Constructor options for FusionTileSetModel.




Please use FusionTileSetModelConstructorOptions.



bounds: Bounds

The spatial extent for this tileset. These Bounds.reference must be the same as reference.

coverageId: string

The ID of the coverage that should be retrieved

credentials?: boolean

Indicates whether credentials should be included with every HTTP request. See credentials for more information. The default value is false.

dataType?: RasterDataType

Configures the layer's RasterDataType.

The ELEVATION raster data type will only have an effect in a 3D map, and acts as a way of representing 3D terrain visually. The ELEVATION dataType will not be visualized as a colorized heightmap as it only affects the 3D height values of the surface of the earth.

The default is IMAGE.

level0Columns?: number

The number of tile columns at the coarsest level. The default value is 1.

level0Rows?: number

The number of tile rows at the coarsest level, the default value is 1.

levelCount?: number

The number of levels contained in this tileset. The default value is 22.

The spatial reference for this tileset.

When visualizing the model on a WebGL map, any reference is allowed. LuciadRIA will warp your source raster data to the map's reference.

When visualizing the model on a non-WebGL maps, this reference must be the same as the Map.reference because LuciadRIA cannot warp tiles to another projection.

However, if the map is visualized by means of an equidistant cylindrical projection, you can still use geodetic references or different equidistant cylindrical grid references. In such cases, the required warping is limited to the scaling of tiles, which is something a web browser can do efficiently.

requestHeaders?: null | HttpRequestHeaders

An object literal that represents headers (as a key-value map) to send with each HTTP request. If set and not empty), an XHR with the specified headers will be performed instead of creating an Image. See requestHeaders for more information.

requestParameters?: null | {
    [headerName: string]: string | number | boolean | null | undefined;

An object literal that represents the request parameters (as a key-value map) to send with each HTTP request. If set and not empty, the parameters will be added to the HTTP requests.

Type declaration

  • [headerName: string]: string | number | boolean | null | undefined



samplingMode?: RasterSamplingMode

Configures the layer's RasterSamplingMode, corresponding to the setting representation of the underlying raster data.


For elevation, samplingMode POINT is recommended for performance and accuracy.

subdomains?: string[]

When specified, FusionTileSetModel.getTileURL will replace the {s} pattern in baseURL with values from subdomains. This will cause tile requests to be spread across different subdomains. Browsers limit the amount of connections to a single domain. Using subdomains avoids hitting this limit. By default, it's empty.



tileHeight?: number

The height of each individual tile in pixels, 256 will be used if it's not defined.

The tileWidth and tileHeight must be the same value.

tileWidth?: number

The width of each individual tile in pixels, 256 will be used if it's not defined.

The tileWidth and tileHeight must be the same value.

url: string

The base URL of the LuciadFusion tile server.