw

      public void setMaxYaw(double aMaxYaw)
    • getCurrentYaw

      public double getCurrentYaw()
    • setCurrentYaw

      public void setCurrentYaw(double aCurrentYaw)
    • getYawIncrement

      public double getYawIncrement()
    • setYawIncrement

      public void setYawIncrement(double aYawIncrement)
    • getMinZScale

      public double getMinZScale()
    • setMinZScale

      public void setMinZScale(double aMinZScale)
    • getMaxZScale

      public double getMaxZScale()
    • setMaxZScale

      public void setMaxZScale(double aMaxZScale)
    • getCurrentZScale

      public double getCurrentZScale()
    • setCurrentZScale

      public void setCurrentZScale(double aCurrentZScale)
    • getZScaleIncrement

      public double getZScaleIncrement()
    • setZScaleIncrement

      public void setZScaleIncrement(double aZScaleIncrement)
    • getMinYScale

      public double getMinYScale()
    • setMinYScale

      public void setMinYScale(double aMinYScale)
    • getMaxYScale

      public double getMaxYScale()
    • setMaxYScale

      public void setMaxYScale(double aMaxYScale)
    • getCurrentYScale

      public double getCurrentYScale()
    • setCurrentYScale

      public void setCurrentYScale(double aCurrentYScale)
    • getYScaleIncrement

      public double getYScaleIncrement()
    • setYScaleIncrement

      public void setYScaleIncrement(double aYScaleIncrement)
    • getMinXScale

      public double getMinXScale()
    • setMinXScale

      public void setMinXScale(double aMinXScale)
    • getMaxXScale

      public double getMaxXScale()
    • setMaxXScale

      public void setMaxXScale(double aMaxXScale)
    • getCurrentXScale

      public double getCurrentXScale()
    • setCurrentXScale

      public void setCurrentXScale(double aCurrentXScale)
    • getXScaleIncrement

      public double getXScaleIncrement()
    • setXScaleIncrement

      public void setXScaleIncrement(double aXScaleIncrement)
    • getFlags

      public int getFlags()
    • setFlags

      public void setFlags(int aFlags)
    • accept

      public void accept(ALcdOpenFlightSceneVisitor aVisitor)
      Description copied from interface: ILcdOpenFlightNode
      Accepts an OpenFlight visitor. A typical implementation of this method should call aVisitor.visit(this).
      Specified by:
      accept in interface ILcdOpenFlightNode
      accept in class TLcdOpenFlightGeometryNode
      aVisitor - the visitor to accept