Constructor options base for FusionTileSetModelConstructorOptions and FusionTileSetModelConstructorDeprecatedOptions.





coverageId: string

The ID of the coverage that should be retrieved

credentials?: boolean

Indicates whether credentials should be included with every HTTP request. See credentials for more information. The default value is false.

requestHeaders?: null | HttpRequestHeaders

An object literal that represents headers (as a key-value map) to send with each HTTP request. If set and not empty), an XHR with the specified headers will be performed instead of creating an Image. See requestHeaders for more information.

requestParameters?: null | {
    [headerName: string]: string | number | boolean | null | undefined;

An object literal that represents the request parameters (as a key-value map) to send with each HTTP request. If set and not empty, the parameters will be added to the HTTP requests.

Type declaration

  • [headerName: string]: string | number | boolean | null | undefined



subdomains?: string[]

When specified, FusionTileSetModel.getTileURL will replace the {s} pattern in baseURL with values from subdomains. This will cause tile requests to be spread across different subdomains. Browsers limit the amount of connections to a single domain. Using subdomains avoids hitting this limit. By default, it's empty.



url: string

The base URL of the LuciadFusion tile server.