Interface ILcd3DMesh

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
TLcdOpenFlightDegreeOfFreedomNode, TLcdOpenFlightGeometryNode, TLcdOpenFlightGroupNode, TLcdOpenFlightLevelOfDetailNode, TLcdOpenFlightObjectNode, TLcdOpenFlightSubFaceNode

public interface ILcd3DMesh extends ILcdBounded
An ILcd3DMesh represents a 3D geometric object. The 3D geometry is represented as follows:
  • vertices, normals, texture coordinates and vertex colors are stored in (conceptually) separate pools
  • the object itself is built out of primitives (e.g. points, lines, triangles, fans, strips, ...)
  • each primitive consists of one or more elements
  • each element contains indices into each of the vertex attribute pools
  • Method Details

    • getVertexCount

      int getVertexCount()
      Returns the number of vertices in this mesh
      the number of vertices in this mesh
      See Also:
    • getNormalCount

      int getNormalCount()
      Returns the number of normal vectors in this mesh
      the number of normal vectors in this mesh
      See Also:
    • getTexCoordCount

      int getTexCoordCount()
      Returns the number of texture coordinates in this mesh
      the number of texture coordinates in this mesh
      See Also:
    • getColorCount

      int getColorCount()
      Returns the number of colors in this mesh
      the number of colors in this mesh
      See Also:
    • getVertexSFCT

      void getVertexSFCT(int aIndex, ILcd3DEditablePoint aVertexSFCT)
      Retrieves a vertex position from the pool.
      aIndex - the index of the vertex to be retrieved
      aVertexSFCT - an ILcd3DEditablePoint to receive the vertex coordinates
    • getNormalSFCT

      void getNormalSFCT(int aIndex, ILcd3DEditablePoint aNormalSFCT)
      Retrieves a vertex normal from the pool.
      aIndex - the index of the normal vector to be retrieved
      aNormalSFCT - an ILcd3DEditablePoint to receive the normal vector coordinates
    • getTexCoordSFCT

      void getTexCoordSFCT(int aIndex, ILcd2DEditablePoint aTexCoordSFCT)
      Retrieves a pair of texture mapping coordinates from the pool.
      aIndex - the index of the texture coordinates to be retrieved
      aTexCoordSFCT - an ILcd2DEditablePoint to receive the texture coordinates
    • getColorSFCT

      void getColorSFCT(int aIndex, float[] aColorSFCT)
      Retrieves a vertex color from the pool.
      aIndex - the index of the color to be retrieved
      aColorSFCT - a float array with a length of at least four, to receive the color components
    • getPrimitiveCount

      int getPrimitiveCount()
      Returns the number of primitives in this mesh
      the number of primitives in this mesh
      See Also:
    • getPrimitive

      ILcd3DPrimitive getPrimitive(int aIndex)
      Retrieves a primitive from this mesh. A primitive can be a point, a line, a triangle, or any of the other types defined in TLcd3DPrimitiveType.
      aIndex - the index of the requested primitive
      an ILcd3DPrimitive
      See Also: