Uses of Interface

Packages that use ILcdDisposable
A tool that preprocesses 3D terrain repositories based on a model containing ILcdEarthAsset objects.
Provides a framework for storing the output of an ILcdEarthTileSet on disk.
Provides support for tiling, multileveling and on-demand loading of arbitrary datasets.
ILcdEarthTileSet that provides raster data suitable for use as a 3D terrain texture.
Provides classes for ILcdEarthTileSets with terrain data.
Contains various utility implementations of ILcdEarthTileSet.
This package provides the classes that correspond to AIXM 5.1 data types.
Provides classes and interfaces for decoding and displaying ASTERIX data.
Provides support for decoding CADRG files.
Provides classes to read and write geometries and features from generic spatial databases.
Provides support for decoding ECRG files.
Provides domain model classes and utility classes for modeling GML 2 data.
Provides domain model classes and utility classes for modeling GML 3.1 data.
Provides domain model classes and utility classes for modeling GML 3.2 data.
This package and its subpackages provide a domain model for the KML 2.2 data format.
This package contains all feature classes of KML.
Contains all classes to create a chart of the magnetic north declination and to perform magnetic north calculations.
Provides support for decoding NetCDF files.
This package contains a domain model to represent an NVG 1.4/1.5 data source.
This package contains a domain model to represent an NVG 2.0 data source.
Provides representations, decoders, and encoders for rasters.
Handles the S-57 format.
Provides support for decoding USRP files.
Provides the model and model decoder abstraction for a Tile Store.
Provides a domain model for working with pixel data and a framework for performing image processing on such data.
Basic Input/Output functionality.
This package provides API to model and encapsulate transport requests and responses between a client and server.
This is a terrain analysis add-on for line-of-sight (LOS) calculation on Lightspeed maps.
Provides the add-on to perform visibility calculations between a point observer and other shapes on a Lightspeed map.
Contains graphical user interface related classes like menu bars, toolbars, application panes and customizer factories.
Contains a broad range of classes related to the visual represention of a map.
Contains a broad range of classes related to the visual representation of a map.
Model interfaces
This package provides a convenient facility to transform your data.
General interfaces and implementations to model multi-dimensional data, for example data that can change over time or can vary in height.
This package contains interfaces and classes common to all OGC web services.
Implementation of the OGC Web Coverage Service (WCS) specification.
Client API for an OGC Web Coverage Service (WCS).
Implementation of the OGC Web Feature Service (WFS) specification.
Client API for an OGC Web Feature Service (WFS).
Handles simulation of dynamic data.
Provides support for real-time line of sight calculation on elevation models using hardware acceleration to perform calculations.
This package provides specializations of TLcdLayerTree and related classes for GXY views and GXY layers.
This package provides JavaFX components which are related to a Lightspeed view or allow interaction with a view.
This package provides Swing components which are related to a view or allow interaction with a view.
Classes to work with rectangular axis aligned grids consisting of multiple uniform levels, called multilevel grids.
This package provides Swing components which are related to a view or allow interaction with a view.
Implementation of the OGC Web Map Service (WMS) specification.