Class TLcdAltitudeFormat

All Implemented Interfaces:
ILcdFormatter, ILcdParser, Serializable, Cloneable

public class TLcdAltitudeFormat extends Format implements Serializable, ILcdFormatter, ILcdParser

Parses and formats altitudes. More specifically:

- it parses a string containing altitudes in any unit (or without any unit) into doubles of the chosen 'program' unit

- it formats a double of the given 'program' unit into a String containing the chosen 'display' unit

Example for display unit 'TLcdAltitudeUnit.METRE' and program unit 'TLcdAltitudeUnit.KM'

- Parsing '1000 m' will result in 1 (km)

- Formatting '20' (km) will result in '20000 m'

By using the ParsePosition, a string containing more than one altitude can be parsed too. For instance, this string contains four altitudes:

" 200m 1000 1500ft300some text"
It can be parsed by calling parse four times with the same parse position instance. The parse position will be just before "some text". An altitude format configured with meter as its program unit and ft as its display unit will parse the following altitudes, all in meter: 200, 304.8, 457.2, and 91.44. A subsequent parse will return null, because "some text" cannot be parsed.
See Also:
  • Field Details


      public static final int NUMBER_FIELD
      Indicates the field containing the number of the altitude. It is, the altitude without the unit short name. Use format with a FieldPosition with field NUMBER_FIELD to know the start and end index of the number.
      See Also:

      public static final int UNIT_FIELD
      Indicates the field containing the unit short name. Use format with a FieldPosition with field UNIT_FIELD to know the start and end index of the unit short name.
      See Also:
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • getProgramUnit

      public TLcdAltitudeUnit getProgramUnit()
      Returns the program unit.
      the program unit.
      See Also:
    • setProgramUnit

      public void setProgramUnit(TLcdAltitudeUnit aProgramUnit)
      Sets the program unit. Format will assume the given altitude is in this unit. Parse will convert the parsed number to this unit.
      aProgramUnit - The program unit.
      See Also:
    • getDisplayUnit

      public TLcdAltitudeUnit getDisplayUnit()
      Returns the display unit.
      the display unit.
      See Also:
    • setDisplayUnit

      public void setDisplayUnit(TLcdAltitudeUnit aDisplayUnit)
      Sets the display unit. Format.format(Object) will convert the given measurement to this unit. parse(String) will detect and parse the display unit as well as other units of the same measure type. When no unit name is provided the format assumes the value is in the display unit.
      aDisplayUnit - The display unit.

      Changing the display unit will reset the following properties to a default that is appropriate for the unit:

      See Also:
    • isAddUnitShortName

      public boolean isAddUnitShortName()
      Returns true if format will add the unit short name, false otherwise.
      true if format will add the unit short name, false otherwise.
      See Also:
    • setAddUnitShortName

      public void setAddUnitShortName(boolean aAddUnitShortName)
      Sets if format should add the unit short name. Note that parsing ignores this setting.
      aAddUnitShortName - true if unit short name should be added, false otherwise.
      See Also:
    • getUnitAlignment

      public TLcdAltitudeFormat.Alignment getUnitAlignment()
      Returns how the unit short name is aligned.
      one of TLcdAltitudeFormat.Alignment.LEFT or TLcdAltitudeFormat.Alignment.RIGHT
      See Also:
    • setUnitAlignment

      public void setUnitAlignment(TLcdAltitudeFormat.Alignment aUnitAlignment)
      Sets how the unit short name is aligned in the formatted altitude.
      aUnitAlignment - one of TLcdAltitudeFormat.Alignment.LEFT or TLcdAltitudeFormat.Alignment.RIGHT
      See Also:
    • getFractionDigits

      public int getFractionDigits()
      Returns the number of fraction digits used to format the measurement. This is the same value as the getMinimumFractionDigits returns.
      the number of fraction digits used to format the measurement.
      See Also:
    • setFractionDigits

      public void setFractionDigits(int aFractionDigitCount)
      Sets the number of fraction digits that should be used when formatting the measurement. This sets both the minimum and the maximum fraction digits.
      aFractionDigitCount - The number of fraction digits.
      See Also:
      • getFractionDigits(com.luciad.util.TLcdAltitudeUnit)
    • getNaNString

      public String getNaNString()
      Returns the string used for NaN values.
      the string used for NaN values.
      See Also:
    • setNaNString

      public void setNaNString(String aNaNString)
      Sets the string that should be used for NaN values.
      aNaNString - the string to use.
      See Also:
    • formatAltitude

      public String formatAltitude(double aAltitude)
      Format the altitude as a String given the altitude as a double (in program unit).
      aAltitude - the altitude as a double (in program unit).
      the String representation of the altitude.
    • formatAltitude

      public StringBuffer formatAltitude(double aAltitude, StringBuffer aToAppendToSFCT)
      Format the altitude (in program unit) as a String and append to the given StringBuffer.
      aAltitude - the altitude as a double (in program unit).
      aToAppendToSFCT - The string buffer to append to.
      The given StringBuffer: aToAppendToSFCT
    • formatAltitude

      public StringBuffer formatAltitude(double aAltitude, StringBuffer aToAppendToSFCT, FieldPosition aFieldPosition)
      Formats the given altitude and appends that to the given string buffer. The altitude (in program unit) will be converted to display unit.
      aAltitude - Must be instance of Number.
      aToAppendToSFCT - The string buffer where the formatted altitude will be appended to.
      aFieldPosition - NUMBER_FIELD or USER_FIELD. Can be used to retrieve the indices of the unit or of the number.
      The given StringBuffer: aStringBufferToAppendTo
    • parseAltitude

      public double parseAltitude(String aAltitudeString) throws ParseException
      Returns the altitude (in program unit) given a altitude as a string (in display unit).
      aAltitudeString - The string to parse, assumed to be in the display unit.
      A Double with the altitude converted to the program unit.
      ParseException - If the given string cannot be parsed.
    • parseAltitude

      public double parseAltitude(String aAltitudeString, ParsePosition aParsePosition) throws ParseException
      Returns the altitude (in program unit) given a altitude as a string (in display unit).
      aAltitudeString - The string to parse, assumed to be in the display unit.
      aParsePosition - The position to start the parsing at.
      A Double with the altitude converted to the program unit.
      ParseException - If the given string cannot be parsed.
    • format

      public StringBuffer format(Object aObject, StringBuffer aStringBufferToAppendTo, FieldPosition aFieldPosition)
      Specified by:
      format in class Format
    • parse

      public Object parse(String aString) throws IllegalArgumentException
      Description copied from interface: ILcdParser
      Parses a given String and creates a new Object with the corresponding type/properties.
      Specified by:
      parse in interface ILcdParser
      aString - the String to be parsed.
      the resulting new Object.
      IllegalArgumentException - if the String can't be parsed.
    • parseObject

      public Object parseObject(String aString, ParsePosition aParsePosition)
      Specified by:
      parseObject in class Format
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object
    • clone

      public Object clone()
      clone in class Format