Interface ILcyCustomizerFactory

@Deprecated public interface ILcyCustomizerFactory
A more powerful ILcyCustomizerPanel framework has been introduced aside of this functionality. Please note that all existing uses of this mechanism, both adding custom implementations and retrieving implementations added by Lucy addons, keep on working. It is however strongly recommended to use the ILcyCustomizerPanel mechanism for new code. Please refer to the Lucy developer's guide or TLcyUserInterfaceManager.getCompositeCustomizerPanelFactory() for more information on the new mechanism.
Interface for Customizer factories. A Customizer is a GUI for a certain Object. This Object could be anything, a ILcdGXYLayer, ...
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Returns true if createCustomizer will return a customizer that can handle the given object, false otherwise.
    Returns a Customizer for the given Object.
    Returns a display name for the customizer that will be created by createCustomizer( aObject, aModel, aView ).
  • Method Details

    • createCustomizerDisplayName

      String createCustomizerDisplayName(Object aObject)
      Returns a display name for the customizer that will be created by createCustomizer( aObject, aModel, aView ). It should only be used if canCreateCustomizer returns true.
      The display name.
      See Also:
    • canCreateCustomizer

      boolean canCreateCustomizer(Object aObject)
      Returns true if createCustomizer will return a customizer that can handle the given object, false otherwise.
      aObject - The object to test if a customizer can be created for it.
      True if createCustomizer will return a customizer that can handle the given object, false otherwise.
      See Also:
    • createCustomizer

      Customizer createCustomizer(Object aObject)
      Returns a Customizer for the given Object. The Customizer should accept the given Object, so it should not throw an exception when setObject( aObject ) is invoked on the created customizer. Furthermore, the created Customizer must throw an IllegalArgumentException when an attempt is made to set any type of object to the Customizer that it cannot handle. All this is to be able to reuse the same Customizer instance (performance!) for customizing several objects, one after another. This typically means there is a strong relation between canCreateCustomizer(Object) and customizer.setObject: at least when the canCreateCustomizer method returns false, an IllegalArgumentException should be thrown by setObject for the same object.

      setObject(null) can be used on the created Customizer to (temporarily) de-initialize it.

      Note: the implementation of this method must not call setObject on the newly created Customizer as this is the responsibility of the user of the created Customizer.

      aObject - The object to create a customizer for.
      The Customizer that can handle the given object.
      IllegalArgumentException - if and only if canCreateCustomizer( aObject ) returns false.
      See Also: